Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hokkaido (I)

I went to Hokkaido during the June hols, but didn't have time to blog about it. Shall do so while I wait for the match between Germany(YAY!) and Portuagal(Pfft).

Hokkaido was a lovely place. Although it was pretty cold at times, aroun 5-10 degrees because it's summer (it's -20 degrees there during winter), it was an excellent experience being away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. We had an excellent tour guide who brought us through the history and geography of Japan within the week, and also gave us extemely thorough explanations about our destinations. She even took care that we got the chance to pee every one hour!! An extremely professional individual!
Hokkaido isn't like what I imagined. It was a lot more rural than I thought! There were periods of 3-5 hours when we could travel and not see a single human being. The city centre Sapporo was virtually a ghost town with like random old ladies walking on the streets. Their fashion street is about as fashionable as our fish market. Apparently they have to be under thick clothing at al times so there's really no point in dressing up. The most famous Hokkaido products are, of course, the Hokkaido ice creams and chocolates. Their milk is truly the best in town, creamy and absolutely delicious!! Especially their White Lovers' Chocolates!! It's the most amazing chocolates ever! I get so caught up eating my chocolates and ice creams that I really stop listening to anyone else!!!

Oh well, I guess photos will do the story telling for me:

This was our very first meal in Hokkaido. It tasted quite good at first, the crab at all, but when we started eating the same damn thing over and over again for the entire week (which is apparently what the Hokkaido people do) and everything tastes the same because it's all cooked in the same damn soup, it really gets a bit overboard.

Our hotel room for the first night. A very pleasant room, not bad. And of course in the picture if my dad who just stole my mom's food and looking incredibly naughty. Notice the uncanny resemblance between my dad and I!

We went up to this place called Suphur Mountain which was emitting loads and loads of (surprise, surprise) sulphur!! Of course my mom was thrilled and we all took turns to squat next to the sulphur hole thing to take photos (except my Dad who took the photos).
There was some sort of outdoor spa thing where you could like wash your feet! The water was super hot but because it was so cold it was really refreshing!! And very comfortable. I realise I have my dad's exact expression. And round face. BAH!

OK I'm quite lazy to continue. More tomorrow!

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