Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Peach Flower Island

If only I could have my own island.

If I had my own island, it would be set with all sorts of traps to prevent nasty and nosey people from entering. Other than 500 guard dogs patrolling the shores, I'd have automatic missles at every 10m interval programmed to shoot at any mobile being (unless you are my guest, of course) standing guard 24/7. Needless to say, spy planes to circle my island at regular intervals to make sure no one invades my private space.

If I had my own island, it would be 24 degrees celsius day in and out, all year round. You can choose between wearing nothing or PJs all day.

If I had my own island, no one would care whether I ate chocolate everyday.

Or whether I am 150kg.

Or whether I can memorise my LEP notes and quotes.

If I had my own island, all activites would be at night.

If I had my own island, I'd make sure I have access to selected friends and family and vice versa.

And that my husbands and boyfriends have suitable lodging, of course.

If I had my own island, I'd make sure it's wireless broadband around the entire island.

And reception never fails.

If I had my own island, I'd purge jealousy and envy out of everyone.

And the guys who are nasty to my girl-friends.

If I had my own island, I'd invite my beloved friends.

And Sammi Cheng.

And Angelina Jolie.

And Gwen Stefani.

And Hugh Grant.

If only.

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