Saturday, August 26, 2006


Thanks for everyone's kind concern, but I've found my ruler!!! Yay!!! And to Bobbert it's a REAL ruler and NOT a guy!!! Why on earth would I look for a guy under my bed!! Though I admit that sounds pretty exciting provided the guy is hot!! OK I'm giving my horny side away.

On a random note I think God's really really nice to me cos I guess I'm a happy person cos I don't think too much. Or at least I wave everything away very quickly so things don't bother me as much as they do to some people.

Exams are coming. And I'm wasting all my time doing random things. I'm swearing off the comp for a while. Just see how long I'll last.

A bit confused now about some things. But oh well.

You Are Storm

Exotic and powerful, Storm descended from a line of African priestesses.
Emotions can effect your powers, but you are generally serene.

Powers: controlling weather, creating winds that lift you into flight, generating lightning
Which of the X-Men Are You?

forgive me. I was quite bored.

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