It's a tradition I try to keep every year during Christmas. I'd like to thank the people who have been very, very dear to me the past year.
1. My family:
Ok none of you read my blog, but really, you guys have been and will always be the closest people I have. Though I see my school washroom more than I see you guys, I know you'll always be there for me, and I just want you all to know that I've always known how much you love me.
2. F5
Ass: Hello ass I've known you for like 5 years!! How completely horrifying! And though we may not be as active in each other's lives as we were back then I can still proudly say that nothing is more comforting than seeing you. Looking at you grow prettier by the day makes me a bit jealous but I know I will always be that little bit smarter than you are HAHAHA!!!!
Bea: OK I've know you since I was a twerp in Secondary 1! And like I've always said you're the only person in the whole world who can see through me for who I really am. You're like my mirror of Erised if you read Harry Potter, the mirror which shows Harry's dead parents. Ok you don't reflect dead people or whatever but you know what I am deep down. I guess that's why you've always been like a mother to me, and I feel just so absolutely safe with you it's amazing.
Elaine: As I have said 1000 times it makes me super proud to be a friend of such an amazing dancer!!! You've always been a sweetheart to me, always listening to me nag about my plans for the future hahahah which is really not an easy thing to do I know. And just to let you know I LOVE the naan I had at your place on Christmas day!! Your appetite never ceases to amaze me though, I really wonder how you maintain those washboard abs when I have like flabboard abs.
Nat: Just the nut basically but I LURRVE you!! Maybe even as much as all those AC boys clamouring after you hotstuff but HEY in a different way! I never talk to you seriously like how I do to Bea and Ass and even E which I guess is what makes you fun!! Because even though you are about as blur as a tank of water a squid squirted ink in you're still witty and quick and that makes you an interesting conversationalist!!
3. Xun:
OK I don't think you know me very well but I know you pretty well cos I guess a lot of things have happened to you over a year but not much to me so you've basically been pouring a lot more to me than I have the other way. But anyhow you're still a pretty good friend to me (you're pretty and also a good friend) and I really enjoy talking to you! I'm gonna miss all those late night insane 5am conversations and us jet-lagging together though I have absolutely no reason to when you go to NS!! Buy me something from UK!
4. SACO:
Shit: Well obviously you scrolled down looking for you name as I predicted but HEY how can YOU not be here!!! You're really my favourite pile of Shit! It's only been about a year and a half and you're really already my Half, closer to me than I can imagine. You're so completely in your own world which must be slower than a snail doing moonwalk it makes you so adorable and loveable! I guess that's why Paul likes you too HEEHEE!! It's been absolutely wonderful doing all those crazy things together, like seriously SO many dumb things we've done over the past 2 years!! Life in HC would have been as dull as, well, your intellect, if you weren't around!! And I'm really glad I joined council and formed SACO with you because if not, I would not have met you.
CalCal: Haha I know you don't read my blog but hey! You're the very first person to join SACO, and subsequently one of the most loyal members!! You've turned up for almost every outing I can't believe it!! But really while you're always mysterious and in your own world you're really a special friend to me. It's difficult to imagine SACO with you, cos though you don't make as much noise as other people like Meat (HEE) do, it's nice to look back and discover hey! Calcal's still there. Sometimes I can't quite fathom what you're thinking, and yet sometimes I imagine there must be that soft spot in you that must be quite sensitive and protected. But well, since you're entering NS and I'll be going off to uni soon, I expect it'll be some time before we ever find out the real you!!
Jiadi: Add Brother!! You must be like the busiest person in SACO or what!!! But yes you're about as silly as Shit but you should really thank her because without her you would have been the butt of all our jokes!!! HAHAHA!! It's nice to know that we have someone so motherly and domesticated in SACO, but then again it lowers our cool factor!!! DAMN!!! We should re-consider putting you on probation!!
Meat: You piece of meat I think to date we've only had ONE pathetic meaningful conversation!! But anyhow I'm really really glad you're part of SACO because without you we would not have had as many hilarious moments!! Your crazy, hyena-like laughter may be quite scary to some but I think that's your best trait, because your laughter is just completely infectious!! Even people as depressed as Mindy (HAHA) would laugh!!!! And it's GREAT to have you because at least there's someone to suffer with when we're doing apps!
Mindy: Apparently I've known you the longest but I don't remember you at all so you can see how important you are to me. ANYWAY you're like the oldest oldest person I know but it's still quite fun to be with you even though we may not agree on,well, anything!! But I still pretty sad that you'll be leaving for Penn (as much as I am super excited for you) because I'll miss you so much!! WE HAVE TO email each other k!! And don't terrorize people there!! Americans aren't as accepting of old people as we are over here!!! Get a cute boyfriend!!
Pauline: My Quarter!! Well I have to admit like I did in the card I wrote to you that you ARE a pretty good match for my dear Half! So I think I WOULD like you to stay my Quarter for as long as possible!! It's so completely embarrassing how I actually have to ask you for advice on what to wear but it would be ok if you were Half's Half because then you know you are ownself-people (zi ji ren) so it doesn't matter!! And plus your good sense of direction and etc it'd be very useful to have you around!! So just to butter you up STEF SUN ROCKS!!!
RongRong: Hello you furry kiwi fruit how cool is it that we actually snagged the President in SACO!!! And what's even more cool is that you stick around!! I am a bit ashamed to say your English is tons better than mine but HEY I have faith that my English will one day be better than yours. Though you are somewhat of a philanderer (oops) which I must by the way mention I am quite insulted you have not tried to hit on me HAHAHA I do truly hope you will someday find The One oh goodness how corny is this and be content. If not I will pass you my card and please let me handle your divorce cases because I think it'll be quite lucrative. HEEHEE!!!
So that's about it for this year. My hands are aching from the effort, and I haven't even gotten to my apps which are obviously more important than this. But hey, since when have I been able to prioritise!!! love you all!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Writing Essays
Christmas IS my favourite holiday. Though I have no idea why.
I guess I'm not as funny as people imagined because my cards are absolutely boring. Like about as interesting as studying guwen. And it's ALREADY boxing day and I still have cards that're left unwritten!!! ARGH thank goodness writing is my forte or I would have died!! Christmas/US applications are NOT for F-math students.
As much as I recognise that there are some Ultramen who can do Math AND Phsyics AND Lit I am sure most of us are just either men or X-men(slightly mutated), I wonder if people applying to MIT have fewer essays to struggle with. Or for people intending to major in The Beauty of Mathematics or Why Physics Should Dominate the World. But one must remember both courses do not exist. For a reason, of course.
I watched Love, Actually yesterday. Well half of it. Except I've already watched it twice. But I will still bowled over by its bittersweetness. I think Richard Curtis deserves some attention here!! He's the genius who wrote Love Actually, MR. BEAN, Blackadder, Four Weddings and a Funeral, NOTTING HILL and the two Bridget Jones - the all-time favourites. I just watch whatever he writes/directs, really. Unless of course you're not a fan of British humour OR Rowan Atkinson. But how can that be possible!! I don't know a single poor unredeemed soul who doesn't like dear Mr. Bean.
But Christmas 2006 is over. I wonder how I'll spend Christmas in 2007. I wonder how WE'll spend Christmas in 2007.
I guess I'm not as funny as people imagined because my cards are absolutely boring. Like about as interesting as studying guwen. And it's ALREADY boxing day and I still have cards that're left unwritten!!! ARGH thank goodness writing is my forte or I would have died!! Christmas/US applications are NOT for F-math students.
As much as I recognise that there are some Ultramen who can do Math AND Phsyics AND Lit I am sure most of us are just either men or X-men(slightly mutated), I wonder if people applying to MIT have fewer essays to struggle with. Or for people intending to major in The Beauty of Mathematics or Why Physics Should Dominate the World. But one must remember both courses do not exist. For a reason, of course.
I watched Love, Actually yesterday. Well half of it. Except I've already watched it twice. But I will still bowled over by its bittersweetness. I think Richard Curtis deserves some attention here!! He's the genius who wrote Love Actually, MR. BEAN, Blackadder, Four Weddings and a Funeral, NOTTING HILL and the two Bridget Jones - the all-time favourites. I just watch whatever he writes/directs, really. Unless of course you're not a fan of British humour OR Rowan Atkinson. But how can that be possible!! I don't know a single poor unredeemed soul who doesn't like dear Mr. Bean.
But Christmas 2006 is over. I wonder how I'll spend Christmas in 2007. I wonder how WE'll spend Christmas in 2007.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My Guy
Nothing you could say could tear me away from my guy (my guy)
Nothing you could do, 'cause I'm stuck like glue to my guy (my guy)
I'm sticking to my guy like a stamp to a letter
Like birds of a feather, we stick together
I'm tellin' you from the start
I can't be torn apart from my guy
Nothing you could do could make me untrue to my guy (my guy)
Nothing you could buy could make me tell a lie to my guy (my guy)
I gave my guy my word of honour to be faithful, and I'm gonna
You best be believing I won't be deceiving my guy
As a matter of opinion I think he's tops
My opinion is he's the cream of the crop
As a matter of taste, to be exact
He's my ideal, as a matter of fact
No muscle bound man could take my hand from my guy (my guy)
No handsome face could ever take the place of my guy (my guy)
He may not be a movie star, but when it comes to bein' happy, we are
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
No muscle bound man could take my hand from my guy (my guy)
No handsome face could ever take the place of my guy (my guy)
He may not be a movie star, but when it comes to bein' happy, we are
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
(What you say ?)
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
(One more time)
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Since my darling half has asked me to update I will!!
Nothing much going on in my life now except I go through the same routine everyday. I wake up thinking ok yes today I will be a good girl and complete my apps but I don't. I have lunch/breakfast (or The Meal I Eat At Noon when I Wake Up) before retreating to my mom's to watch Miss Mo (super good HK serial) with my family. Then I'd take a nap or in today's case read a light chick lit before going back to bed heehee. After that wake up for dinner, more TV then my personal movie session. I'd pour a glass of vodka (only 6%) for myself and plonk myself on the sofa till 3 am or something. So far the best movie I've watched is Mona Lisa Smile which is really quite interesting because the reviewers weren't exactly too enthusiastic about it. But I think all feminists should watch it. Princess Diaries 2 is not bad either mainly because of Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway, two of my favouritest actresses as you can see from the list on my blog (though I think Julie Andrews isn't on it). In short I've been wasting my life away and you know what? I really really enjoy it!!!
Had a great time with Halfie on Friday. We met up to discuss some things but we ended early and ended up talking about all sorts of rubbish which frankly I can't quite remember now! But Halfie is always fun to be with :) Talked to Shit about some problems I've had lately. Problems were very minor but there were many sleepless nights cos of them. I never thought I was going to say anything for ever and ever and till the world ends but I guess since Shit's my Half it's ok hahaha. I'm glad I told her though!! Cos now I've solved the problem and sleeping better than ever!!!
Should do my essays now. More in future, when my life is more exciting!
Nothing much going on in my life now except I go through the same routine everyday. I wake up thinking ok yes today I will be a good girl and complete my apps but I don't. I have lunch/breakfast (or The Meal I Eat At Noon when I Wake Up) before retreating to my mom's to watch Miss Mo (super good HK serial) with my family. Then I'd take a nap or in today's case read a light chick lit before going back to bed heehee. After that wake up for dinner, more TV then my personal movie session. I'd pour a glass of vodka (only 6%) for myself and plonk myself on the sofa till 3 am or something. So far the best movie I've watched is Mona Lisa Smile which is really quite interesting because the reviewers weren't exactly too enthusiastic about it. But I think all feminists should watch it. Princess Diaries 2 is not bad either mainly because of Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway, two of my favouritest actresses as you can see from the list on my blog (though I think Julie Andrews isn't on it). In short I've been wasting my life away and you know what? I really really enjoy it!!!
Had a great time with Halfie on Friday. We met up to discuss some things but we ended early and ended up talking about all sorts of rubbish which frankly I can't quite remember now! But Halfie is always fun to be with :) Talked to Shit about some problems I've had lately. Problems were very minor but there were many sleepless nights cos of them. I never thought I was going to say anything for ever and ever and till the world ends but I guess since Shit's my Half it's ok hahaha. I'm glad I told her though!! Cos now I've solved the problem and sleeping better than ever!!!
Should do my essays now. More in future, when my life is more exciting!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Prom and SACO chalet!!
Prom was fun!! Everyone looked really different and we were all just basically photo-whoring HAHA but well it was a great experience!! Will let the photos say it all:
My Other Half and I decided to attend prom in slightly different outfits. So she being dark wore white and dressed as an Angel while I being fair wore black (to cover me fats) and went as the Devil!! And of course when Paul (who rightfully won Best Dressed!) Half and I emerged from the cab everyone was like OMG HAHA! Yea I think we had quite an elaborate entrance!! Our efforts won us Best Accessorized of the night!! So special mention to Mindy who created the trident and Shit's beautiful wand for us!! I love my Other Half! Only she would do something like that with me HEEHEE.
A slutty photo taken with Poochie hehheh because he said we should try to look slutty. Obviously being the cutesy innocent girl I am it's quite difficult to look slutty so our photo turned out like this. And Poochie instead of looking sexy looked sleepy instead -.-
Bobbert who turned up in beachwear and told all of us that was what he was wearing for the night and we actually trusted him!! Not because we are dumb (we're not) but because he is totally the sort who would do stupid things HAHAHA!! By the way bobs if you're here your $85 musical was totally amusing but THANK GOD I didn't join you guys!!!!
I really have no idea what is with the look of horror on Xun's face since he is flanked by the two most beautiful girls of the night!!!
Suan Huiyan and me! Well technically I was supposed to sit next to Huiyan for the night but obviously no one follows those mundane seating plans!! But managed to take photos with them nonetheless.
Street Urchin in his shirt(HAHA! inside joke) and me!! HAHA! Wanted to take more photos with him but I couldn't find him later. Too bad!
My favourite Mole darling ZEZE who had a sexy butterfly on her back!!!! We're supposed to meet up to watch Sound of Music for the 1000th time together!!
HAHA this photo cracks me up it's our photo with Colin!! Actually I don't know him but he's the Prom King AND the tallest guy in school plus he has 1000 girls after him so he's quite legendary!!! I HAD to take a photo with him before I left school! He's like literally half a metre taller than me and yet he still blushes when he sees people saying hi to him HAHA!!! How adorable!
Photo with classmates Minsi Huiyan and Weiqi who so predictably dressed as a Princess!!! Didn't manage to say more than 2 sentences to them though, unfortunately.
Darling Mindy!! My future neighbour whom I'm supposed to live next door if she doesn't marry before 40 HEEHEE!!! I love that woman but clearly she doesn't love me as much.
WELCO!!! Miss these people!!! But we'll be seeing them soon!! Especially the guys like xiaoxiao gum haining etc whom I really seldom see anymore. WELCO OUTING YAHOO!
SACO! My favourite people in the whole school!!! I think I'll weep when Pooch and RongRong (and oh yea, Paul) go to NS and when SACO splits to the rest of the world :( There's not one of these people I don't love with my greatest affections!
SACO Chalet (5/12-6/12)
OK admittedly it was a pretty bad idea to arrange for a SACO chalet immediately after prom BUT we had no choice because we all weren't free at all except for those 2 days!!! So anyhow we (except Jiadi and JR who came late) made our way to a dingy and slightly run-down chalet at East Coast. The first thing we did was to rush to the air-conditioned room to play Bridge HAHA!! But since Shit and I didn't know how to play Poochie taught us and we won like 6 games in a row!! So we got bored of winning and just all slept together on the bed even though Paul insisted we continue playing. Poochie Meat Mindy and I slept quite well but Paul and Shit actually went missing while we slept (the sneaky duo!!!).
At 5 plus we woke up to eat a scrumptious dinner of cup noodles and proceeded on to another game of cards :( POKER!! We decided to use our fingers as bets instead of money because you know when you bet everything it's called SHOW HAND HAHAHAHA!!! And we were doing silly things like imitating Bond while Meat imitated the Guy who Weeped Blood in Bond. I tried imitating Vesper but failed spectacularly HAHAHA! I was leading initially but was overtaken by Shit who had a record breaking number of 30++ fingers which she lost ALL at one go to Poochie who had wonderful cards!! HAHAHA!!! So she fell from Top Girl to like Mud or something and even went to Basement (which was what we called people who had negative fingers). We then tried to rescue Meat who had been in the Basement for a horribly long time and all cheered like crazy when she had a pair while Poochie tried to shout over the noise and cheering no to avail to alert us to his second pair HAHAHAHA defeating Meat and once again banishing her to the recesses of Hell. The scene was so hilarious I can't forget how Pooch was waving his hands wildly trying to attract our attention while Meat kept jumping on the bed and the rest of us kept shouting in joy, completely ignoring dear Pooch!!!!! But of course Pooch was on a winning streak because I was the banker HAHAHA!!!
At 12.01 exactly we made our move to Mac's which was like 100000 miles away from the chalet or something for supper!!! But by then RongRong was so tired he looked like a vampire so we moved back to the chalet after a short supper. We actually managed to sleep quite comfortably in the room!! There was a bed and 2 mattresses so RongRong Pooch Mindy and I shared the bed sleeping as straight as possible so as not to touch the other people while Jiadi and Meat slept on one mattress and Paul and Shit on the other. I slept quite well!! But I think Pooch didn't cos he woke up pretty early. Mindy too!! Like Mindy said I think we all have very funny sleeping habits but also not very nice to say here heehee.
SACO chalet was fun!! Though not completely exciting, I guess it's the company that counts. How saddening that in a month we'd have to say byebye to RongRong and Poochie :( :( :( But then we can have a SACO Girls' Night Out!! HEE!

SACO Chalet (5/12-6/12)
OK admittedly it was a pretty bad idea to arrange for a SACO chalet immediately after prom BUT we had no choice because we all weren't free at all except for those 2 days!!! So anyhow we (except Jiadi and JR who came late) made our way to a dingy and slightly run-down chalet at East Coast. The first thing we did was to rush to the air-conditioned room to play Bridge HAHA!! But since Shit and I didn't know how to play Poochie taught us and we won like 6 games in a row!! So we got bored of winning and just all slept together on the bed even though Paul insisted we continue playing. Poochie Meat Mindy and I slept quite well but Paul and Shit actually went missing while we slept (the sneaky duo!!!).
At 5 plus we woke up to eat a scrumptious dinner of cup noodles and proceeded on to another game of cards :( POKER!! We decided to use our fingers as bets instead of money because you know when you bet everything it's called SHOW HAND HAHAHAHA!!! And we were doing silly things like imitating Bond while Meat imitated the Guy who Weeped Blood in Bond. I tried imitating Vesper but failed spectacularly HAHAHA! I was leading initially but was overtaken by Shit who had a record breaking number of 30++ fingers which she lost ALL at one go to Poochie who had wonderful cards!! HAHAHA!!! So she fell from Top Girl to like Mud or something and even went to Basement (which was what we called people who had negative fingers). We then tried to rescue Meat who had been in the Basement for a horribly long time and all cheered like crazy when she had a pair while Poochie tried to shout over the noise and cheering no to avail to alert us to his second pair HAHAHAHA defeating Meat and once again banishing her to the recesses of Hell. The scene was so hilarious I can't forget how Pooch was waving his hands wildly trying to attract our attention while Meat kept jumping on the bed and the rest of us kept shouting in joy, completely ignoring dear Pooch!!!!! But of course Pooch was on a winning streak because I was the banker HAHAHA!!!
At 12.01 exactly we made our move to Mac's which was like 100000 miles away from the chalet or something for supper!!! But by then RongRong was so tired he looked like a vampire so we moved back to the chalet after a short supper. We actually managed to sleep quite comfortably in the room!! There was a bed and 2 mattresses so RongRong Pooch Mindy and I shared the bed sleeping as straight as possible so as not to touch the other people while Jiadi and Meat slept on one mattress and Paul and Shit on the other. I slept quite well!! But I think Pooch didn't cos he woke up pretty early. Mindy too!! Like Mindy said I think we all have very funny sleeping habits but also not very nice to say here heehee.
SACO chalet was fun!! Though not completely exciting, I guess it's the company that counts. How saddening that in a month we'd have to say byebye to RongRong and Poochie :( :( :( But then we can have a SACO Girls' Night Out!! HEE!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sandy Lam
Last Call for Anyone who would like to watch Sandy Lam's Concert with me!!!!!!!!!
9th December $148
9th December $148
Monday, November 27, 2006
How ironic that I've grown tired of the PC immediately after my As! Other than playing Kenneth's Total War (which is so super addictive) I've been watching TV 24/7 and I can tell you nothing is more blissful that that!
It's OVER!! But I don't feel that overwhelming sense of euphoria. Perhaps it's because that huge amount of work awaiting- SATs, Uni applications, interviews, dinners, lunches etc. Actually all I want is just a good night's sleep!!
But anyhow, I had a GREAT weekend with my darling Shit! I met her immediately after As and got a huge SHOCK!!! I met her at the Orchard MRT station and was about to wave her away when I realised she wasn't a flyer distrributor like I thought she was but my darling SHIT! You should see what she's done to her hair HAHAHA!!! Well fine it's not that bad but it never occured to me that yes! We can do whatever we want now!!!
And because we're so beautiful, radiating and glowing (though I looked like a corpse dragged in after three hours of torture in the examination hall while Shit looked more like she just had eye surgery with her red eyes) people actually approached us from the TALENT SEARCH MODEL AGENCY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Actually judging from their appearance, the likelihood of them being truly sincere about asking us to be real strutting-on-runway or wearing-LV-on-cover-of-newspaper models is about as low as, well, me. Well you never know! Because many people try to deceive innocent young girls like us! But hello! AM I ABOUT to be taken in by some third-grade lowdown scammer!?!?!?! How horribly insulting!! Honestly they're lucky that I haven't been out cheating people! Anyway this bored looking girl tried to ask me for my number (she already asked Shit before I came) so I said "HAHA I...I am..." and before I could complete my sentence she said "no don't worry you're not ugly" so I pointed at her and said "Eh! I never said I was ugly!" and then I gave snide smile followed by a huge and pretty loud laugh which reverberated in the MRT station and which I think scared her a little so I gave a lame excuse and walked away laughing!!!! WTH at least say "don't worry you're beautiful!" or something "you're not ugly" is such a damn stupid thing to say. Maybe I was quite cruel because the poor dear was just looking for a job but please you're barking up the wrong tree babe I wasn't born yesterday!!!!
And Shit and I met with another girl who was from the same firm (my goodness). She was like (to Shit) "how old are you?" so Shit said "16". And she was like oh good! You're old enough, leave your name and etc and Shit was like damn! though she didn't say it but obviously I felt it cos we're One after all duh. So she wrote "Betty" on the card she gave and wrote some random numbers. At that point I couldn't bear it anymore and almost burst out laughing so I went to "analyse" the MRT route lines HAHAHAHA!! And Betty being distracted by me couldn't remember how many numbers there she was writing so she had to mentally COUNT the numbers for her phone number HAHAHA!! (What was eerie though was someone actually called her and asked for Betty!!! Though it was a wrong number HAHA) And that poor dear finally turned and asked how old I was so I said meekly, batting my eyelids and trying to look as innocent as possible and said "15" (since 16 didn't work) and she was like "oh" with a downcast expression cos I guess it means she can't meet her quota. HAHAHAHA what an amusing day!!! Shit and I really had a great laugh my goodness!!!!
Later we decided on new names for ourselves (apparently we've more or less forgotten about our Ashley and Mary Kate Honchen HAHA) so Shit's Betty Barbie Chen (BBC I just realised!!) and I'm Bridget Britney (not Brittany pls) Hon!!! And we realised if you write a book with our names it'll sound like this:
One day, Betty Barbie Chen was lonely and decided to call her best friend Bridget Britney Hon. Betty Barbie fished for her cellphone from her Burberry bag and called Bridget Britney: "Hello Bridget Britney?" "Hello Betty Barbie best buddy!! Anything the matter?" "Well nothing, Bridget Britney, I just wanted to hear your voice!!" "Why, Betty Barbie, how sweet of you! I've just been thinking about you too!!" "Oh my dearest Bridget Britney, have you had lunch?" "Indeed I have, Betty Barbie!" "Well Bridget Britney, so have I! I guess this is called..." "TELEPATHY!!"
It's OVER!! But I don't feel that overwhelming sense of euphoria. Perhaps it's because that huge amount of work awaiting- SATs, Uni applications, interviews, dinners, lunches etc. Actually all I want is just a good night's sleep!!
But anyhow, I had a GREAT weekend with my darling Shit! I met her immediately after As and got a huge SHOCK!!! I met her at the Orchard MRT station and was about to wave her away when I realised she wasn't a flyer distrributor like I thought she was but my darling SHIT! You should see what she's done to her hair HAHAHA!!! Well fine it's not that bad but it never occured to me that yes! We can do whatever we want now!!!
And because we're so beautiful, radiating and glowing (though I looked like a corpse dragged in after three hours of torture in the examination hall while Shit looked more like she just had eye surgery with her red eyes) people actually approached us from the TALENT SEARCH MODEL AGENCY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Actually judging from their appearance, the likelihood of them being truly sincere about asking us to be real strutting-on-runway or wearing-LV-on-cover-of-newspaper models is about as low as, well, me. Well you never know! Because many people try to deceive innocent young girls like us! But hello! AM I ABOUT to be taken in by some third-grade lowdown scammer!?!?!?! How horribly insulting!! Honestly they're lucky that I haven't been out cheating people! Anyway this bored looking girl tried to ask me for my number (she already asked Shit before I came) so I said "HAHA I...I am..." and before I could complete my sentence she said "no don't worry you're not ugly" so I pointed at her and said "Eh! I never said I was ugly!" and then I gave snide smile followed by a huge and pretty loud laugh which reverberated in the MRT station and which I think scared her a little so I gave a lame excuse and walked away laughing!!!! WTH at least say "don't worry you're beautiful!" or something "you're not ugly" is such a damn stupid thing to say. Maybe I was quite cruel because the poor dear was just looking for a job but please you're barking up the wrong tree babe I wasn't born yesterday!!!!
And Shit and I met with another girl who was from the same firm (my goodness). She was like (to Shit) "how old are you?" so Shit said "16". And she was like oh good! You're old enough, leave your name and etc and Shit was like damn! though she didn't say it but obviously I felt it cos we're One after all duh. So she wrote "Betty" on the card she gave and wrote some random numbers. At that point I couldn't bear it anymore and almost burst out laughing so I went to "analyse" the MRT route lines HAHAHAHA!! And Betty being distracted by me couldn't remember how many numbers there she was writing so she had to mentally COUNT the numbers for her phone number HAHAHA!! (What was eerie though was someone actually called her and asked for Betty!!! Though it was a wrong number HAHA) And that poor dear finally turned and asked how old I was so I said meekly, batting my eyelids and trying to look as innocent as possible and said "15" (since 16 didn't work) and she was like "oh" with a downcast expression cos I guess it means she can't meet her quota. HAHAHAHA what an amusing day!!! Shit and I really had a great laugh my goodness!!!!
Later we decided on new names for ourselves (apparently we've more or less forgotten about our Ashley and Mary Kate Honchen HAHA) so Shit's Betty Barbie Chen (BBC I just realised!!) and I'm Bridget Britney (not Brittany pls) Hon!!! And we realised if you write a book with our names it'll sound like this:
One day, Betty Barbie Chen was lonely and decided to call her best friend Bridget Britney Hon. Betty Barbie fished for her cellphone from her Burberry bag and called Bridget Britney: "Hello Bridget Britney?" "Hello Betty Barbie best buddy!! Anything the matter?" "Well nothing, Bridget Britney, I just wanted to hear your voice!!" "Why, Betty Barbie, how sweet of you! I've just been thinking about you too!!" "Oh my dearest Bridget Britney, have you had lunch?" "Indeed I have, Betty Barbie!" "Well Bridget Britney, so have I! I guess this is called..." "TELEPATHY!!"
The end
How's this for a story? Not bad eh? I think I should be a novelist!!!
Anyway we spent the whole of Fri and Sat afternoon shopping for our prom dress but honestly we haven't really made a lot of progress!! Maybe it's because we were all too tired! But we HAVE HAVE HAVE TO GET the damn dress by Thursday or I'll die of a panic attack!!!!!! Thought Shit seems pretty convinced we'll find something to wear. WE HAVE TO or we'll have to go as Eve!!!!! But though I didn't buy my prom dress I got distracted along the way and bought quite a few things and HAHA spent nearly $400 in a couple of hours I realised!!! OMG! I bought a pair of boots and a top from mphosis, a top and a cap from Esprit and a shirt and pants from G2000 and some random things from M&S which actually is not much. And I haven't even gone to all the places I normally go to in Wisma omg I'm dead!!! No wonder people have to work during their hols!!!! But actually me mom's paying so not so bad HAHAHA. Good to have a mom who loves it when you buy clothes. Need to get new jeans!!! I went into CalCal Klein and AX and OMG!! Exhorbitant prices!!! Like $100 for one top!?!?!?! And like $300 for a pair of jeans HELLO are they woven with gold!!!!! I'd only spend such money if it were mine. Doesn't make sense to make my mom pay for it. I'll have to roam around for pairs that costs around $100. Any recommendations? Remember I have to spend half my life in them!
More shopping soon!! HEE!
Anyway we spent the whole of Fri and Sat afternoon shopping for our prom dress but honestly we haven't really made a lot of progress!! Maybe it's because we were all too tired! But we HAVE HAVE HAVE TO GET the damn dress by Thursday or I'll die of a panic attack!!!!!! Thought Shit seems pretty convinced we'll find something to wear. WE HAVE TO or we'll have to go as Eve!!!!! But though I didn't buy my prom dress I got distracted along the way and bought quite a few things and HAHA spent nearly $400 in a couple of hours I realised!!! OMG! I bought a pair of boots and a top from mphosis, a top and a cap from Esprit and a shirt and pants from G2000 and some random things from M&S which actually is not much. And I haven't even gone to all the places I normally go to in Wisma omg I'm dead!!! No wonder people have to work during their hols!!!! But actually me mom's paying so not so bad HAHAHA. Good to have a mom who loves it when you buy clothes. Need to get new jeans!!! I went into CalCal Klein and AX and OMG!! Exhorbitant prices!!! Like $100 for one top!?!?!?! And like $300 for a pair of jeans HELLO are they woven with gold!!!!! I'd only spend such money if it were mine. Doesn't make sense to make my mom pay for it. I'll have to roam around for pairs that costs around $100. Any recommendations? Remember I have to spend half my life in them!
More shopping soon!! HEE!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I was just reading Sacmani's blog which is absolutely hilarious I almost spit my gummies out when I saw the who-went-out-with-who thing and she actually went home -.- I mean like hello sacmani how boring can you get. But of course things are different since all your best buddies are either S7 people like Shit Meat Jiadi or the Elite people like me. But why can't you go out alone? I went to Orchard by myself too after econs on wed. But that was of course to buy books so not a lot of people would have agreed to go. AND someone was supposed to go with me initially GRRRR.
And yes my schedule's packed!! But not like it's ALL social events!!! Some are actually serious things k like interviews and SATs. I mean all these events are with people I really like but I kinda wished I had more time to rot at home too. Because right after that if I get past the SPH thing I might get the internship and not that I'm complaining but it'll mean more work than I've been doing during As.
Funny that Sacmani wrote about her being single at 40 cos my parents are worried about the same thing too (not Mani not being married, worried about me). Apparently my mom met my dad at 19 and she had a couple of boyfriends before that so now she's like super worried about me because I'm like the most asexual person on earth other than Calvin or smth. Plus she knows that I'm not even keen on having a "proper family" like Sacmani's dying to have (HAHAHA she's going to kill me) so that's what's more worrying. Actually I think they're just afraid I'll come back penniless and bf-less and insist on living in my old room and waiting for my dad to cook me crabs every sunday which actually sounds like a good idea. Anyway my parents are like fully prepared for something like that happen ever since I told them that I don't think I'll earn a lot of money cos I just want to do what I like and earn enough money to roam around the earth unless of course Heaven is kind and gives me a scholarship then I'll be bound to somewhere for at least 6 years. But I know my daddy loves me too much to reject me if I come begging at their door heehee.
Seriously Sacmani if you're still single by 40 I think there're many reasons to celebrate too!! For one you're fully welcome to come live next to my apartment/place unless my bf's occupying that lot and I'll inform the police when you die. I'll send my dog over to sniff at the crack of the door every day to check if there''re weird smells? But I expect there'll be everyday if you do your own cooking. HAHAHAHA!!!! CHILL BABY you're like 18!!!!!! GET a life man! HAHAHA!
OK back to lit!
And yes my schedule's packed!! But not like it's ALL social events!!! Some are actually serious things k like interviews and SATs. I mean all these events are with people I really like but I kinda wished I had more time to rot at home too. Because right after that if I get past the SPH thing I might get the internship and not that I'm complaining but it'll mean more work than I've been doing during As.
Funny that Sacmani wrote about her being single at 40 cos my parents are worried about the same thing too (not Mani not being married, worried about me). Apparently my mom met my dad at 19 and she had a couple of boyfriends before that so now she's like super worried about me because I'm like the most asexual person on earth other than Calvin or smth. Plus she knows that I'm not even keen on having a "proper family" like Sacmani's dying to have (HAHAHA she's going to kill me) so that's what's more worrying. Actually I think they're just afraid I'll come back penniless and bf-less and insist on living in my old room and waiting for my dad to cook me crabs every sunday which actually sounds like a good idea. Anyway my parents are like fully prepared for something like that happen ever since I told them that I don't think I'll earn a lot of money cos I just want to do what I like and earn enough money to roam around the earth unless of course Heaven is kind and gives me a scholarship then I'll be bound to somewhere for at least 6 years. But I know my daddy loves me too much to reject me if I come begging at their door heehee.
Seriously Sacmani if you're still single by 40 I think there're many reasons to celebrate too!! For one you're fully welcome to come live next to my apartment/place unless my bf's occupying that lot and I'll inform the police when you die. I'll send my dog over to sniff at the crack of the door every day to check if there''re weird smells? But I expect there'll be everyday if you do your own cooking. HAHAHAHA!!!! CHILL BABY you're like 18!!!!!! GET a life man! HAHAHA!
OK back to lit!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
One More Week
One more week!! Actually I'm not really that excited, considering the week immediately following Liberty is more packed than Imprisonment.
OK lazy to write any more. More later.
OK lazy to write any more. More later.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Two More Weeks
FINALLY time to blow some dust off my little ol' blog. We're all nearing the end now only two weeks to go!!!!
Frankly the examinations haven't been going as well. Geepee was a complete flop (how ironic considering geepee might be most directly related to my future career), LEP was just hilarious and math was surprisingly smooth sailing I mean obviously if I don't count all the careless mistakes and what not. I think I've just said byebye to my A for LEP too which is quite disappointing considering it was the only subject I was able to do well in in school. Econs and Lit left, will study hard for it!!!!! This is my last chance to prove to my mom that I am a hardworking girl!!!
Jiayou to all!!!
Frankly the examinations haven't been going as well. Geepee was a complete flop (how ironic considering geepee might be most directly related to my future career), LEP was just hilarious and math was surprisingly smooth sailing I mean obviously if I don't count all the careless mistakes and what not. I think I've just said byebye to my A for LEP too which is quite disappointing considering it was the only subject I was able to do well in in school. Econs and Lit left, will study hard for it!!!!! This is my last chance to prove to my mom that I am a hardworking girl!!!
Jiayou to all!!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Mui-jeh was my very first idol and I started listening to her even before I knew what music was. Suddenly miss her a lot, so decided to watch a few of her videos during my break. It's pretty heart-wrenching to watch her so dedicated and professional because she apparently fainted after her performance from some illness. Sigh. Back to work.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Green Tea Ice Cream
I am currently crazy over green tea ice cream especially those rich and presumably extremely fattening kind that they sell at Orchard these days.
I had a weird dream again last night: I dreamt that I went to this ice cream store and was looking for green tea ice cream as per normal and finally I spotted it!!! It was dark green, rich and strong and I was about to reach greedily into the freezer when my dad entered the room and woke me up. -.-
Yea ok this entry has been quite stupid. Maybe someone can buy me one?? HEEHEE
I had a weird dream again last night: I dreamt that I went to this ice cream store and was looking for green tea ice cream as per normal and finally I spotted it!!! It was dark green, rich and strong and I was about to reach greedily into the freezer when my dad entered the room and woke me up. -.-
Yea ok this entry has been quite stupid. Maybe someone can buy me one?? HEEHEE
Thursday, October 26, 2006
试看春残花渐落, 便是红颜老逝时。
试看春残花渐落, 便是红颜老逝时。
This is probably my favourite part out of the entire Red Building Dreams because it just encapsulates the fragility and melancholy of life in literally a few words. And it can't be translated because it'll sound so stupid:
Black Jade Burying Flowers (HAHA)
You die today so I bury you, but when is it my turn to die?
People laugh at me because I bury you, but who will bury me in future?
Try and see the spring at the end then the flowers fall slowly, that is the end of youth.
In one morning the spring ends and the younth dies, but no one knows of our passing.
You die today so I bury you, but when is it my turn to die?
People laugh at me because I bury you, but who will bury me in future?
Try and see the spring at the end then the flowers fall slowly, that is the end of youth.
In one morning the spring ends and the younth dies, but no one knows of our passing.
SEE it is absolutely impossible to do this in English!!! Then again you can't translate Shakespeare into Chinese and still keep the humor etc so it works both ways.
OK back to studying -.-
OK back to studying -.-
Monday, October 23, 2006
SHIT! Shit. shit. SHIT! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT!!
There!! I've mentioned you now!!! HEEHEE!!! Oh please if I'm not talking to you I'm messaging you; if I'm not messaging you I'm thinking of our conversations!! Isn't it enough?! Do you have to invade my blog space as well?!
But ok fine I do love you so it's ok :) :) :)
New word of the day:
impetus: a moving force, an impulse; the momentum of a moving body.
There!! I've mentioned you now!!! HEEHEE!!! Oh please if I'm not talking to you I'm messaging you; if I'm not messaging you I'm thinking of our conversations!! Isn't it enough?! Do you have to invade my blog space as well?!
But ok fine I do love you so it's ok :) :) :)
New word of the day:
impetus: a moving force, an impulse; the momentum of a moving body.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Part of Your World
(Maybe he's right. Maybe there is something the matter with me.
I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.)
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she's got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'
Walking around on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - feet!
Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down a - what's that word again?
Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land they understand
That they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand
I'm ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it - what's the word?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.)
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she's got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'
Walking around on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - feet!
Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down a - what's that word again?
Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land they understand
That they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand
I'm ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it - what's the word?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I have some of the weirdest dreams in the world.
I took a nap today after getting an entire section on monopoly wrong today, and boy, were my dreams odd. It's not the first time I've had the same dream, but it was more like a continuation. Frankly my dreams are so odd and so fantastical I can sell the ideas to the Wachowski brothers!! I'm always highly skilled in my dreams, and in this particular one I was able to do virtually anything. My nap was too short for me to explore a little with my powers but I was agile and brilliant and etc, with all the attributes of the typical Hollywood Heroine. And so the story was I was working undercover with several other friends (none of them from real life) in this house for God knows why, and it was time to leave. Before this scene was something else. We'd taken over a prison bus or something and were sitting at the back talking and laughing. I looked like me, but I think I was a guy? I don't know, or something in the middle. I received a message from headquarters saying there would be three tries to exit and suddenly I remember a previous dream, in which our escape was thwarted and I died in an explosion. So I was very nervous and I think my whole body tensed up during my sleep and I hurriedly ran around the house packing my things. I of course could do things that I can't do in real life like jump over the sofa, fly here and there (yea, a little like Lady Croft) haha!!! Before I left there was this girl who spotted me and she asked me not to go but of course I had to. Now the thing about this girl is I can't tell what our relationship was. Was she my friend? Or egads! Was she my lover? OMG! WEIRD DREAMS!!! Anyhow I left the place anyway with my luggage and saw my ship at the carpark (yes it was a spaceship, something that resembles what the X-men would take) and I stuffed my things onto it. I didn't have time to jump in because the ship had to go get my brothers and anyway it was only the first trial. And then I woke up.
When I wake up I'd be so stiffed with nerves and covered in sweat that I think it would have been better and more relaxing without the nap. I guess it might be because of the nearing exams, because if my memory does not fail me I had dreams of my own death in secondary school. But then death in my dreams (unless it's of other people and not me) are never unhappy affairs. In fact I manage to fly around after my death, down to Hell to rescue my friends and then up to earth again, and then life does not seem so desirable after all.
I took a nap today after getting an entire section on monopoly wrong today, and boy, were my dreams odd. It's not the first time I've had the same dream, but it was more like a continuation. Frankly my dreams are so odd and so fantastical I can sell the ideas to the Wachowski brothers!! I'm always highly skilled in my dreams, and in this particular one I was able to do virtually anything. My nap was too short for me to explore a little with my powers but I was agile and brilliant and etc, with all the attributes of the typical Hollywood Heroine. And so the story was I was working undercover with several other friends (none of them from real life) in this house for God knows why, and it was time to leave. Before this scene was something else. We'd taken over a prison bus or something and were sitting at the back talking and laughing. I looked like me, but I think I was a guy? I don't know, or something in the middle. I received a message from headquarters saying there would be three tries to exit and suddenly I remember a previous dream, in which our escape was thwarted and I died in an explosion. So I was very nervous and I think my whole body tensed up during my sleep and I hurriedly ran around the house packing my things. I of course could do things that I can't do in real life like jump over the sofa, fly here and there (yea, a little like Lady Croft) haha!!! Before I left there was this girl who spotted me and she asked me not to go but of course I had to. Now the thing about this girl is I can't tell what our relationship was. Was she my friend? Or egads! Was she my lover? OMG! WEIRD DREAMS!!! Anyhow I left the place anyway with my luggage and saw my ship at the carpark (yes it was a spaceship, something that resembles what the X-men would take) and I stuffed my things onto it. I didn't have time to jump in because the ship had to go get my brothers and anyway it was only the first trial. And then I woke up.
When I wake up I'd be so stiffed with nerves and covered in sweat that I think it would have been better and more relaxing without the nap. I guess it might be because of the nearing exams, because if my memory does not fail me I had dreams of my own death in secondary school. But then death in my dreams (unless it's of other people and not me) are never unhappy affairs. In fact I manage to fly around after my death, down to Hell to rescue my friends and then up to earth again, and then life does not seem so desirable after all.
Friday, October 13, 2006
It's 1.30 am now and I ought to be in bed in preparation for school tomorrow but I just can't bring myself to sleep. I'm a day away from the SATII which will decide (to a certain extent) if I can get into the Unis I'm dying to enter. I'm not even going to say here which Unis I've applied for because it's so painfully ambitious!! What a waste of $500 sending the applications.
I did a few practice tests for math and got 600++ each time and I'm really fed-up from making careless mistakes and being stumped by secondary school math. Like I told RongRong I can't believe we're studying for something so irrelevant at this point in time. And it's not like my grades (apparently BDEE now because too many people got A for LEP and I missed the new A by 0.4 MARKS) are anything near average. And when we're not busy studying for SATs we're doing our US and UCAS applications or scholarship applications which never seem to end. How ironic that I am compromising on my grades to do these things that require good results.
Back to lit now. At least lit is fun!
I did a few practice tests for math and got 600++ each time and I'm really fed-up from making careless mistakes and being stumped by secondary school math. Like I told RongRong I can't believe we're studying for something so irrelevant at this point in time. And it's not like my grades (apparently BDEE now because too many people got A for LEP and I missed the new A by 0.4 MARKS) are anything near average. And when we're not busy studying for SATs we're doing our US and UCAS applications or scholarship applications which never seem to end. How ironic that I am compromising on my grades to do these things that require good results.
Back to lit now. At least lit is fun!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Today's Moley aka Tan ZeZe's 18th birthday!! Though I know she doesn't read my blog but I want to give her a huge hug and kiss for her birthday!!!! She will always be the bestest horse I have :)
And I've just realised something. I'm going to be 19 soon!!!!!! And right after that, TWENTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!! Can anyone imagine me at twenty?? Maybe I'll age all of a sudden and not look like five or something. And HAHA shit will be twenty too!!!!! Maybe we'll be like the youngest looking people at twenty or something. Somehow everything changes when you hit the digit "2" (as in not like 2 or 12 don't be anal SacMani) and you're like supposed to be all serious or something. And then soon it'll be time for all your concerned Aunts and Uncles to wonder out loud why you haven't got a boyfriend though you're already like so old (my brother has already started this routine) and ancient as if like if you don't fall in love or reproduce immediately you'll implode and die or something. And then it'll be like the when're you getting married and when're you having kids and where are your kids going and what brand of coffins are you choosing!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE TWENTY!!!!! And it's ok if you look like you're attached or you might be introduced to all sorts of "nice young men" who are NOT nice NOR YOUNG. OMG!!!!
I think I may be watching too many dramas.
I want to travel the world!! But not with SacMani because she'll just stop me from spending. I want to stay at posh hotels, not run-down motels!!! M***y (in case her mom finds this) Motels HEEHEE!!
I was a bit affected this morning by something incredibly stupid, but seems like I'm ok now. Thanks to Meat and SacMani for hearing me out :)
And I've just realised something. I'm going to be 19 soon!!!!!! And right after that, TWENTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!! Can anyone imagine me at twenty?? Maybe I'll age all of a sudden and not look like five or something. And HAHA shit will be twenty too!!!!! Maybe we'll be like the youngest looking people at twenty or something. Somehow everything changes when you hit the digit "2" (as in not like 2 or 12 don't be anal SacMani) and you're like supposed to be all serious or something. And then soon it'll be time for all your concerned Aunts and Uncles to wonder out loud why you haven't got a boyfriend though you're already like so old (my brother has already started this routine) and ancient as if like if you don't fall in love or reproduce immediately you'll implode and die or something. And then it'll be like the when're you getting married and when're you having kids and where are your kids going and what brand of coffins are you choosing!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE TWENTY!!!!! And it's ok if you look like you're attached or you might be introduced to all sorts of "nice young men" who are NOT nice NOR YOUNG. OMG!!!!
I think I may be watching too many dramas.
I want to travel the world!! But not with SacMani because she'll just stop me from spending. I want to stay at posh hotels, not run-down motels!!! M***y (in case her mom finds this) Motels HEEHEE!!
I was a bit affected this morning by something incredibly stupid, but seems like I'm ok now. Thanks to Meat and SacMani for hearing me out :)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New skin!
Yet another new skin!
I never thought I'd say this but I LOVE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!! Mr. Darcy is absolutely wonderful I think Jane Austen is a woman way ahead of her time. I'm gonna read all the Austens after my As!!!
I thought this was so absolutely hilarious but no one seems to think so. It's SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we finally have a new SACO blog!! Go take a look at!! There's not much there now but I'm sure it'll grow in due time :)
Love you all! Keira Knightley's so hot!!!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
MAF 06
Guess all the stuff we heard was bull because MAF was great!!
I guess what is most important is the company - not the grand lightings, the magnificent fountain, or the blazing fireball. I'm grateful for the wonderful night I spent with SACO, with Mindy and my fellow Singleton Meat, my dearest Calvin whom I always have a soft spot for, Jiadi who disappeared and re-appeared again, JR who abandoned us (pfft!), my Quarter Paul and of course our Half Shit whom I can never do without!! I do miss you all so much and the rest of the 32nd though of course I see you guys everyday and more than I see my family.
Special thanks to dear Bobbert with his ugly hair for putting up with my dancing!! And YVONNE DIDN'T TURN UP YET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meat, Mindy and I were sitting at the steps at the field watching people around us, and honestly haha I felt quite alone all of a sudden. It's weird saying this on the blog cos I know Shit will come to me and ask me if I have fallen for anyone HAHA whenever I write something dubious. Maybe it was the haze (HAHA), but I just felt, I shouldn't have to share this night alone. And I guess all three of us were just feeling a little melancholic for a while, because it was such a beautiful night, and there were the three of us, sitting at the stone steps with each other. It's not because I don't enjoy their company, I love them! But I guess it's the first time I really felt empty for no apparent reason. Is it true that humans really aren't meant to be alone? Haha I guess at least I'll have darling meat with me when I'm 40.
The funny things MAF can do to you.
I guess what is most important is the company - not the grand lightings, the magnificent fountain, or the blazing fireball. I'm grateful for the wonderful night I spent with SACO, with Mindy and my fellow Singleton Meat, my dearest Calvin whom I always have a soft spot for, Jiadi who disappeared and re-appeared again, JR who abandoned us (pfft!), my Quarter Paul and of course our Half Shit whom I can never do without!! I do miss you all so much and the rest of the 32nd though of course I see you guys everyday and more than I see my family.
Special thanks to dear Bobbert with his ugly hair for putting up with my dancing!! And YVONNE DIDN'T TURN UP YET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meat, Mindy and I were sitting at the steps at the field watching people around us, and honestly haha I felt quite alone all of a sudden. It's weird saying this on the blog cos I know Shit will come to me and ask me if I have fallen for anyone HAHA whenever I write something dubious. Maybe it was the haze (HAHA), but I just felt, I shouldn't have to share this night alone. And I guess all three of us were just feeling a little melancholic for a while, because it was such a beautiful night, and there were the three of us, sitting at the stone steps with each other. It's not because I don't enjoy their company, I love them! But I guess it's the first time I really felt empty for no apparent reason. Is it true that humans really aren't meant to be alone? Haha I guess at least I'll have darling meat with me when I'm 40.
The funny things MAF can do to you.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
SACO Mega Celebration
We finally held our SACO Mega Celebration on the 1st October, celebrating not one or two, but THREE birthdays, and of course 1 year 3 months and 4 days of Excellence since the beginning of SACO!
Am too lazy to upload the photos, but I must say the event was nothing short of a blast!! For starters Calcal came EARLY!!! That's right, he was EARLY!!!!!! That alone was enough to make Shit and my day because he had to wake extra early to travel from the other end (what's that place called again? Another B place) to Bedok which is like miles and miles and miles away!!! Mindy and I arrived the latest together at 4 mins late with Karin and JR who were like a few cm ahead of us and Paul and Shit who were another few cm ahead of them. So we made our way excitedly and laughing loudly (as we somehow always do) to ECP!!
We didn't really do much over there, just devoured the Prima Deli Chocolate Mint cake our new Cake I/C RongRong bought (the box was left so empty and clean you couldn't even tell there was once a cake in it!!) and went on to do silly things like take gay and les photos though our les photos didn't quite come out. We then started eating all the stuff everyone bought (which was frankly a bit too much we will take note of that in future) including Calvin's Mom's Meesiam, RongRong's pasta, Mindy's brownies, Shit's Maid's Fried rice and seriously there was almost enough for land reclamation if we dumped it into the sea. We went biking and left two lovebirds alone on the beach for two hours and biked till the end of ECP (which was like a whole hour away) and really till the end of our butts. I was (I think some of us were, too) very uncertain in the beginning, having neglected my cycling for a couple of years now, but we could even chat and ride at the same time, so it was fun!! We kept changing places, so everyone chatted heartily with everyone and laughing like when I told them that we looked like we were filming a commercial for sanitary pads ("With ___, I can do anything!"). When we eventually went back to our picnic site we were of course greeted with a sight we will never forget haha!!
But I think the highlight of the day came when we started playing Sacoland, created by Mindy as a new version of Monopoly HAHA! There were no rules and really no game but we still played it anyway and had TONS of fun making up rules on our way!!!!! Like having sudden "miss-one-rounds" at random stops and having "miss-5-rounds" at shit and my statue HAHA!! Poor Paul lost eventually (speaking of which it's the only time I've seen him lose any game) but there were no forfeits because, well, we were too lazy to think of one.
We sat around playing bridge and Stress and some game called Spoon but this all proved too stressful for some of us so the girls excluding Karin went on to play in the water and build sandcastles!!! We built one near the water (it was more like a mound than a sand castle) and put some green seaweedy things on the mound imagining them to be people we don't like and built a moat around it. Of course the moat being made of sand couldn't contain any water so we eventually resorted to stepping on the mound to express of disgust HAHAHA!! CHILDISH.
We then tried to play volleyball (Mindy, Shit, Meat and I) but none of us could catch the ball so we switched to frisbee and none of us could catch the frisbee so we decided to have another gossip session which turned into a serious career, school and scholarship discussion. And then we went back to join the guys for a while talking over a second round of food before we packed up and left.
I guess it's funny how a group of eight really really random people can turn out to be really good friends eventually and now that I think back there really is no one I can't talk to, or to confide in (haha yea even calvin!!) which is just amazing considering how membership was really, really random!! And of course my Other Half will always be my Other Half no matter how many Other Halves we have because I really don't think I can meet another one like you!!!!
Special commendation for Mindy who, we could tell, really tried very hard to be friendly!! I'm sure you will succeed one day, you awkward little genius!
Another of these random post-examination saco outings would DEFINITELY be on my agenda!!
Love you all lots and lots!!
Am too lazy to upload the photos, but I must say the event was nothing short of a blast!! For starters Calcal came EARLY!!! That's right, he was EARLY!!!!!! That alone was enough to make Shit and my day because he had to wake extra early to travel from the other end (what's that place called again? Another B place) to Bedok which is like miles and miles and miles away!!! Mindy and I arrived the latest together at 4 mins late with Karin and JR who were like a few cm ahead of us and Paul and Shit who were another few cm ahead of them. So we made our way excitedly and laughing loudly (as we somehow always do) to ECP!!
We didn't really do much over there, just devoured the Prima Deli Chocolate Mint cake our new Cake I/C RongRong bought (the box was left so empty and clean you couldn't even tell there was once a cake in it!!) and went on to do silly things like take gay and les photos though our les photos didn't quite come out. We then started eating all the stuff everyone bought (which was frankly a bit too much we will take note of that in future) including Calvin's Mom's Meesiam, RongRong's pasta, Mindy's brownies, Shit's Maid's Fried rice and seriously there was almost enough for land reclamation if we dumped it into the sea. We went biking and left two lovebirds alone on the beach for two hours and biked till the end of ECP (which was like a whole hour away) and really till the end of our butts. I was (I think some of us were, too) very uncertain in the beginning, having neglected my cycling for a couple of years now, but we could even chat and ride at the same time, so it was fun!! We kept changing places, so everyone chatted heartily with everyone and laughing like when I told them that we looked like we were filming a commercial for sanitary pads ("With ___, I can do anything!"). When we eventually went back to our picnic site we were of course greeted with a sight we will never forget haha!!
But I think the highlight of the day came when we started playing Sacoland, created by Mindy as a new version of Monopoly HAHA! There were no rules and really no game but we still played it anyway and had TONS of fun making up rules on our way!!!!! Like having sudden "miss-one-rounds" at random stops and having "miss-5-rounds" at shit and my statue HAHA!! Poor Paul lost eventually (speaking of which it's the only time I've seen him lose any game) but there were no forfeits because, well, we were too lazy to think of one.
We sat around playing bridge and Stress and some game called Spoon but this all proved too stressful for some of us so the girls excluding Karin went on to play in the water and build sandcastles!!! We built one near the water (it was more like a mound than a sand castle) and put some green seaweedy things on the mound imagining them to be people we don't like and built a moat around it. Of course the moat being made of sand couldn't contain any water so we eventually resorted to stepping on the mound to express of disgust HAHAHA!! CHILDISH.
We then tried to play volleyball (Mindy, Shit, Meat and I) but none of us could catch the ball so we switched to frisbee and none of us could catch the frisbee so we decided to have another gossip session which turned into a serious career, school and scholarship discussion. And then we went back to join the guys for a while talking over a second round of food before we packed up and left.
I guess it's funny how a group of eight really really random people can turn out to be really good friends eventually and now that I think back there really is no one I can't talk to, or to confide in (haha yea even calvin!!) which is just amazing considering how membership was really, really random!! And of course my Other Half will always be my Other Half no matter how many Other Halves we have because I really don't think I can meet another one like you!!!!
Special commendation for Mindy who, we could tell, really tried very hard to be friendly!! I'm sure you will succeed one day, you awkward little genius!
Another of these random post-examination saco outings would DEFINITELY be on my agenda!!
Love you all lots and lots!!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Yay I've been watching movies non-stop and there're now more than 10dvds piled up on my table!! Been watching comedies like The Pink Panther which is surprisingly hilarious, my favourite rom coms like Prince and Me for like the 10000th time of something (I like Julia Stiles' sexy voice! A pity Prince Edvard's too skinny.), Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightley's so hot!!! Even in 19th century apparel haha!! And yes girl who played Jane Bennet was very pretty too. Once again a pity Mr. Darcy wasn't very uhm attractive. But he does grow on you after a while, especially when he looks cautiously at Lizzie!), some idiotic movie called The Perfect Man which almost bored the shit out of me by Hilary Duff who was still plump and happy at that point in time. And of course I FINALLY watched 50 First Dates and it's really a sweet ending, though it's not really my favourite show, admittedly. I watched action flicks like Spiderman, my all time favourite!! I just love the moronic editor!! And of course there was my favourite kick-butt Charlies' Angels and Charlies' Angels: Full Throttle! I used to LOVE Cameron Diaz in CA but now I think Lucy Liu's sexier! And Drew Barrymore's an inspiration, coming from her past. But look at her, she's not only one of the hot trio, but also a producer! And she owns the damn FlowerFilms oh goodness! But yea all three of them look great together!! The slutty parts are the greatest! If anyone remembers, I LOVE the part at the Treasure Chest with the Pussycat dolls. Girl Power!!! And it's comforting to know that Demi Moore had, well, help to look that great. I think what the world needs is more of such movies. Of course though FT was very lame what with all the uhm flying and highly unrealistic stunts (which is unbelievable because the action director was a HongKonger and I trust that he had adequate experience in this area! But it maybe because of McG's style, since he seems like such an excitable man) I think the world needs more of such movies. More sexy, beautiful, extremely intelligent women capable of crime fighting and kicking-butt! I can't think of better plots!! It's darn cool how they kick ass in stilletos when some of us can't even walk in pumps. THEY ARE SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow it's kinda boring to see men kick-butt, because hey, that's their job isn't it, to look cool and protect us weaklings, harhar. But it's always cool to see someone like LUCY LIU or CAMERON DIAZ or DREW BARRYMORE shake their ass and kick someone else's!!
OK got too caught up about the sexy thing. So I kinda spent all 3 days watching DVDs and stuff, which is like my favourite pasttime. But other than that I managed to spend quality time with Shit my beloved Other Half who has been snatched from me by my a little less beloved Quarter (love the house, love the crow) on Wed at Back to Comfortable Uniforms Day when we switched secondary school unis, with F5 at their Prize Giving Ceremony thing on Thur at AC yet again and with the rest of the council and especially Welco on Friday, when we met a few amazing Australian students and we were just so excited to be able to talk to each other!
I'm more than slightly worried for my As now that I think I really, really did terribly for my prelims. No more goofing off come Tue (except for Sunday of course), I really need to concentrate on getting as many As as possible, now that I think 4As are really impossible :(
I need a good strategy.
OK got too caught up about the sexy thing. So I kinda spent all 3 days watching DVDs and stuff, which is like my favourite pasttime. But other than that I managed to spend quality time with Shit my beloved Other Half who has been snatched from me by my a little less beloved Quarter (love the house, love the crow) on Wed at Back to Comfortable Uniforms Day when we switched secondary school unis, with F5 at their Prize Giving Ceremony thing on Thur at AC yet again and with the rest of the council and especially Welco on Friday, when we met a few amazing Australian students and we were just so excited to be able to talk to each other!
I'm more than slightly worried for my As now that I think I really, really did terribly for my prelims. No more goofing off come Tue (except for Sunday of course), I really need to concentrate on getting as many As as possible, now that I think 4As are really impossible :(
I need a good strategy.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Pre-Post Prelim
FINALLY had out pre-post prelim dinner with my Other Half Shit yesterday! Have been waiting to slack a little and pry Shit from Quarter for a very long time!
I was literally exhausted after 2 three-hour papers on Friday, and so was Shit, having slept very little the night before, but we made it down to Cineleisure anyhow, plonked ourselves at a table in Pastamania and only left more than three hours later!! I think the waiters were quite annoyed because there were some people waiting but since there wasn't a queue we didn't leave. Or even if there was a queue well we didn't know so too bad!!
Started out talking about quite serious things haha, like relationships, our views on certain matters like pre-marital sex HAHA! Which is something I can't decide on. On one hand I of course cannot see what is the whole big deal about sex only after marriage but on the other I guess it'll be more exciting and obviously more hygeinic to wait. Then again I don't have to bother about anything like that now just that I think we should make a stand. Shit thinks premarital sex is a complete NO NO and I quite respect her for that hehheh!
We spoke about very random things! I told Shit maybe one day in the future short and fat figures will be in vogue, and everyone will be clambouring after me for endorsements. So don't be surprised if 10 years later I'm on the window of Louis Vuitton or Salvatore Ferragamo or smth like that. Hahaha and I've even thought about my new advert!! I'll pinch my potential-abs and say something like "I've got something you don't have? That's because I take eXpand! (the opposite of eXtrim)" And I've even thought of my slogan: eXpand at little eXpense!! HAHAHAHA!!! Self amusing indeed we were laughing so hard the waiters probably thought we were insane.
We then went on to talk about stuff like armpit hair. Cos I told shit I've always been wondering why armpit hair and leg hair and you know some other hairs don't grow as fast as the hair on our heads. Cos if it's long enough we can tie ribbons and stuff. And shit was like yea can go rebonding and perming HAHAHAAHHAHA and we were like can you imagine if you perm your armpit hair your elbows will always be jutting out because you can't straighten your arms!!!! HAHAHAHA!! So I was saying your rebonded hair can flow like normal hair so when you turn your body maybe the armpit hair will slap someone else's face, you know like in commercials. We're absolutely gruesome, haha, yes I know!!
So that was the more self-amusing part, shan't talk much about the more private things here hehheh!! So glad to have spent time with Shit man and frankly I don't think we've like got any less closer after stepping down, or even after she found Quarter!! In fact our mo qi has got better!! How strange HAHA! So that's great! Really proud of her for being to balance her life so well. And Quarter and her both look in great spirits everyday so I'm really happy for them too!!
Have a great surprise for SACO hehheh!!!! Meeting Shit on Wed again!! Can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fun HAHAHA!!
Love you shits!
I was literally exhausted after 2 three-hour papers on Friday, and so was Shit, having slept very little the night before, but we made it down to Cineleisure anyhow, plonked ourselves at a table in Pastamania and only left more than three hours later!! I think the waiters were quite annoyed because there were some people waiting but since there wasn't a queue we didn't leave. Or even if there was a queue well we didn't know so too bad!!
Started out talking about quite serious things haha, like relationships, our views on certain matters like pre-marital sex HAHA! Which is something I can't decide on. On one hand I of course cannot see what is the whole big deal about sex only after marriage but on the other I guess it'll be more exciting and obviously more hygeinic to wait. Then again I don't have to bother about anything like that now just that I think we should make a stand. Shit thinks premarital sex is a complete NO NO and I quite respect her for that hehheh!
We spoke about very random things! I told Shit maybe one day in the future short and fat figures will be in vogue, and everyone will be clambouring after me for endorsements. So don't be surprised if 10 years later I'm on the window of Louis Vuitton or Salvatore Ferragamo or smth like that. Hahaha and I've even thought about my new advert!! I'll pinch my potential-abs and say something like "I've got something you don't have? That's because I take eXpand! (the opposite of eXtrim)" And I've even thought of my slogan: eXpand at little eXpense!! HAHAHAHA!!! Self amusing indeed we were laughing so hard the waiters probably thought we were insane.
We then went on to talk about stuff like armpit hair. Cos I told shit I've always been wondering why armpit hair and leg hair and you know some other hairs don't grow as fast as the hair on our heads. Cos if it's long enough we can tie ribbons and stuff. And shit was like yea can go rebonding and perming HAHAHAAHHAHA and we were like can you imagine if you perm your armpit hair your elbows will always be jutting out because you can't straighten your arms!!!! HAHAHAHA!! So I was saying your rebonded hair can flow like normal hair so when you turn your body maybe the armpit hair will slap someone else's face, you know like in commercials. We're absolutely gruesome, haha, yes I know!!
So that was the more self-amusing part, shan't talk much about the more private things here hehheh!! So glad to have spent time with Shit man and frankly I don't think we've like got any less closer after stepping down, or even after she found Quarter!! In fact our mo qi has got better!! How strange HAHA! So that's great! Really proud of her for being to balance her life so well. And Quarter and her both look in great spirits everyday so I'm really happy for them too!!
Have a great surprise for SACO hehheh!!!! Meeting Shit on Wed again!! Can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fun HAHAHA!!
Love you shits!
Monday, September 11, 2006
First Day
Math Paper 1 and Econs paper 3 today. Was quite terrible as compared to the practices I did, but I could feel that my math has finally seen improvement, so I'm glad about that. Not so sure about the grade though because I'm quite sure I made dozens of careless mistakes. But I just don't want an E anymore it's such an insult!! I'm not sure about how econs went. I did all the micro questions, but I'm not sure if my approach to the question is acceptable. Nevertheless I still handed in 11 sheets of paper, as per normal hahaha.
LEP paper 1 tomorrow, have only just started on my guwens and ci, but ah I really can't be bothered. LEP's really so boring and repetitive!! :(
I'm being locked out of msn because there're some problems with it I presume.
Can't wait for prelims to be over -.-
Can't wait for my Pre-Post-Prelim-Dinner on Friday with Half, Post-Prelim Shopping Trip on 20th (also with Half), post-prelim celebratory dinner with F5 and our 1 year-4month-3days SACO anniversary on 1st Oct!!!!
Can't wait to just lie on the sofa and watch hours and hours and hours of brainless chick flicks and impress myself with my ability to endure stupid movies aimed at gullible young girls.
Back to mugging. Or sleeping.
LEP paper 1 tomorrow, have only just started on my guwens and ci, but ah I really can't be bothered. LEP's really so boring and repetitive!! :(
I'm being locked out of msn because there're some problems with it I presume.
Can't wait for prelims to be over -.-
Can't wait for my Pre-Post-Prelim-Dinner on Friday with Half, Post-Prelim Shopping Trip on 20th (also with Half), post-prelim celebratory dinner with F5 and our 1 year-4month-3days SACO anniversary on 1st Oct!!!!
Can't wait to just lie on the sofa and watch hours and hours and hours of brainless chick flicks and impress myself with my ability to endure stupid movies aimed at gullible young girls.
Back to mugging. Or sleeping.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I can't understand Area and Volume in Integration, so have decided to slack a little.
Question: Who are the people who actually read my blog? Leave a tag so I know? Otherwise it's like talking to the air.
Teachers' Day a couple of days back was great! I went back to HC specifically for mass dance, met the council teachers, passed them our SACO cards which were very amusing to us but not very funny to them I guess but who cares, we're self-amusing! Made my way back to darling MG mid-way into the concert, hehheh! Was slightly confused because all the students were wearing outside clothes (as usual for TD) and most of the teachers even Mrs. Yap and Mrs. Sim (our 2 very very hip and beautiful vice-principals) were wearing the MG uniform!! Heehee!! Well I DO agree it's the most comfortable attire on the planet and anyone of any shape and size can wear it. So I kept walking past the teachers not knowing they were teachers, and it was quite messy hehheh. Crashed Mrs. Lim's cubicle and spoke to her though we were interrupted repeatedly by students and all. Her table was literally filled with presents and gifts and cookies and all! I guess that's the good thing about teaching a girls' school hehheh. And a rich girls' school, judging from the gifts they received. Said hi and took pictures with other teachers like Mrs. Diana Goh who was elated to see us (plus the other F4 who came later), Mrs. Chen, Qian Laoshi, Ms. T, Mrs. Tee and etc. Was really great to see them, thought I just met them a month ago or something at the MG musical. But I know they loved our batch heehheh.
After the celebs we invited ourselves to MamaBong's place. She wasn't in school because she's still on maternity leave. So we visited her with our cards and cookies and said hi to little Isaac Peter Ng who can already walk and mumble a few random words!! How adorable!!! And of course little-r Aidan John Ng who's SO small and cute and lying in his little cot sleeping away. How nice it must be to be Mama Bong's son because she's the most beautiful and gentlest mother and teacher ever! She's the most successful disciplinarian I have ever seen, because the entire school respects her, so it makes it easy to maintain discipline. We stayed for a while, talked about prelims, our post-As plans, and of course our plans to teach in MG after As! How exciting! But I kinda wanna do something different, so maybe not.
The next time we'll see the teachers will probably be a long way ahead, maybe after As? Hopefully we'll be able to sit down and have a good chat then.
Random comment: I wanna get the Sandy Lam compilation! I'm just dying to get it!!!!
Study hard! Back to integration. :(
Question: Who are the people who actually read my blog? Leave a tag so I know? Otherwise it's like talking to the air.
Teachers' Day a couple of days back was great! I went back to HC specifically for mass dance, met the council teachers, passed them our SACO cards which were very amusing to us but not very funny to them I guess but who cares, we're self-amusing! Made my way back to darling MG mid-way into the concert, hehheh! Was slightly confused because all the students were wearing outside clothes (as usual for TD) and most of the teachers even Mrs. Yap and Mrs. Sim (our 2 very very hip and beautiful vice-principals) were wearing the MG uniform!! Heehee!! Well I DO agree it's the most comfortable attire on the planet and anyone of any shape and size can wear it. So I kept walking past the teachers not knowing they were teachers, and it was quite messy hehheh. Crashed Mrs. Lim's cubicle and spoke to her though we were interrupted repeatedly by students and all. Her table was literally filled with presents and gifts and cookies and all! I guess that's the good thing about teaching a girls' school hehheh. And a rich girls' school, judging from the gifts they received. Said hi and took pictures with other teachers like Mrs. Diana Goh who was elated to see us (plus the other F4 who came later), Mrs. Chen, Qian Laoshi, Ms. T, Mrs. Tee and etc. Was really great to see them, thought I just met them a month ago or something at the MG musical. But I know they loved our batch heehheh.
After the celebs we invited ourselves to MamaBong's place. She wasn't in school because she's still on maternity leave. So we visited her with our cards and cookies and said hi to little Isaac Peter Ng who can already walk and mumble a few random words!! How adorable!!! And of course little-r Aidan John Ng who's SO small and cute and lying in his little cot sleeping away. How nice it must be to be Mama Bong's son because she's the most beautiful and gentlest mother and teacher ever! She's the most successful disciplinarian I have ever seen, because the entire school respects her, so it makes it easy to maintain discipline. We stayed for a while, talked about prelims, our post-As plans, and of course our plans to teach in MG after As! How exciting! But I kinda wanna do something different, so maybe not.
The next time we'll see the teachers will probably be a long way ahead, maybe after As? Hopefully we'll be able to sit down and have a good chat then.
Random comment: I wanna get the Sandy Lam compilation! I'm just dying to get it!!!!
Study hard! Back to integration. :(
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
15 mins break
Another 15 min break.
Like I didn't know. Weird diet and sleeping habits and all.
HAHA! That's really new.
Ooo very sexy.
You are 100% Aquarius |
![]() |
Like I didn't know. Weird diet and sleeping habits and all.
You're All Grown Up |
![]() Congratulations, you're living in the adult world now. Even though it may have been difficult at first, you've taken responsibility in your life. You have a great job, fantastic friends, and a grown up wardrobe. And you're probably on your way to a very successful life! |
HAHA! That's really new.
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Spiderman |
![]() "I have always been standing in your doorway. Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?" |
Ooo very sexy.
Monday, August 28, 2006
What I can do in 10 mins.
HAHAHA more confidence!?
You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor) |
![]() You're logical, driven, and ruthless. You'd make a mighty fine lawyer. |
Guys Like That You're Fun |
![]() You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you |
Your Vibe Is Secretly Sexy |
![]() Sexy isn't exactly a word you'd use to describe yourself But you have a quite allure that certain men feel appealing You don't need to flaunt your stuff to be sexier A little more confidence in yourself, and you'll really light up a room! |
HAHAHA more confidence!?
Your Inner Pop Princess Is Hilary Duff |
![]() "I'm shedding Shedding every color Trying to find a pigment of truth Beneath my skin" You're sweet and cute, but a little more complex than that. |
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thanks for everyone's kind concern, but I've found my ruler!!! Yay!!! And to Bobbert it's a REAL ruler and NOT a guy!!! Why on earth would I look for a guy under my bed!! Though I admit that sounds pretty exciting provided the guy is hot!! OK I'm giving my horny side away.
On a random note I think God's really really nice to me cos I guess I'm a happy person cos I don't think too much. Or at least I wave everything away very quickly so things don't bother me as much as they do to some people.
Exams are coming. And I'm wasting all my time doing random things. I'm swearing off the comp for a while. Just see how long I'll last.
A bit confused now about some things. But oh well.
On a random note I think God's really really nice to me cos I guess I'm a happy person cos I don't think too much. Or at least I wave everything away very quickly so things don't bother me as much as they do to some people.
Exams are coming. And I'm wasting all my time doing random things. I'm swearing off the comp for a while. Just see how long I'll last.
A bit confused now about some things. But oh well.
You Are Storm |
![]() Exotic and powerful, Storm descended from a line of African priestesses. Emotions can effect your powers, but you are generally serene. Powers: controlling weather, creating winds that lift you into flight, generating lightning |
Monday, August 21, 2006
Missing Ruler
It's never easy to write a beautiful, coherent entry and I've never known how to begin properly, even when I exciting things to share.
Anyway, today began quite marvellously. It was a lovely morning I spent in school, followed by an excellent, bright and sunny afternoon (though a little too sunny) and I thought to myself on my way home on the public bus that it'd be the best day to study. What more could motivate me to hide myself in an air-conditioned room for longer than what is healthy? (I am assuming you've forgotten my favourite pasttime though.)
I rushed home (as in spiritually, because royals are required to keep their composure), took a shower and sat myself down in my boudoir-cum-study. I removed the 30cm pile of rubble from my desk and placed them, staggering a little, on my bed. I took Sammi (as in the pencil case, not the lady) out and started placing my stationery in neat lines parallel to each other and to the ends of my table, because it is, well, my anal habit to do so. It was then that to be absolute and utter HORROR, I noticed the absence of my trusty clear-and-grey ruler!!!
I calmed myself down, muttered a little prayer for strength and sat my hefty bottom on my bed. Where could it be? There was absolutely no way I was going to let my favourite ruler leave my side. I've developed deep feelings for that ruler of mine. He's a beautiful thing, and though only 15 centimetres tall, he has a sexy and very distinct scar across his mid-section, which is, incidentally, how I identify my little ruler. After all, he's the only one who's been really sweet, accompanying me throughout my days in Sec 4 and in Hwa Chong up till now. I was going to find him, and I was completely determined to do so.
I searched around suspiciously, for bits and pieces, tiny little clues to where he might have been hiding. But that elusive little brat refused to emerge, despite my desperate and repeated attempts to lure him into a dramatic re-appearance. I began to think like and behave like Holmes (Sherlock, not Katie), searching, peering, even going on all fours to search beneath my bed and frog-rug for him. I was very tempted to jump on my maid from behind and question her about the Missing Ruler, but I withheld myself. And even after twenty minutes of search, there wasn't a single sight, nor the slightest clue of him.
Well, there are several reasons to his sudden disppearance. One of my girl-friends might have borrowed him for the night. Or maybe he slipped out of Sammi when I brought them to school, and is now lonely and deserted in an obscure location (or Lo! the garbage!). But nevertheless, I assume he is gone for now and probably forever.
When it's time to let him go, I'll just let go. :)
Anyway, today began quite marvellously. It was a lovely morning I spent in school, followed by an excellent, bright and sunny afternoon (though a little too sunny) and I thought to myself on my way home on the public bus that it'd be the best day to study. What more could motivate me to hide myself in an air-conditioned room for longer than what is healthy? (I am assuming you've forgotten my favourite pasttime though.)
I rushed home (as in spiritually, because royals are required to keep their composure), took a shower and sat myself down in my boudoir-cum-study. I removed the 30cm pile of rubble from my desk and placed them, staggering a little, on my bed. I took Sammi (as in the pencil case, not the lady) out and started placing my stationery in neat lines parallel to each other and to the ends of my table, because it is, well, my anal habit to do so. It was then that to be absolute and utter HORROR, I noticed the absence of my trusty clear-and-grey ruler!!!
I calmed myself down, muttered a little prayer for strength and sat my hefty bottom on my bed. Where could it be? There was absolutely no way I was going to let my favourite ruler leave my side. I've developed deep feelings for that ruler of mine. He's a beautiful thing, and though only 15 centimetres tall, he has a sexy and very distinct scar across his mid-section, which is, incidentally, how I identify my little ruler. After all, he's the only one who's been really sweet, accompanying me throughout my days in Sec 4 and in Hwa Chong up till now. I was going to find him, and I was completely determined to do so.
I searched around suspiciously, for bits and pieces, tiny little clues to where he might have been hiding. But that elusive little brat refused to emerge, despite my desperate and repeated attempts to lure him into a dramatic re-appearance. I began to think like and behave like Holmes (Sherlock, not Katie), searching, peering, even going on all fours to search beneath my bed and frog-rug for him. I was very tempted to jump on my maid from behind and question her about the Missing Ruler, but I withheld myself. And even after twenty minutes of search, there wasn't a single sight, nor the slightest clue of him.
Well, there are several reasons to his sudden disppearance. One of my girl-friends might have borrowed him for the night. Or maybe he slipped out of Sammi when I brought them to school, and is now lonely and deserted in an obscure location (or Lo! the garbage!). But nevertheless, I assume he is gone for now and probably forever.
When it's time to let him go, I'll just let go. :)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
![]() |
'What will your obituary say?' at |
To think I was still singing along to "Screwed" just a while ago!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
For Want of Something to Say
"For Want of Something to Say"- that's the title I have bequeathed to my entry today. So just forgive me for rambling themelessly and aimlessly today.
I'm not sure if any of you have read Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov (I think Vladimir is an outstanding name although I understand it's pretty common in Russia? But becuase Vladimir sounds so exotic and it reminds me a little of Dracula.), but I in the middle of ingesting it now and I find it a horribly exciting book. For the unenlightened it's actually about Humbert Humbert, a paedophile and his relationship with a 12-year-old girl named (surprise, surprise) Lolita. I'm only halfway through the text but I'm completely hooked on to it because it terribly thrilling. Not the sexual parts (which don't really exist by the way) but the way Nobokov has crafted his story and the diction. To be honest I've always lived in the fantasy world of chick lit, and it's only recently that I've come to realise why true literature is so much adored. Every choice of word changes the texture of the characters and the story, and I truly marvel at how Nobokov can be so accurate in his descriptions and use of English (which is not his native language by the way though he was educated in Cambridge).
I know most Science students and even some Arts students can't really appreciate it as much but there's just so much beauty in some pieces of writing that you really feel slightly delirious with amazement and appreciation of how some authors can truly, like what Roy said, turn the "language into your slave" and serve your needs directly. And ironically it's during Mrs. Ang's lessons that I've learnt to see this very lovely aspect of literature.
On a lighter and random note I think Madonna has a really attractive voice!! OK maybe not attractive but very uhm interesting voice. Her older songs like Like a Virgin and Material Girl absolutely rock!!!
Actually I'm just writing nonsense to avoid having to return to studying. Ladeeda. LALALA! Boom dee boom. Doodeedoodeedoo!!
OK that sounded a bit insane. Going off now ta!
I'm not sure if any of you have read Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov (I think Vladimir is an outstanding name although I understand it's pretty common in Russia? But becuase Vladimir sounds so exotic and it reminds me a little of Dracula.), but I in the middle of ingesting it now and I find it a horribly exciting book. For the unenlightened it's actually about Humbert Humbert, a paedophile and his relationship with a 12-year-old girl named (surprise, surprise) Lolita. I'm only halfway through the text but I'm completely hooked on to it because it terribly thrilling. Not the sexual parts (which don't really exist by the way) but the way Nobokov has crafted his story and the diction. To be honest I've always lived in the fantasy world of chick lit, and it's only recently that I've come to realise why true literature is so much adored. Every choice of word changes the texture of the characters and the story, and I truly marvel at how Nobokov can be so accurate in his descriptions and use of English (which is not his native language by the way though he was educated in Cambridge).
I know most Science students and even some Arts students can't really appreciate it as much but there's just so much beauty in some pieces of writing that you really feel slightly delirious with amazement and appreciation of how some authors can truly, like what Roy said, turn the "language into your slave" and serve your needs directly. And ironically it's during Mrs. Ang's lessons that I've learnt to see this very lovely aspect of literature.
On a lighter and random note I think Madonna has a really attractive voice!! OK maybe not attractive but very uhm interesting voice. Her older songs like Like a Virgin and Material Girl absolutely rock!!!
Actually I'm just writing nonsense to avoid having to return to studying. Ladeeda. LALALA! Boom dee boom. Doodeedoodeedoo!!
OK that sounded a bit insane. Going off now ta!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
It's two weeks to the preliminary examinations and I'm getting a little anxious. Not like leg-hair-tugging, wrinkle-creating kinda anxious, but more like sitting-on-bed-and-thinking-I-should-not-be-here kinda anxious. Studying has never been congruent with my way of life and I guess it will never be. But anyhow, such incongruency will have to be dragged and left outside my doorstep and ignored no matter how he rings the bell.
Perhaps one of my greatest weaknesses is the bed. I can sleep any number of hours a day, and all I need is my boudoir, my big Queen's size bed (clearly named after myself), my bolster for assurance and my big froggy for companionship in absence of desired flesh and blood. Air conditioning would be a blessing of course and I constantly shower myself with blessings daily. But in view of the upcoming Prelims perhaps I should throw Sleep out as well, and try to ignore his very sultry stares shot from my doorstep.
Now that Sleep and my Incongruency with Studying is well out of the way, I should embark on my glorious journey to education and learning. Maybe Dilligence would turn out as a hunk and get me hooked on mugging.
Dream on.
Perhaps one of my greatest weaknesses is the bed. I can sleep any number of hours a day, and all I need is my boudoir, my big Queen's size bed (clearly named after myself), my bolster for assurance and my big froggy for companionship in absence of desired flesh and blood. Air conditioning would be a blessing of course and I constantly shower myself with blessings daily. But in view of the upcoming Prelims perhaps I should throw Sleep out as well, and try to ignore his very sultry stares shot from my doorstep.
Now that Sleep and my Incongruency with Studying is well out of the way, I should embark on my glorious journey to education and learning. Maybe Dilligence would turn out as a hunk and get me hooked on mugging.
Dream on.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Something celebratory happened today, and I'm really glad for the parties involved!! I'm sure at least one of them reads my blog, so if you see this just now that I'll always be behind you!! I'm really optimistic about this one, and I'm sure everyone else too! All the way my darlings but don't forget me!! Hee!
Then again, one of my MGS teachers, Miss Goh, passed away this morning after a long battle with cancer. She never taught me, but I had a lasting impression of her due to several reasons. For one because she was famous for her 100% A1s for chem and her ultra strict lessons, and even though she was a small woman (about my height) and quite skinny, but most of us were terrified of her. And also because she told me off once because I sat with my legs crossed (the lady way, not the ugly-guy way) during the Founders' Day Rehearsal, which I still find puzzling up till this day. And of course how, during our Emergency Exercise, she literally barked at all of us to continuing standing, and how she carried her loudhailer yelling at everyone, but I guess everyone, like me, was more amused than terrified. But what was more unforgettable was how she always had a smile for all of us, and though she never taught me, I still remember how she stopped me outside the staff room to compliment me on a performance. And that's when I really felt the warmth of MG teachers, how they really value every student and love everyone of us, and see each of us as real individuals rather than A-spinning-machines like some other schools I might mention.
But anyhow, I'm glad that Miss Goh truly exemplified the true MGS spirit and fought to her last. I'm sure she's in a better place now, with God by her side.
Then again, one of my MGS teachers, Miss Goh, passed away this morning after a long battle with cancer. She never taught me, but I had a lasting impression of her due to several reasons. For one because she was famous for her 100% A1s for chem and her ultra strict lessons, and even though she was a small woman (about my height) and quite skinny, but most of us were terrified of her. And also because she told me off once because I sat with my legs crossed (the lady way, not the ugly-guy way) during the Founders' Day Rehearsal, which I still find puzzling up till this day. And of course how, during our Emergency Exercise, she literally barked at all of us to continuing standing, and how she carried her loudhailer yelling at everyone, but I guess everyone, like me, was more amused than terrified. But what was more unforgettable was how she always had a smile for all of us, and though she never taught me, I still remember how she stopped me outside the staff room to compliment me on a performance. And that's when I really felt the warmth of MG teachers, how they really value every student and love everyone of us, and see each of us as real individuals rather than A-spinning-machines like some other schools I might mention.
But anyhow, I'm glad that Miss Goh truly exemplified the true MGS spirit and fought to her last. I'm sure she's in a better place now, with God by her side.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
The Lake House
I finally have something blog-worthy to speak of!!
Huiyan and I dashed off after school today to watch The Lake House by Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, which opened today.
I have nothing much to say about this movie, because I'm so afraid I'd reveal the plot. But all I can say it, it's one of the best movies I've watched in a very long time. Keanu is of course, his usual delicious self, though I must say that little white patch just above his upper lip (c'mon, who doesn't stare at his lips) was a tad distracting. But I felt that Sandra Bullock was the pivotal point of the entire movie. Considering how it's actually based on the Korean movie Il Mare, and that it doesn't really have the most original plot in the world, it would have been easy for the film to have come across as contrived or corny. But thankfully Sandra Bullock (who is one of the best actresses I've seen) sent the story beautifully across, and you really forget that she was once that Wildcat(fans should know this term) in Speed, or that crazy cop in both Miss Congenialities. She is definitely an amazing and one of the most diverse actresses Hollywood has.
I watched the movie with Huiyan in a certain neighbourhood cinema, and by golly, I would have been arrested for murder had I not kept my calm. Of course, being a serious and attentive member of the audience, I tried to capture and cling on to every word uttered and every scene filmed as much as possible (it's a lit thing). Of course, I understand not everyone has the mental capacity or patience to pay 100% during a movie, but what baffles me is how some people (if I may categorise them as homo sapiens) consider the theatre the most conducive place for a conversation.
It is particularly annoying when Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves are trying to convey their emotions to you with their big beautiful eyes and there SOME PEOPLE have to KEEP talking to their boyfriend/girlfriend every 5 minutes. You would have thought they were afraid that they'd lose each other in the dark and had to keep talking to reassure themselves. I was thoroughly annoyed when the girlfriend, who apparently could not keep up with the movie's pace, KEPT inquiring about the plot. And BOTH of them (the boyfriend and girlfriend) had to announce their revelations intelligently 5 mins after each relevant scene had passed. Perhaps if they had kept the trap shut they would have made those realisations only 3 mins slower than the rest of us. But what took the cake was when the genius of a girl dropped her keys and there was a period of shuffling and panicking. Perhaps she could have tied her boyfriend to her keys, to make sure both of them would be around her safely! And of course, being extremely fed-up I turned my head 45 degrees around to remind them (albeit too gently apparently) about the little tiny detail they had obviously overlooked: THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING THE SHOW. And all they did was giggle a little (and they are NOT YOUNG), kept silent for a precious 5 mins and continued "reassuring" themselves once again.
I would have wrung their necks on the spot but I didn't want to miss the amazing show and of course watching my favourite Sandra Bullock. Hey, I paid $8! I was not about to be chased out before I finish the film!!
Lovely movie, terrible audience. I think I might get the DVD when it's released, just to savour every moment of it :)
Huiyan and I dashed off after school today to watch The Lake House by Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, which opened today.

I watched the movie with Huiyan in a certain neighbourhood cinema, and by golly, I would have been arrested for murder had I not kept my calm. Of course, being a serious and attentive member of the audience, I tried to capture and cling on to every word uttered and every scene filmed as much as possible (it's a lit thing). Of course, I understand not everyone has the mental capacity or patience to pay 100% during a movie, but what baffles me is how some people (if I may categorise them as homo sapiens) consider the theatre the most conducive place for a conversation.
It is particularly annoying when Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves are trying to convey their emotions to you with their big beautiful eyes and there SOME PEOPLE have to KEEP talking to their boyfriend/girlfriend every 5 minutes. You would have thought they were afraid that they'd lose each other in the dark and had to keep talking to reassure themselves. I was thoroughly annoyed when the girlfriend, who apparently could not keep up with the movie's pace, KEPT inquiring about the plot. And BOTH of them (the boyfriend and girlfriend) had to announce their revelations intelligently 5 mins after each relevant scene had passed. Perhaps if they had kept the trap shut they would have made those realisations only 3 mins slower than the rest of us. But what took the cake was when the genius of a girl dropped her keys and there was a period of shuffling and panicking. Perhaps she could have tied her boyfriend to her keys, to make sure both of them would be around her safely! And of course, being extremely fed-up I turned my head 45 degrees around to remind them (albeit too gently apparently) about the little tiny detail they had obviously overlooked: THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING THE SHOW. And all they did was giggle a little (and they are NOT YOUNG), kept silent for a precious 5 mins and continued "reassuring" themselves once again.
I would have wrung their necks on the spot but I didn't want to miss the amazing show and of course watching my favourite Sandra Bullock. Hey, I paid $8! I was not about to be chased out before I finish the film!!
Lovely movie, terrible audience. I think I might get the DVD when it's released, just to savour every moment of it :)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
My Beautiful House
Heehee Mindy my husband was bored today and drew me a sketch of my dream house!!!! She actually followed my plans and everything (and even added some things like a pool!!!). It's great to have a talented husband!!!!
And this is my wonderful house:
If you don't know what it is it's actually my House of Husbands, a glass building with 6 levels built specially to house all my husbands and boyfriends. It's made out of glass to suit my exhibitionist character, hehheh! There's a pool at the top of the rather suggestively-shaped building for my husbands'/boyfriends' enjoyment (we can frolick in it everyday!), and solar panels (because Mindy is an environmentalist)! There's also a glass elevator that goes only one way (up) and no way will the doors open for you if you try to go down because (GET THIS it's my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PART) there are slides around the entire building!!! So if you wanna go down the only way is to slide down!!!!! Maybe this will give me the incentive to actually go to work. And the slide is the only way to climb up the slide from Level 6 and fall right into the pool!
So who actually gets to live in my beautiful house? Hee!!!!! Well Level 5 belongs to me because it's big and has the best view HAHAHA! I'll banish my least favourite boyfriend to Level 6 because it's the smallest and if Mindy the architect did a fuzzy job Level 6 will be leaking, so good for him. And he can be like Bertha from Jane Eyre (i.e. Mad Woman In the Attic) and go crazy out of isolation. It'll be super annoying to live there cos everyone has to pass by his level to go to the swimming pool so he'll be forced to see me in my beautiful bikini and all my hunks HAHAHAHA!!! I hope no one lives there though it's so terribly sad!!!!
And of course there will be other people living in my beautiful glasshouse. Like Mindy my brilliant husband will get one of the floors. And of course my Other Half Shitty will get another. But if it gets a bit squeezy on the other levels they can occupy the same level! Heehee!! And of course my sweetie pie moochie doochie will take one of the levels!!!!
This is so fun I absolutely CANNOT wait for Mindy to build me my glasshouse!! HEE!!
And this is my wonderful house:
If you don't know what it is it's actually my House of Husbands, a glass building with 6 levels built specially to house all my husbands and boyfriends. It's made out of glass to suit my exhibitionist character, hehheh! There's a pool at the top of the rather suggestively-shaped building for my husbands'/boyfriends' enjoyment (we can frolick in it everyday!), and solar panels (because Mindy is an environmentalist)! There's also a glass elevator that goes only one way (up) and no way will the doors open for you if you try to go down because (GET THIS it's my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PART) there are slides around the entire building!!! So if you wanna go down the only way is to slide down!!!!! Maybe this will give me the incentive to actually go to work. And the slide is the only way to climb up the slide from Level 6 and fall right into the pool!
So who actually gets to live in my beautiful house? Hee!!!!! Well Level 5 belongs to me because it's big and has the best view HAHAHA! I'll banish my least favourite boyfriend to Level 6 because it's the smallest and if Mindy the architect did a fuzzy job Level 6 will be leaking, so good for him. And he can be like Bertha from Jane Eyre (i.e. Mad Woman In the Attic) and go crazy out of isolation. It'll be super annoying to live there cos everyone has to pass by his level to go to the swimming pool so he'll be forced to see me in my beautiful bikini and all my hunks HAHAHAHA!!! I hope no one lives there though it's so terribly sad!!!!
And of course there will be other people living in my beautiful glasshouse. Like Mindy my brilliant husband will get one of the floors. And of course my Other Half Shitty will get another. But if it gets a bit squeezy on the other levels they can occupy the same level! Heehee!! And of course my sweetie pie moochie doochie will take one of the levels!!!!
This is so fun I absolutely CANNOT wait for Mindy to build me my glasshouse!! HEE!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Personal Space
Just read my Other Half's entry about personal space. And I feel exactly the same!! We ARE One indeed man.
I guess Shit and I are really blessed people. We're surrounded by people we love and who love us back wherever we go, and almost 24/7. There seems to be endless social events to attend, and hundreds of friends waiting for your affection or attention. And though of course it's a blessing to have so many friends, we just want to withdraw into that solitary state. Not that we're being deliberately anti-social, but it's just that everyone needs a personal space. Many times I just want to shy away into that weird and awkward self that I'm so familiar with when I'm alone and whom no one knows.
Just feeling quite anti-social at the moment. Also persistently and deliberately immature. Guess a lot of people never knew the eccentric side of me. Which can weird even myself out sometimes.
I guess Shit and I are really blessed people. We're surrounded by people we love and who love us back wherever we go, and almost 24/7. There seems to be endless social events to attend, and hundreds of friends waiting for your affection or attention. And though of course it's a blessing to have so many friends, we just want to withdraw into that solitary state. Not that we're being deliberately anti-social, but it's just that everyone needs a personal space. Many times I just want to shy away into that weird and awkward self that I'm so familiar with when I'm alone and whom no one knows.
Just feeling quite anti-social at the moment. Also persistently and deliberately immature. Guess a lot of people never knew the eccentric side of me. Which can weird even myself out sometimes.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Peach Flower Island
If only I could have my own island.
If I had my own island, it would be set with all sorts of traps to prevent nasty and nosey people from entering. Other than 500 guard dogs patrolling the shores, I'd have automatic missles at every 10m interval programmed to shoot at any mobile being (unless you are my guest, of course) standing guard 24/7. Needless to say, spy planes to circle my island at regular intervals to make sure no one invades my private space.
If I had my own island, it would be 24 degrees celsius day in and out, all year round. You can choose between wearing nothing or PJs all day.
If I had my own island, no one would care whether I ate chocolate everyday.
Or whether I am 150kg.
Or whether I can memorise my LEP notes and quotes.
If I had my own island, all activites would be at night.
If I had my own island, I'd make sure I have access to selected friends and family and vice versa.
And that my husbands and boyfriends have suitable lodging, of course.
If I had my own island, I'd make sure it's wireless broadband around the entire island.
And reception never fails.
If I had my own island, I'd purge jealousy and envy out of everyone.
And the guys who are nasty to my girl-friends.
If I had my own island, I'd invite my beloved friends.
And Sammi Cheng.
And Angelina Jolie.
And Gwen Stefani.
And Hugh Grant.
If only.
If I had my own island, it would be set with all sorts of traps to prevent nasty and nosey people from entering. Other than 500 guard dogs patrolling the shores, I'd have automatic missles at every 10m interval programmed to shoot at any mobile being (unless you are my guest, of course) standing guard 24/7. Needless to say, spy planes to circle my island at regular intervals to make sure no one invades my private space.
If I had my own island, it would be 24 degrees celsius day in and out, all year round. You can choose between wearing nothing or PJs all day.
If I had my own island, no one would care whether I ate chocolate everyday.
Or whether I am 150kg.
Or whether I can memorise my LEP notes and quotes.
If I had my own island, all activites would be at night.
If I had my own island, I'd make sure I have access to selected friends and family and vice versa.
And that my husbands and boyfriends have suitable lodging, of course.
If I had my own island, I'd make sure it's wireless broadband around the entire island.
And reception never fails.
If I had my own island, I'd purge jealousy and envy out of everyone.
And the guys who are nasty to my girl-friends.
If I had my own island, I'd invite my beloved friends.
And Sammi Cheng.
And Angelina Jolie.
And Gwen Stefani.
And Hugh Grant.
If only.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I miss somebody right now.
I don't watch much TV these days.
I love olives.
I own lots of books (my mom + me = A LOT).
I wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I've tried marijuana.
I've watched porn movies.
I have been in a threesome.
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
I curse sometimes.
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I'm TOTALLY smart (HAHA).
I've broken someone's bones(my brother's lar, when we were like 3 and 5 or something).
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
I hate the rain.
I'm paranoid at times.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I need money right now.
I love sushi.
I talk really, really fast.
I have fresh breath in the morning.
I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past (or rather, tried to).
I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
I like the way that I look.
I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
I know how to cornrow.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
I think prostitution should be legalized.
I think Britney Spears is pretty.
I slept with a Suitemate.
I have a hidden talent.
I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
I have a lot of friends(not A LOT, but enough.).
I am currently single.
I have pecked someone of the same sex(not on the lips though).
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.
I enjoy window shopping.
I would rather shop than eat.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
I'm obsessed with my Blogger or Livejournal.
I don't hate anyone. I dislike them.
I'm a pretty good dancer(I have the dance in me!).
I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I've rejected someone before.
I want to have children in the future.
I currently like someone.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I have changed a diaper before.
I've called the cops on a friend before.
I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
I'm not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.
I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
I am shy around the opposite sex.
I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
I have at least 5 away messages saved.
I have tried alcohol or drugs before (not drugs, but duh I'm legal).
I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past (some people might think I have but I most definitely HAVE NOT).
I own the "South Park" movie.
I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Blogger or Livejournal.
When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbour or chum.
I enjoy some country music.
I would die for my best friends.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I watch soap operas whenever I can.
I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children's Story".
I think Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
I have dated a close friend's ex.
I like surveys/memes.
I am happy at this moment.
I'm obsessed with guys.
I am a Democrat.
I am a Conservative Republican.
I am punk rockish.
I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
I study for tests most of the time.
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
I can work on a car.
I love my job.
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles.
I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
I believe in prophetic dreams.
I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
I'm proficient in a musical instrument.
I worked at McDonald's restaurant.
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movies.
I think water rules.
I went to college out of state.
I am adopted.
I like sausage.
I have thrown up from crying too much.
I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
I love kisses.
I fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colors (but dark ones too).
I can't live without black eyeliner.
I think school is awesome.
I think pigtails serve a purpose.
I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
I usually like covers better than originals.
I don't like multi-textured ice cream.
I watch Food Network way too much.
I love coaching youth sports.
I can pick up things with my toes.
I can't whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse.
I still have every journal I've ever written in.
I can't stick to a diet.
I talk in my sleep.
I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
I think climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I have jazz in my blood.
I would not be friends if they weren't family.
I wear a toe ring.
I have a tattoo.
I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I know who Santos L. Halper is.
I read trashy romance novels and I am ashamed.
I love wrestling.
I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.
I'm an artist.
I have a goal to collect every Johnny Depp movie ever made.
I have an unhealthy Taco Bell obsession.
I have had a crush on a cartoon character when I was a kid.
I have spent more on anime and manga than many spend on computers or other high end products.
I only clean my room when necessary.
I am always daydreaming.
Everyone should waste a bit of time everyday.
I miss somebody right now.
I don't watch much TV these days.
I love olives.
I own lots of books (my mom + me = A LOT).
I wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I've tried marijuana.
I've watched porn movies.
I have been in a threesome.
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
I curse sometimes.
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I'm TOTALLY smart (HAHA).
I've broken someone's bones(my brother's lar, when we were like 3 and 5 or something).
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
I hate the rain.
I'm paranoid at times.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I need money right now.
I love sushi.
I talk really, really fast.
I have fresh breath in the morning.
I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past (or rather, tried to).
I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
I like the way that I look.
I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
I know how to cornrow.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
I think prostitution should be legalized.
I think Britney Spears is pretty.
I slept with a Suitemate.
I have a hidden talent.
I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
I have a lot of friends(not A LOT, but enough.).
I am currently single.
I have pecked someone of the same sex(not on the lips though).
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.
I enjoy window shopping.
I would rather shop than eat.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
I'm obsessed with my Blogger or Livejournal.
I don't hate anyone. I dislike them.
I'm a pretty good dancer(I have the dance in me!).
I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I've rejected someone before.
I want to have children in the future.
I currently like someone.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I have changed a diaper before.
I've called the cops on a friend before.
I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
I'm not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.
I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
I am shy around the opposite sex.
I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
I have at least 5 away messages saved.
I have tried alcohol or drugs before (not drugs, but duh I'm legal).
I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past (some people might think I have but I most definitely HAVE NOT).
I own the "South Park" movie.
I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Blogger or Livejournal.
When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbour or chum.
I enjoy some country music.
I would die for my best friends.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I watch soap operas whenever I can.
I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children's Story".
I think Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
I have dated a close friend's ex.
I like surveys/memes.
I am happy at this moment.
I'm obsessed with guys.
I am a Democrat.
I am a Conservative Republican.
I am punk rockish.
I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
I study for tests most of the time.
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
I can work on a car.
I love my job.
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles.
I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
I believe in prophetic dreams.
I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
I'm proficient in a musical instrument.
I worked at McDonald's restaurant.
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movies.
I think water rules.
I went to college out of state.
I am adopted.
I like sausage.
I have thrown up from crying too much.
I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
I love kisses.
I fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colors (but dark ones too).
I can't live without black eyeliner.
I think school is awesome.
I think pigtails serve a purpose.
I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
I usually like covers better than originals.
I don't like multi-textured ice cream.
I watch Food Network way too much.
I love coaching youth sports.
I can pick up things with my toes.
I can't whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse.
I still have every journal I've ever written in.
I can't stick to a diet.
I talk in my sleep.
I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
I think climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I have jazz in my blood.
I would not be friends if they weren't family.
I wear a toe ring.
I have a tattoo.
I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I know who Santos L. Halper is.
I read trashy romance novels and I am ashamed.
I love wrestling.
I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.
I'm an artist.
I have a goal to collect every Johnny Depp movie ever made.
I have an unhealthy Taco Bell obsession.
I have had a crush on a cartoon character when I was a kid.
I have spent more on anime and manga than many spend on computers or other high end products.
I only clean my room when necessary.
I am always daydreaming.
Everyone should waste a bit of time everyday.
Hokkaido (I)
I went to Hokkaido during the June hols, but didn't have time to blog about it. Shall do so while I wait for the match between Germany(YAY!) and Portuagal(Pfft).
Hokkaido was a lovely place. Although it was pretty cold at times, aroun 5-10 degrees because it's summer (it's -20 degrees there during winter), it was an excellent experience being away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. We had an excellent tour guide who brought us through the history and geography of Japan within the week, and also gave us extemely thorough explanations about our destinations. She even took care that we got the chance to pee every one hour!! An extremely professional individual!
Hokkaido isn't like what I imagined. It was a lot more rural than I thought! There were periods of 3-5 hours when we could travel and not see a single human being. The city centre Sapporo was virtually a ghost town with like random old ladies walking on the streets. Their fashion street is about as fashionable as our fish market. Apparently they have to be under thick clothing at al times so there's really no point in dressing up. The most famous Hokkaido products are, of course, the Hokkaido ice creams and chocolates. Their milk is truly the best in town, creamy and absolutely delicious!! Especially their White Lovers' Chocolates!! It's the most amazing chocolates ever! I get so caught up eating my chocolates and ice creams that I really stop listening to anyone else!!!
Oh well, I guess photos will do the story telling for me:
This was our very first meal in Hokkaido. It tasted quite good at first, the crab at all, but when we started eating the same damn thing over and over again for the entire week (which is apparently what the Hokkaido people do) and everything tastes the same because it's all cooked in the same damn soup, it really gets a bit overboard.
Our hotel room for the first night. A very pleasant room, not bad. And of course in the picture if my dad who just stole my mom's food and looking incredibly naughty. Notice the uncanny resemblance between my dad and I!
We went up to this place called Suphur Mountain which was emitting loads and loads of (surprise, surprise) sulphur!! Of course my mom was thrilled and we all took turns to squat next to the sulphur hole thing to take photos (except my Dad who took the photos).
Hokkaido was a lovely place. Although it was pretty cold at times, aroun 5-10 degrees because it's summer (it's -20 degrees there during winter), it was an excellent experience being away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. We had an excellent tour guide who brought us through the history and geography of Japan within the week, and also gave us extemely thorough explanations about our destinations. She even took care that we got the chance to pee every one hour!! An extremely professional individual!
Hokkaido isn't like what I imagined. It was a lot more rural than I thought! There were periods of 3-5 hours when we could travel and not see a single human being. The city centre Sapporo was virtually a ghost town with like random old ladies walking on the streets. Their fashion street is about as fashionable as our fish market. Apparently they have to be under thick clothing at al times so there's really no point in dressing up. The most famous Hokkaido products are, of course, the Hokkaido ice creams and chocolates. Their milk is truly the best in town, creamy and absolutely delicious!! Especially their White Lovers' Chocolates!! It's the most amazing chocolates ever! I get so caught up eating my chocolates and ice creams that I really stop listening to anyone else!!!
Oh well, I guess photos will do the story telling for me:

There was some sort of outdoor spa thing where you could like wash your feet! The water was super hot but because it was so cold it was really refreshing!! And very comfortable. I realise I have my dad's exact expression. And round face. BAH!
OK I'm quite lazy to continue. More tomorrow!
OK I'm quite lazy to continue. More tomorrow!
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