Thursday, March 30, 2006

Yet another random post

I think my life is seriously quite boring cos I keep doing these random enteries for the sake of, well, doing them. For today it's

1. Why can't armpit hair grow as long as the hair that grows on your head?
2. If armpit hair can grow that long, do you think we can tie ribbons? Maybe a French Plait would be nice.
3. Do you think if Gucci released a head-skirt series, i.e. tying some sort of curtain around your head like a lampshade, it'll be The New Thing in town?
4. Don't you find it irritating if your close friends and etc call you by your real name? Like hello TingXuan! Or hello Shiqi! Hello JingYi! Hello Esther!!! Hello WanQi!! DAMN WEIRD!!!!! and anal.
5. Sorry about my obsession with hair but what's the purpose of toe hair. As in the bits near the nail that are slightly longer.
6. Why is the whole world so obsessed with sex?
7. Are there any parts of the body with the exception of your nails, hair and eyes that pimples can't grow on?
8. Do you think elephants can dive? If they leave their trunks out and immerse their heads.
9. If you add up all the footsteps one makes in a lifetime, is it enough to walk 10 times round Earth?
10. If all men could marry 5 women and women could marry 5 men and all people who don't want to be married are eliminated, can everyone in the world be linked by marriage?

Some of you probably have heard of my theories before, especially number 4 and 10. But it IS interesting to think about such things when you're in the shower and have run out of songs to torture your family and the dog next door with.

Sorry to those who actually have nothing better to do but to follow my blog, cos I've been such an arse when it comes to updating especially after Blocks because I'm too lazy too write essays. School has been quite a bore, as per normal, but I took mc on wed cos of my swollen lip. Took a real good break!!

Going to Elaine's FINALLY tom!!! Haven't seen the rest of F5 for over a month oh goodness!! I don't know what to say. Am I numb? They're always at the back of my mind, or heart, and I melt everytime I see them. I need to melt again!! Miss them loads :(

Have friends who're having relationship problems recently. A number of them actually, friendships and etc. To be honest asking me about r/ships is like asking Hitler about advice on kindness, but I'm always ready to lend a listening ear. Well, I won't name names, obviously, but to all those who are having problems in or out of school, and those who are not, do cherish those around you, and those who actually stick around during times of crises, because these are the people you'd want to grow old with. It's what I believe in, and no one to particular, but I guess it should apply to most.

Excuse my randomness I'm on the brink of semi-consciousness and I still have the dreaded NUS project to do.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Oh. My. Goodness. IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well not like I really, really started but essentially it's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Huiyan, The Suan and I swung right over to Orchard immediately after LEP without the slightest hesitation! We watched Failure to Launch by Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew McConaughey which was extremely relaxing because it required ZERO anything. Just watch. And laugh when funny. Feel touched when sweet. Cool to see McConaughey's over-developed biceps too, but they look highly intimidating.

I was reading i-Weekly (is this produced by Apple too? HA!) and I was HORRIFIED to see that my darling Hilary Duff has been reduced to THIS:

WTH!!!! This girl is from now officially out of FART's favourites till she gets some arm fats swinging about and some stuffing in her chest!! I think with every kg she lost she gained one year of age.

Look at this: I'm the same age as her:


Haha wonder what I'll look like if I actually go lose weight like darling Hilly did!! HAHAH! I think besides the fact that we're not of the same race she'd be able to pass off as my mom.

This really random and unrelated but:
I am offering a $1 reward for anyone who can tell me who anonymous is!!

Monday, March 20, 2006


I've just watched Rain's Music Video, Sad Tango. I never really thought he was attractive or etc, but now that I've seen him dance, I think boys in black long coats and who can dance can be really hot! (with the exclusion of pauline and xun, of course)

Anyway, I promised Wankai and Huiyan (who else is there? hmm...) of Whyt! to write about them! So here it is:

Hehheh what shall I say about her. She though/thinks(heh!) I am weird from the very beginning, and I thought she was really unfriendly. But I guess we've grown pretty fond of each other(teehee), and we share the same liking for all-things-bimbotic, including sitcoms like Friends and all those "mindless mixtures of sounds" in our taste for music and movies! We even founded FART (Fat and Rimbotic Team) together! We're both very much more inclined to the Western world and English, and yet we're both in LEP for some very mysterious reason. We both think Econs tutorials should be optional. She's intelligent, sexy, caring and an excellent friend to chat to, because she picks things up so quickly, especially puns and sarcasm which I am so fond of using! And of course! Our lesbian tendencies! Like how we like all those artistes who are lesbian or look like one. She's great for uh, wasting time HAHA! like accompanying me to watch my darling Sammi's press forum. And listening to me talk nonsense about people she doesn't know hahaha. I haven't been a good friend to her, admittedly, because I don't think I've been as much of a confidant to her as I'd like to, but I do love you my dear! And we WILL spend our entire weekend watching all those Friends and Simpsons videos!

Hahaha Huiyanny is my lesbian friend! Well actually she's my friend but she's not a lesbian (I think, hee!) We're singing partners (somehow I always end up with the male part), going home partners (we live practically next to each other) and my table partner (she sits next to me most of the time for econs, geepee and math lectures)! What will I ever do without Huiyan! I think life will be so boring. Everyone says she's super talented and hot, sexy, but to me, she's just my friend! Though she may not seem like it sometimes (from her highly bimbotic comments from time to time) it is clear that this girl has something substantial up there (I mean, above her neck). She makes intelligent comments, she's good in her studies, good at her dancing, singing, and yet she's just...huiyan haha. While she may make frank and ego-boosting comments about herself, you've got to admit - she's right, haha! She knows what she's good at, she knows what she wants, and she goes all the way for it! That's my darling huiyanny!

The Suan

Oh well, I guess since I wrote for the other two girls I am sort of obliged to write for The Suan too. Yawn.
OH ALL RIGHT I shall not be cruel. I was kidding my dear Suan! While you may not believe it I think you're quite the spirit of Whyt! (Since when did Whyt! have such an evil spirit?!) Well you may choose to think that all of us prefer someone else in Whyt! over you but I think at the very least of me, it's not true! (I have no preferences) Anyway you can stop worring now cos YAN IS THE NEW SUAN!HAHAH! Well haha though you may have moods that are constantly erratic (oxymoron) and CAN get quite annoying on when prolonged, but oh well what to do you're my friend. Sadly while you're the only one who has 6 points out of the four of us, you're not the most intelligent, HAHAHAH! In fact from the questions you ask sometimes I think you might be the silliest... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! But you're absolutely the best when it comes to treating your friends well. Like my present (which I will be expecting soon), and my surprise, your willingness to listen to whoever wishes to confide in you. Your devotion to your friends is also something I really respect. You're someone with (I think) very obvious merits and flaws, and I'm really quite happy to gain a friend like you.

Well, I shan't forget that I'm part of Whyt! Of course, needless to say, I'm the most brilliant of the lot. The shining star, in the mundane darkness of the everyday. What's anyone gonna do without me?! HAHA! All right I was kidding, laughing at my own joke again, as I so often do. Though I don't spend much time with you guys, I think I really appreiciate your presence in my life, especially in HC and in class. I really don't know what would have happened if none of you came in. Would I be a loner? Or would I have stuck to my council friends 24/7? Hahaha thanks for sticking by me during all those shitty times!!

Finally, a post for Whyt!

Love ya all!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Taking a 15 minute break from mugging to do a random post. It's past 1am, in the dead of the night, and I love doing random things at this time because there's no one to bother me or stop me.

Random Stuff
1. Urban is the best thing ST has published. But the whitening issue this week is a bit weird. My favorite section has to be the bag part because it's so cool seeing what lies in other people's bags. And almost everyone will have some variant of the iPod. For the heck of it I shall just write whatever there is in my bag and some trivia, haha!! Which means you don't actually have to read the following, it's just for my own amusement:
- Converse bag (black). Bought it for only $30 or so cos I needed a black bag to go with all my black shirts. No, I'm not satanic!!
- Liz Clairborne Wallet, black. I bought this with Esther for the sake of having the same wallet for fun. But she bought a white one eventually, and I fell for my black wallet. No I AM NOT SATANIC!
- iPod Mini, Silver. My dad bought this from my brother and gave it to me, so I actually inherited an iPod without having to touch my cash! WHOO!
- Nokia Handphone, 6600 (I THINK). I bought this cos my brother bought it and he said it's the best phone around. It WAS quite ex but after a year on sale it should be relatively cheap now. I love my phone!!
- Random Bits of Cash. I normally stash whatever cash I get into my bag so there're always random bits of cash and coins clinging and clanging around so I just dig around when I need to pay for stuff.

2. I like to shit in the buff. Which is why I do not poo in school or in public toilets. And when I go overseas only when absolutely necessary cos you never know what insects or whatever lurk in those resort bathrooms.

3. I like to text people randomly when I'm bored. People normally get the brunt of my pesterings during the exam period, and these people can range from HC friends including Wankai, The Suan (see I mentioned you!!!), Xun, Shit to AC people like F5, depending on my mood. I like to receive texts too!!

4. I sing mightily off-tune at home in my heavily guarded-and-locked room when I'm studying.

Crap my half-an-hour is up!!!! Back to work -.-

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I'm WAY WAY WAY behind time for terms studying, because I keep wanting to do everything well and thorough but this means I can't finish the other sections! I've only just begun on math today, integration, and since I heard it's gonna be a killer, I won't be too surprised with an O. But I'd be pretty upset if I got an E and below for my econs!!! Anyhow, studying in school has somehow hyped my mood up, so I'm actually looking forward to studying now, albeit the snail-like speed.

I've been studying with Xun and Shitty(sometimes) these few days, and it's been real fun! Especially our lunch breaks haha!!! Shit already mentioned what happened yesterday in her blog. Basically we went to Curry Wok for lunch, and ate a lot more than we could, so we were SO FULL, except for xun who actually asked for EXTRA rice that stupid 26-inch-waist boy. Then after lunch he was like "Eh, I want an ice-cream" and we were like WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY we're so darn full! And he was like but you can never be too full for dessert!!! And both of us were like are you crazy we're so full!!! What flavour do you want? HAHAHA OK like Shit said, inside joke. But basically we ate ice-cream anyway. And there was the bowing to look at the flavours available and it looked like the three of us were bowing to the ice cream uncle, and we laughed at the same joke like 6 times. Xun looked exasperated but I know deep down there he really had fun with the SACO chairs HEE! I mean, it's really hard to find anyone who doesn't have fun with us. Do these people exist? I mean they won't be considered as "people" right? Weirdos more like -.-

We had a guest with us at lunch today, Xun's friend, so we had to behave! Or people will think we're weird which we are so totally not you know. We went all the way to Serene Centre's Mac's for lunch before proceeding to this ice-cream place (some Cream place) for a slice of some mudpie or something which tasted EXCELLENT! And it was Xun's treat (for absolutely no reason) so we had even more fun eating it and fighting over the tasty bits. Thanks XUN! Studying is definitely more fun with Xun and Shit around!

I just popped by Shit's blog and I realise she pasted our very entertaining conversation on her blog. I think we're really made for each other in the non lesbian sense. Because without her I have no one to be self amusing with and it'll be really lonely and without me I don't think her self amusing side will emerge. And goodness God knows what council will do without us. Up till now we've already influenced yanyan zeying xingyan and etc etc to speak and talk like us! Like gosh, everyone's trying to be Goddess-like like us eh? TEEHEE!

I look at my plan and I know I'm overtly ambitious. I probably will finish whatever I need to do, but just the bare minimum. Perhaps I'll be able to scrape a CCDE? Hopefully. GOSH how does one do well in MATH?!?!?!?


I'm trying to transfer mindy and xiaoxiao's math brains over via msn. ---ohm---

This might work better than doing the tutorials.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Random Things

What happened between 9/3 till now? I can't really remember. Let's see:


No, we councillors are NOT sex maniacs. Expose was held on Saturday to, um, expose council to potential councillors, i.e. nominees. It went ok I guess, councillors zi-highing as usual during dance, song and cheer session, but the new batch looks pretty promising. Of course we have the usual not-so-normal people running as well, but there seems to be a fine enough batch too!!
Yvonne didn't attend Expose, so Karin was my dance partner!! Karin's a super funny la but I think she hates dancing with me because of my, uh, exhuberance. But I know there are tons of people who'd love dancing with me!!! HAHAH!!! Had great fun shouting and screaming and being uber-enthu over virtually nothing!!! Catwalk with Shit was easy peasy, it was like our Nth time prancing on stage together!! Our chemistry is unbeatable, I'd say, and we even made booboos together!!! Love the girl!

Xun's present

FINALLY completed Xun's present and EVEN gave it to him on Friday but cos I had to rush off and the stupid idiot wanted to dance fac dances so I didn't manage to see him open it. So I forced him to endure until the next time I see him/when we are free to open it, cos I wanna see his expression. Which would be 2 weeks later. Too bad for him he had to endure people like Bobbert laughing over it, HAHAHA! Too bad!! Will write more when the contents are revealed and it's more convenient to speak about it.


Went for interview for the tongxunyuan thing, thought I did ok for my interview as compared to other people who were slouching in their seats (why do people sit like that during interviews!), but got rejected, apparently due to my commitment to council. Oh well, hahaha. I'm not upset or anything, just puzzled about the reason for rejection, haha. But as I told my mom I've always believed in God's will, so maybe this is the path God has chosen for me (I AM agnostic).

Huang Cheng

I was quite apprehensive about Huang Cheng, because I'd heard a lot of stories about how not-very good it was this year. And I'm not really a pro-chinese drama person myself, being from the other camp (English Drama). But it was surprisingly not bad! I wouldn't lie and say it was excellent or beyond belief but it was not bad!!! Quite good I'd say!! I'm very proud of all my friends and classmates who totally put their heart and soul into it this year! I've never really considered myself to be part of huangcheng I think, maybe cos I was in photography which is really quite out of point as compared to the rest, but well done!

I HAVE NOT started studying, and it's already 4 minutes into Monday!!! My goodness. I WILL have to wake early to begin!!! PLEASE!!! God of Determination Give Me Strength!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

And so it begins!

It's 10Mar tom, which other than someone's birthday, is the beginning of -HORRORS- our Block Tests!!! It's Geepee tom and I'm supposed to be reading my info now, but frankly, nothing's really going in. Thank goodness it's an arts subject (i.e. not a mugging subject)!!!

I'm feeling quite ok about the BTs. Quite motivated to do well but not very anxious about the results. Forgive my cavelier attitude but I realised I'm becoming more and more like a nun in my beliefs- like what is the point of getting so upset? Like haha there are better things to worry about in life! I haven't begun studying, and I have a feeling I'll fail quite badly since HC is ohsofamous for setting unreasonably difficult papers (for their own amusement probably), especially for Econs and math since they are my weak subjects.

Perhaps the best part about BTs (other than the scintillating pleasure you get when you look at the paper and realise you know nothing) is the fact that we get to go home early. No more stupid rules about not leaving the school before 1p.m. which everyone adheres to so well (ha!) or feeling sleepy, because exams are here! Absolutely enjoy exams because of this one sole reason.

The beginning is here, which means the end is coming. What should I do? Should give it some thought over the holidays. In between MUGGING, of course HAHA! (Who am I kidding) Lots of movies and serials to catch up on, including Friends, The Simpsons and Other Bimbotic Movies with Wankai and possibly Wallace and Gromit with Sheenikins!

But till then, oh well -.-

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

New Layout

I think this new layout is totally hot!!! Since I can't find any skins with Sammi it'll have to be Gwen!! It's GWEN FEVER!! WATCH OUT!!! And don't nosebleed, boys and wankai cos I know Gwennie looks real hot in here!!!

Be back tonight :)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

New Blog Name!

I don't think it reflects anywhere because of my template but I've changed my blogname again! It's "girl can rock", after Hilary Duff's song, HAHA!

I have a fan! If you don't know who he/she is, just check out my tagboard! He/She comes once in a while to type random comments! Quite cool to have someone stalking my blog. Hello!

I ought to be doing my vectors 2 now, but HAHAHA. Too bad!

Went with Ass to the UK Universities and Career Fair today. Nothing solid gained, but I now know that I really gotta get something near to 4As before anything can really happen. In a way it's good cos I'm beginning to get motivated to re-adjust my lifestyle and etc. Shall begin after terms since there's no time to do anything now.

I hear that for some subs at least there's gonna be BT1, BT2, pre-prelims, prelims and post-prelims!! I think I'm weird cos I'm actually excited rather than dreading it!! I'm quite looking forward to serious mugging!!! Weird!!!!!!! It must be my school.

Back to math now!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Shit Day

The titles of my blog entries have been "shit day" for a long time now. Truly a real shitty day though I had some fun in between somewhere. Started off with LEP in the morning, depressing cos it's teahouse and though I appreciate the writer's style and everything it's quite annoying to have to sit through listening everyone blaming everyone else for the suffering of the Chinese early in the morning. Well at the least all those darn tests have been removed so we don't have to memorise the book wholesale anymore.

Then it was followed by the loser lesson econs. Seriously...sigh. They really spoil my days!! Then it was honglou test (I studied but ARGH! not enough time!!!) got one of Wang's famous "jiayous" for weak students and right after that lit where I got told off by Ang for not returning her text (NOT MY FAULT!!!) and followed immediately by council all the way till 7 plus p.m. Didn't have anything to eat till 8 pm which explains why I was in a sodding shit mood.

Really feeling very jaded and stretched beyond repair. There's something wrong with me, like I cannot CANNOT be jiayoued by teachers. I DETEST IT. STOP ASKING ME TO BUCK UP I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!!!!!!!! It gets freaking annoying you know!!!! I am NOT stupid don't look at me with those pitying eyes of yours. Why are all of them doing that to me these days!!!! Is this the reason to why HC people never ever come back like loving their school. It's like a cold institution with steeled walls and robots just force feeding you to get your 4As!!!!!!!!! And like the moment you get less than 3As people just don't care about you anymore.

Damn effing tired. Damn damn effing tired. Don't have to ask me how I am online/over sms it's ok I just needed to rant. I don't know how I'm going to find the energy to stand up again. Lit is the only subject I love now. LEP, econs, they really make life seem like a hellhole. And the subject is fun!!! I used to look forward studying LEP!!!! Ang is right, shouldn't give up NOW.