Monday, June 26, 2006


Sometimes I truly wonder if really can't do math or if it's because I keep telling myself I can't.

And how I'm developing selective photographic memory (or plainly speaking selective memory hehheh). I never used to have good memory, but it seems I've found my forte in JC. I can read LEP or Lit notes once and convert everything into memory. And even have my own points and understanding. (This may be due to the fact that I don't have to regurgitate everything word for word, so there's less pressure there remembering stuff.)

BUT!!! The big but comes: when I look at the math formulae, no matter how many times I recite it to myself and try to remember it, the words and numbers just vanish in minutes.

Maybe it's because I keep telling myself I can't do it?

And just why on earth would anyone see anything remotely amusing about manipulating a few numbers here and there. I'd seriously rather do 10 essays than do math, plainly because it makes me feel so stupid and inadequate. But whenever I get stuck doing a simple arithmatic problem, I just remind myself that multiple intelligence exists!

Math to me is but a filler subject. Like ok, LIT (impt), LEP (semi-impt) and econs (uhm), what else is there.

And I'm SO going to get that A.

Perhaps math is just not for the couch potato.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I've got quite a lot to say about my hols and my holiday to Hokkaido/Tokyo but due to time constraints I'll leave it to Week 2.

I remembered telling myself NOT to procrastinate and to start revision as early as possible but as usual that didn't happen. Now I have no choice but to cram what normal people should be cramming in 1 month or so in 1 week. I'm 36 hours away from the first exam and only halfway through. Only God can help me this time.

I'm sleepy, fed-up and I look like shit because of my eyebags and everything. I don't study the way I normally do and I'm just accepting whatever the notes and textbooks tell me. Not at all brilliant.

I will NOT put myself through the same torture for the prelims and duh the A Levels.

Can't help but keep hearing Paris Hilton sing her song in my ear everytime exams come near.

Oh heck, they are just Block Tests.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Robbie is coming.

And I can't go.

BECAUSE IT'S DURING THE ALEVELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, June 18, 2006


Haven't heard from her in the longest time but she's finally back and ready for work!! I've liked her since I was p6 and she still doesn't fail to impress me and influence my thinking and even decisions. But anyhow I'm really glad she's who she is today and even though I don't talk as much about her I still am crazy about her.

This is a clip I found on youtube, her winning performance in 1988 which granted her entry to showbiz. She was 15.5. Have fun watching!

Monday, June 05, 2006

New skin!

OK new skin yet again! I'm still very much in love with Gwen but that skin got old. Wanted to get an Angelina Jolie one cos you know how crazy I am over her and I didn't want those "I'm depressed" skins, so I got this sexy JLo thing. Super hot isn't she!!!

Sorry I had to remove some of my links cos there were a bit too many. I still visit them sometimes but not cos I hate you or anything cos I definitely don't.

In a pretty pissed off mood cos my menses are here and my cramps are like bothering me 24/7 and yet what can I do but put up with my uterus. I know she probably hates me but hey what can I do you're born in me and I have to accept you but do you have to keep twisting yourself left right and centre just so I can't even have a proper night's rest!! Gosh it's like she can't stop moving and contracting and expanding so I've totally lost my appetite but I feel damn fat cos my tummy's bloated. Thank GOD it's once a month and not like weekly I will DIE.