Monday, August 07, 2006


Something celebratory happened today, and I'm really glad for the parties involved!! I'm sure at least one of them reads my blog, so if you see this just now that I'll always be behind you!! I'm really optimistic about this one, and I'm sure everyone else too! All the way my darlings but don't forget me!! Hee!

Then again, one of my MGS teachers, Miss Goh, passed away this morning after a long battle with cancer. She never taught me, but I had a lasting impression of her due to several reasons. For one because she was famous for her 100% A1s for chem and her ultra strict lessons, and even though she was a small woman (about my height) and quite skinny, but most of us were terrified of her. And also because she told me off once because I sat with my legs crossed (the lady way, not the ugly-guy way) during the Founders' Day Rehearsal, which I still find puzzling up till this day. And of course how, during our Emergency Exercise, she literally barked at all of us to continuing standing, and how she carried her loudhailer yelling at everyone, but I guess everyone, like me, was more amused than terrified. But what was more unforgettable was how she always had a smile for all of us, and though she never taught me, I still remember how she stopped me outside the staff room to compliment me on a performance. And that's when I really felt the warmth of MG teachers, how they really value every student and love everyone of us, and see each of us as real individuals rather than A-spinning-machines like some other schools I might mention.

But anyhow, I'm glad that Miss Goh truly exemplified the true MGS spirit and fought to her last. I'm sure she's in a better place now, with God by her side.

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