Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Signs of boredom and slackdom

You scored as Lindsay Lohan. You are most like Lindsay Lohan... (some simliar feautures NOT IDENTICAL)

Lindsay Lohan


Ashlee Simpson


Paris Hilton


Michael Jackson


Pamela Anderson


What Celebrity Could Be Your Twin!? (Awesome!!)
created with QuizFarm.com

Monday, June 27, 2005

an acute sign of boredom

Can't believe I'm doing this, after reading TingSuan and Xun's blog:

Message: First, name 20 people you know.

1. Beatrice Lau
2. Ass ta (Esther)
3. Elaine
4. Nat
5. Ting Suan (Tingx)
6. Wankai (Wanqi)
7. Weiqi
8. Huiyan
9. Xun
10. Calvin
11. Bryan
12. Jierong
13. Pauline (Paul)
14. Wenxi
15. Mindy
16. Shitty (Shiqi)
17. Clare Poh
18. Meixi
19. Siti (Siqi)
20. Sexy (hon jingyi)

Then, fill this out according to the people you chose!!--------------------------------------------Is 9 a boy or a girl? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! A boy, yes.
Would 11 and 2 make a cute couple? Haha no, definitely not.
How about 18 and 4?: They don't know each other!! But I doubt it anyway.
When was the last time you talked to 12? During Mrs. Ang's RAM assessment
What is 6's favorite band? Not too sure, she listens to a lot of cool music though!
Does 1 have any siblings? Yes, a lovely sister.
Would you ever date 3? Not exactly!
Would you ever date 7? Oh please!! NO!
Is 16 single? HMMM hehhehheh ya la she is.
What's 15's last name?: Oh gosh, how could I forget!
What's 5's middle name? Ting. HAHA.
What's 10's hobby?: Haha I guess being flirtatious!
Would 14 and 19 make a good couple?: Haha they each have their own...
Tell me a random fact about 11: He still uses his pencil case from primary school!!!!
Have you ever had a crush on 8? GREAT GOD NO.
Where does 9 live?: 6th Avenue!
What's 4's favorite color?: Orange? Anything bright I guess?
Are 5 & 6 best friends?: One is willing, the other is not, HAHAHAHA
Does 7 like 20? Yes she loves her.
Does 8 like 19?: Don't know but she probably would.
How did u meet 15?: Through council, but apparently we knew each other when we were very small.
Does 10 have any pets?: I DON'T think so.
Is 12 older than you?: No I think he's younger!
Is 1 the sexiest person: Yes, darling, bootylicious!
Have you ever given 13 a hug? um no???!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Lazy People Have More Shit and Pee

It's been a long time I've posted anything. So I must apologise. This post is dedicated to TINGSUAN by the way, since she has promoted my blog on her livejournal. Well thank you dear, and LOOK! I'm updating now!!! It's because of the block tests, really. Actually it's more like because I have been at home pretending to be studying, and not being out, so there's nothing much to write about.

The topic for today is 'Lazy People have more shit and pee'. I'm sure most of you have heard it, cos it's a Chinese phrase, and I must say after observing my actions for the past 2 weeks, IT'S NEVER MORE TRUE.

It's common knowledge I seldom visit the lavatory during school days. On a full day school day during school hours maybe once or at the most twice if my bladder is especially weak on that day. I'm quite a hygiene freak when it concerns the loo, so I try my VERY best not to have any contact at all with public lavatories, unless of course when your PUBLIC means the Ritz or whatever. So on a full day, if you're lucky, you'd catch me in the loo maybe 4-5 times.

HOWEVER! Whenever I need to study, or rather, 'mug', for a seemingly never-ending period of time, say for the O'Levels or the Block Tests, I seem to have an exceedingly large amount of pee or shit stored away. I can visit the loo to up to twice the number of times as compared to a normal day! And sometimes when I get a little tummyache I just go to the loo and sit there for 5 mins, before returning to my room, convinced it was just a false alarm. Most of the time those little loo-visits are mainly excuses for me to take a peek at my Harry Potter- The Order of The Phoenix (I'm revising before The Half Blood Prince is released.) It's a wonder how my procrastination and laziness can have such a huge effect on me, physically!!!

So it is then, definitely, true that lazy people have more shit and pee. It may not mean that I have more pee, but it just means that I have more excuses to want to skive. Oh well, what a lousy and shit-ty entry (haha, geddit, like SHIT-ty???). Back to BT studying now!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Come Home Soon

Come Home Soon

Sammi, Sweet Sammi,
Where,now, art thou?
To see them pains me,
Like the trodden udder of a cow
The reports of how unhealthy you may be,
How your countenance has been dull.

But surely, you're well?
Surely, there have been no accidents?.
We don't read the stories they sell,
To bad reports, we feign ignorance.
For we hope time does not dwell
Till the hour Queen Sammi returns.

Come home soon,
For waiting, are the suns and the moon.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I wanna be Mrs. Smith!

If you guys were a little aware of your surroundings I'm sure you would have heard of her. Yea. Mrs. Smith! From the film starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie entitled "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"!

I mean, if you've watched this incredible show, you'd know what I'm saying. Come on, who's gonna reject Brad Pitt for a hubby (lookswise)! He's so way hot, no matter how old he is (I thinkhe's near my Dad's age) or how little hair he has in that show. Who can resist those eyes my goodness and his frame is so yummy!

But that, of course, is not the reason to why I want to be Mrs. Smith. Well it's not the MAIN reason. I wanna be Mrs. Smith because of her super gadget-hiding butt-kicking home (whatever is left of it)!

I've ALWAYS loved cool houses where whenever your press some obscure button, something cool and dangerous pops out. Check out their basement! It's FILLED with guns and bazookas and all that nonsense! And oh my goodness their kitchen...their OVEN! That was the BEST part I love her oven! Who would have taught something so harmless would be hold so many deadly weapons!

And it's always super cool how she kills those guys! The heels are what makes her cool. I mean if Brad Pitt did away with some moron, yea all right, big deal. But if Angelina Jolie does it, woah! It's always cool to watch someone sexy, hot and beautiful do some ass-kicking! And in heels! That's the best thing! I'm such a sucker for girl power movies, harhar.

Well not that I wouldn't say no to owning her annoyingly near-perfect bod, lustful eyes and silky hair! Everytime she flicks her hair every single person in the theatre melts. She's not pretty, definitely not, with that weird over-pouty lips, but her lovely locks just accentuates her curves and her very strong face. But besides her hot bod, I wouldn't say no to THAT INCREDIBLE BLACK COAT she wore when killing her that poor dude. No not that boob thing, I want the COAT! And her stunning handbag! I'm sorry I think I noticed all the wrong things. Maybe I was supposed to be concentrating on the plot, and yet i was looking at her costumes (but come on, give the costume guy some credit, her clothes are just amazing!), but oh well I can always do that when the DVD comes.

So yes. I'd love to be Mrs, Smith, thank you very much.

New title...again!

OK I realised I'm kinda like cooled off the Discrimination against vertically challenged people bit...so I've decided on a brand new blog name. Yea the layout will come soon once Ting Suan is done with it (I can't do it myself I suck at the computer).

My new blog name is trash can! Simple reason. If you realised soon enough I refrain from tiresome ramblings about my mundane life, but I do record some observations of my own, or by others and add my own thoughts to it. Most of it's a whole load of trash, written purely for the enjoyment of myself and the silly people who actually drop by here.

So, yea, do have a great time here!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bus rides!

I was on the bus today on my way home from Monster-in-law (it's great! in a silly way) with 2 of my HC friends when I noticed something.

Maybe it's because I haven't taken the public bus for some time. I mean, now that I'm in HC, I get two-way private transport almost daily, besides the days when I have council till past 6. And maybe cos it's been camps the past two weeks, CCA Leadership Camp at Pulau Ubin and LEP Camp at the Singapore Sport's School (which has an amazing dorm by the way). And of course, it's also because it's been a really, really long time since I've gone to somewhere that required nearly a one hour bus-ride (since it was just after office hours when I took the bus today). Anyway, something suddenly hit me.

No it wasn't someone else's handbag, don't be silly! It was a question! Well not a very great one, but just a question.

People have always written to the papers complaining about how Singaporeans don't really care about the elderly and the little ol' pregnant ladies. But today I realised, hey, sometimes, it's not really our fault!

I mean, duh, if you were totally reliant on a walking stick, or were 7-8 months heavily and obviously pregnant, I'd give my seat to you anytime! TAKE IT! I mean I don't need it! But if you think about it, what if. What if, you offered your seat to a guy who's just in his thirties but looks old. What if you offered your seat to a 'pregnant' lady who's actually just a little plump? I so think you're gonna get your ass kicked!

Look at Two Weeks' Notice! Notice what happened to Hugh Grant when he thought this plump lady was pregnant when actually she was just a big woman! I mean, something like this could always happen if you aren't careful.

But hey, don't get me wrong. I mean, I'm not giving excuses for OTHER people for not giving up their seats. I give my seat up all the time! It's just I was scrutinising these 2 ladies before me today, and I really couldn't decide whether to offer my seat to them. Sure, they were definitely in their forties and above (if they were regulars of SKII), and they probably would need my seat more than I do. But would they be insulted if I gave up my seat? Would my act of graciousness be mistaken as an insult?

So what I'm trying to say is, if you really ignore a 'needy' fellow (e.g. expectant mothers, the elderly etc) although it is PRETTY obvious they're gonna need your seat more than you do, just remember that YOU are gonna be old (or sometimes pregnant) soon. But hey, if you're one of them like me who can't decide where to put my bet on, maybe we should just remain standing in future!