Wednesday, August 16, 2006

For Want of Something to Say

"For Want of Something to Say"- that's the title I have bequeathed to my entry today. So just forgive me for rambling themelessly and aimlessly today.

I'm not sure if any of you have read Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov (I think Vladimir is an outstanding name although I understand it's pretty common in Russia? But becuase Vladimir sounds so exotic and it reminds me a little of Dracula.), but I in the middle of ingesting it now and I find it a horribly exciting book. For the unenlightened it's actually about Humbert Humbert, a paedophile and his relationship with a 12-year-old girl named (surprise, surprise) Lolita. I'm only halfway through the text but I'm completely hooked on to it because it terribly thrilling. Not the sexual parts (which don't really exist by the way) but the way Nobokov has crafted his story and the diction. To be honest I've always lived in the fantasy world of chick lit, and it's only recently that I've come to realise why true literature is so much adored. Every choice of word changes the texture of the characters and the story, and I truly marvel at how Nobokov can be so accurate in his descriptions and use of English (which is not his native language by the way though he was educated in Cambridge).

I know most Science students and even some Arts students can't really appreciate it as much but there's just so much beauty in some pieces of writing that you really feel slightly delirious with amazement and appreciation of how some authors can truly, like what Roy said, turn the "language into your slave" and serve your needs directly. And ironically it's during Mrs. Ang's lessons that I've learnt to see this very lovely aspect of literature.

On a lighter and random note I think Madonna has a really attractive voice!! OK maybe not attractive but very uhm interesting voice. Her older songs like Like a Virgin and Material Girl absolutely rock!!!

Actually I'm just writing nonsense to avoid having to return to studying. Ladeeda. LALALA! Boom dee boom. Doodeedoodeedoo!!

OK that sounded a bit insane. Going off now ta!

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