Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Lake House

I finally have something blog-worthy to speak of!!

Huiyan and I dashed off after school today to watch The Lake House by Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, which opened today.

I have nothing much to say about this movie, because I'm so afraid I'd reveal the plot. But all I can say it, it's one of the best movies I've watched in a very long time. Keanu is of course, his usual delicious self, though I must say that little white patch just above his upper lip (c'mon, who doesn't stare at his lips) was a tad distracting. But I felt that Sandra Bullock was the pivotal point of the entire movie. Considering how it's actually based on the Korean movie Il Mare, and that it doesn't really have the most original plot in the world, it would have been easy for the film to have come across as contrived or corny. But thankfully Sandra Bullock (who is one of the best actresses I've seen) sent the story beautifully across, and you really forget that she was once that Wildcat(fans should know this term) in Speed, or that crazy cop in both Miss Congenialities. She is definitely an amazing and one of the most diverse actresses Hollywood has.

I watched the movie with Huiyan in a certain neighbourhood cinema, and by golly, I would have been arrested for murder had I not kept my calm. Of course, being a serious and attentive member of the audience, I tried to capture and cling on to every word uttered and every scene filmed as much as possible (it's a lit thing). Of course, I understand not everyone has the mental capacity or patience to pay 100% during a movie, but what baffles me is how some people (if I may categorise them as homo sapiens) consider the theatre the most conducive place for a conversation.

It is particularly annoying when Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves are trying to convey their emotions to you with their big beautiful eyes and there SOME PEOPLE have to KEEP talking to their boyfriend/girlfriend every 5 minutes. You would have thought they were afraid that they'd lose each other in the dark and had to keep talking to reassure themselves. I was thoroughly annoyed when the girlfriend, who apparently could not keep up with the movie's pace, KEPT inquiring about the plot. And BOTH of them (the boyfriend and girlfriend) had to announce their revelations intelligently 5 mins after each relevant scene had passed. Perhaps if they had kept the trap shut they would have made those realisations only 3 mins slower than the rest of us. But what took the cake was when the genius of a girl dropped her keys and there was a period of shuffling and panicking. Perhaps she could have tied her boyfriend to her keys, to make sure both of them would be around her safely! And of course, being extremely fed-up I turned my head 45 degrees around to remind them (albeit too gently apparently) about the little tiny detail they had obviously overlooked: THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING THE SHOW. And all they did was giggle a little (and they are NOT YOUNG), kept silent for a precious 5 mins and continued "reassuring" themselves once again.

I would have wrung their necks on the spot but I didn't want to miss the amazing show and of course watching my favourite Sandra Bullock. Hey, I paid $8! I was not about to be chased out before I finish the film!!

Lovely movie, terrible audience. I think I might get the DVD when it's released, just to savour every moment of it :)

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