Prom was fun!! Everyone looked really different and we were all just basically photo-whoring HAHA but well it was a great experience!! Will let the photos say it all:

My Other Half and I decided to attend prom in slightly different outfits. So she being dark wore white and dressed as an Angel while I being fair wore black (to cover me fats) and went as the Devil!! And of course when Paul (who rightfully won Best Dressed!) Half and I emerged from the cab everyone was like OMG HAHA! Yea I think we had quite an elaborate entrance!! Our efforts won us Best Accessorized of the night!! So special mention to Mindy who created the trident and Shit's beautiful wand for us!! I love my Other Half! Only she would do something like that with me HEEHEE.

A slutty photo taken with Poochie hehheh because he said we should try to look slutty. Obviously being the cutesy innocent girl I am it's quite difficult to look slutty so our photo turned out like this. And Poochie instead of looking sexy looked sleepy instead -.-

Bobbert who turned up in beachwear and told all of us that was what he was wearing for the night and we actually trusted him!! Not because we are dumb (we're not) but because he is totally the sort who would do stupid things HAHAHA!! By the way bobs if you're here your $85 musical was totally amusing but THANK GOD I didn't join you guys!!!!

I really have no idea what is with the look of horror on Xun's face since he is flanked by the two most beautiful girls of the night!!!

Suan Huiyan and me! Well technically I was supposed to sit next to Huiyan for the night but obviously no one follows those mundane seating plans!! But managed to take photos with them nonetheless.

Street Urchin in his shirt(HAHA! inside joke) and me!! HAHA! Wanted to take more photos with him but I couldn't find him later. Too bad!

My favourite Mole darling ZEZE who had a sexy butterfly on her back!!!! We're supposed to meet up to watch Sound of Music for the 1000th time together!!

HAHA this photo cracks me up it's our photo with Colin!! Actually I don't know him but he's the Prom King AND the tallest guy in school plus he has 1000 girls after him so he's quite legendary!!! I HAD to take a photo with him before I left school! He's like literally half a metre taller than me and yet he still blushes when he sees people saying hi to him HAHA!!! How adorable!

Photo with classmates Minsi Huiyan and Weiqi who so predictably dressed as a Princess!!! Didn't manage to say more than 2 sentences to them though, unfortunately.

Darling Mindy!! My future neighbour whom I'm supposed to live next door if she doesn't marry before 40 HEEHEE!!! I love that woman but clearly she doesn't love me as much.

WELCO!!! Miss these people!!! But we'll be seeing them soon!! Especially the guys like xiaoxiao gum haining etc whom I really seldom see anymore. WELCO OUTING YAHOO!

SACO! My favourite people in the whole school!!! I think I'll weep when Pooch and RongRong (and oh yea, Paul) go to NS and when SACO splits to the rest of the world :( There's not one of these people I don't love with my greatest affections!
SACO Chalet (5/12-6/12)
OK admittedly it was a pretty bad idea to arrange for a SACO chalet immediately after prom BUT we had no choice because we all weren't free at all except for those 2 days!!! So anyhow we (except Jiadi and JR who came late) made our way to a dingy and slightly run-down chalet at East Coast. The first thing we did was to rush to the air-conditioned room to play Bridge HAHA!! But since Shit and I didn't know how to play Poochie taught us and we won like 6 games in a row!! So we got bored of winning and just all slept together on the bed even though Paul insisted we continue playing. Poochie Meat Mindy and I slept quite well but Paul and Shit actually went missing while we slept (the sneaky duo!!!).
At 5 plus we woke up to eat a scrumptious dinner of cup noodles and proceeded on to another game of cards :( POKER!! We decided to use our fingers as bets instead of money because you know when you bet everything it's called SHOW HAND HAHAHAHA!!! And we were doing silly things like imitating Bond while Meat imitated the Guy who Weeped Blood in Bond. I tried imitating Vesper but failed spectacularly HAHAHA! I was leading initially but was overtaken by Shit who had a record breaking number of 30++ fingers which she lost ALL at one go to Poochie who had wonderful cards!! HAHAHA!!! So she fell from Top Girl to like Mud or something and even went to Basement (which was what we called people who had negative fingers). We then tried to rescue Meat who had been in the Basement for a horribly long time and all cheered like crazy when she had a pair while Poochie tried to shout over the noise and cheering no to avail to alert us to his second pair HAHAHAHA defeating Meat and once again banishing her to the recesses of Hell. The scene was so hilarious I can't forget how Pooch was waving his hands wildly trying to attract our attention while Meat kept jumping on the bed and the rest of us kept shouting in joy, completely ignoring dear Pooch!!!!! But of course Pooch was on a winning streak because I was the banker HAHAHA!!!
At 12.01 exactly we made our move to Mac's which was like 100000 miles away from the chalet or something for supper!!! But by then RongRong was so tired he looked like a vampire so we moved back to the chalet after a short supper. We actually managed to sleep quite comfortably in the room!! There was a bed and 2 mattresses so RongRong Pooch Mindy and I shared the bed sleeping as straight as possible so as not to touch the other people while Jiadi and Meat slept on one mattress and Paul and Shit on the other. I slept quite well!! But I think Pooch didn't cos he woke up pretty early. Mindy too!! Like Mindy said I think we all have very funny sleeping habits but also not very nice to say here heehee.
SACO chalet was fun!! Though not completely exciting, I guess it's the company that counts. How saddening that in a month we'd have to say byebye to RongRong and Poochie :( :( :( But then we can have a SACO Girls' Night Out!! HEE!
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