Tuesday, July 26, 2005

MGS 118th Founder's Day

Bless This School
Bless this school, O Lord, we pray,
Make it safe by night and day;
Bless these walls, so firm and stout,
Keeping want and trouble out;
Bless the roof and tower tall,
Let Thy peace lie over all;
Bless these doors that they may prove
Ever open to joy and love.
Bless these windows shining bright,
Letiing in God's heav'nly light;
Bless this hall astanding here,
Filled with singing and with prayer;
Bless the people here within,
Keep them pure and free from sin;
Bless us all that we may be
Fit, O Lord, to dwell with Thee,
Bless us all that we one day
May dwell, O Lord, with thee.

"And now we're proud to raise the SHOUT
And sing of MGS
Lift high her banner one and all
Her name we now profess"

Yes, bless this school, MGS,
Class of 2004
Once an MGS girl, Always an MGS girl.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

SACO updates!!!!!!!!!!


There have been MAJOR changes since the last SACO update I had on my blog, so here they are!!!!

SACO comm chairs: Honyi and Shitty
SAC-er: Michelle (Vacuum cleaner, helps clear rubbish)
SAC-ee: Karin (Treasurer)
SAC-money: Mindy (Terrorist, terrifies all who threatens comm chairs)
SAC-space: Jierong (Reacher, helps comm chairs reach for items on shelves etc)
SAC-up: Calvin (PRO)

Jierong is on probation, since the comm chairs have to observe that he can self entertain, before letting him join on a permanent basis.

Council Song

SACO Actions:



SACO GREETING(for comm chairs):

"Good morning Shitty! Good morning Honyi, Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!"

"Goodbye Shitty! Goodbye Honyi! Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!"

SACO GREETING (comm chairs to other people)

(lift leg and do handsign) "SACO!"


I say WE SAC




I say WE SAC




Monday, July 11, 2005


I don't normally do personal entries, but shall make an exception today for there it is a JOYOUS day today and I MUST record it somewhere.

I was in high spirits since morning, cos I was gonna go down to ACJC FINALLY and OFFICIALLY to watch their 30th Students' Council Investiture! The whole ceremony was very solemn and MG-ish, we sang hymms and stuff, so I was reminded very much of Prefect's Installation in MG, very unlike Hwa Chong's less formal Investiture. But the best part was when Clare, Meixi and Nat brought me around the school on a school tour!!! Yea man 3 exco people showing me and me alone round the school haha what an honour (someone HAD to remind me it was an honour HAHA)!! It was SO FUN because Meixi was being crazy and moved around with her arm outstretched in front of her (well nat and I too, so there were 3 crazy nuts with their arms stretched straight and walking purposefully ahead throughout) and going AND THIS! IS THE SUPER GYM! IT'S SUPER AND A GYM! (The supergym, I have to admit, IS SUPER with airconditioning and even television like a professional gym) AND THIS! IS THE COUNCIL BOARD AND I AM IN CHARGE OF IT AND THIS! ARE THE PLANTS AND THIS! IS THE PILLAR AND THIS! IS THE TREE IN CAMELOT AND THIS! IS NO FOOD AND DRINKS haha nat and I played along while bea and clare tagged along behind pretending not to know us!!!! Oh gosh that WAS the BEST BEST BEST intro I ever had I really love you MEIXI and NAT (and bea and clare)!!!!!! Now I'll NEVER forget every part of AC you guys showed me including the red, yellow and blue bleeches at the swimming pool, which are the school colours of AC; the place for detention (which is air-conditioned and in the library); the friendly photo-copying lady and bookshop lady; your chicken rice; the place where the 'cool' people hang out (mainly megan and gang HAHA); your classmates including JOSHUA (I REMEMBER YOU); the NEW soda dispenser; the FREE STUFF corner (which are the postcards); the banners (I can even remember which string Nat tied); the $10 fine for walking across the field and the swimming pool area thing; the Arts chill-out room which has a NO FOOD AND DRINKS sign; the 2 madams including the ever-friendly arts head mrs. creffield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really love you guys. So much.

And of course as the day moved on and I finally went home, guess who has come back?? NONE OTHER THAN THE QUEEN HERSELF

QUEEN SAMMI CHENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks GREAT, better than ever I would say. I am SO HAPPY and she's wearing those wonderful shoes I HAVE to get something ike that to wear with my jeans (when my bleeding blisters that I got from following Meixi and Nat around so enthusiastically subside)!!!!!!!!!! All those rumours don't stand anymore because

SHE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, July 09, 2005

London Bombings

I have a lot of things to say, mostly things not concerning me but how I think. Maybe I'll just start with the London Bombings.

I must admit, I wasn't as rudely shocked by the bombings as I was by the 911 crash. I mean, come on, PLEASE, do something new! You wanna prove something, please don't do it by killing people, it won't help, all right? Only more people will start to hate you, and soon the whole world will REALLY gang up against you, and we'll see who lives then. You wanna say something, you wanna prove your injustice, PROVE it. SHOW it to us. THEN we'll listen. We'll see who listens to you NOW.

But I was really touched by the speech given by the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. The front bits didn't really matter, but it was the end that was good:

"In the days that follow look at our airports, look at our sea ports and look at our railway stations and, even after your cowardly attack, you will see that people from the rest of Britain, people from around the world will arrive in London to become Londoners and to fulfil their dreams and achieve their potential.
They choose to come to London, as so many have come before because they come to be free, they come to live the life they choose, they come to be able to be themselves. They flee you because you tell them how they should live. They don’t want that and nothing you do, however many of us you kill, will stop that flight to our city where freedom is strong and where people can live in harmony with one another. Whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail.”
- Ken Livingstone

I am supremely impressed by Londoners. They have not failed us as one of the superpowers of the world. The Londoners have not been defeated by the cruel act of misdeed, but yet they are gathered together, and they are now stronger.

Yes, we mourn for those who have lost their lives for a cause so unworthy. But you have not died alone. Our hearts will always be with you, every man, every woman, every child whose life was lost on that day, for we will stand closer now, as the free world, the world against terrorism.

Mr. Livingstone is right. No matter how many of us you kill, you will fail.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

haha nothing better to do

"Koped" this from Bouncy's Blog.

1. Name: Honyi
2. Height: 146.5 (POINT 5!!!)
3. Hair: Black, short, destroyed by hairdresser and my undecisiveness
4. Siblings: One younger he-wart
5. Birthday: 4.2.88
6. Sign: Aquarius. The intelligent one.
7. Sex/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual, but asexual as yet
8. Righty or lefty: Righty
9. What do you want most in a relationship?: Companionship. And space.
10. Have you ever cheated on someone: No someone, hence no cheating.
11. Marital status: Single but not available, due to time constraints.

12. Movie: Needing You, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, Spiderman, all bimbotic, girl-power and Sammi Cheng movies
13. Song: Forever Beauty, Come back to Me by Sammi Cheng; Hao Xin Fen Shou and Lucy (318 000000 BC) by Candy Lo, Brothers by Hocc, Love by Karen Mok etc.
14. Actor: NICHOLAS TSE, Brad Pitt, any hot guy really, in the world today where guys are the new vases
15. Actress: SAMMI CHENG, Julia Roberts. Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff for their movies, but not them. There're more but I can't remember.
16. Food: No particular favourite, though I do love food
17. Number: 9
18. Comic: FOXTROT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My one and only.
19. Disney: The Lion King. The Incredibles (Though it was Pixel, I think). Shrek was good as well.
20. Colour: Red, Purple, Orange, White, Black

21. Do you plan on having children?: I'm fine with or without, but I may be happier without. Depends.
22. Do you want to get married?: Depends on the circumstances. I'm fine by myself, though.
23. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child?: At least 30.
24. How old do u wanna be when you're married?: 30
25. Would you have kids before marriage?: Preferably not. Bulges do not look appealing in gowns.
26. Do you have a boyfriend?: Nope, maybe fortunately.
27. Do you have a crush?: Nope.
28. Music/TV: TV. Movies, more like.
29. Guys/Girls: I prefer girls, but not sexually.
30. Green/Blue: Blue.
31. Pink/Purple: Purple
32. Summer/Winter: Winter
33. Night/Day: Night
34. What school do u go to? Hwa Chong Institution
35. Have you ever taken drugs?: Duh no
37. The person you know who is
Funniest: Natalie Lee
Happiest: Ng Meixi
Weirdest: My inner self
Most caring: Mama Bong
Tallest: Shortie (Jierong)
Smartest: Honyi. Though after reading Calvin Chiew's essays I have to admit he can share my throne. Nat (Lee) is smart too.
Prettiest: Honyi. But Alicia Yik can share my crown.
Most handsome: My daddy of course. It's in the genes.
38. What do you think of soul mates?: Coolio, but I don't need one I guess.
39. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: In jest, why not?
40. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: Hocc's prose written to Mui-gu
41. What's something about guys you don't get?: Their obsession with sex and their inability to think sometimes
42. And girls?: Their bitching about one another till they ultimately hurt each other. We would have ruled the Earth a long time ago if we didn't have this bad habit.
43. Are you happy? Yes, very much so.
44. Love or lust: Both, please.
45. Silver or gold: Silver
46. Diamond or pearl: I prefer diamonds, but I'm cool about such things
47. Sunrise or sunset: Sunset
48. How about skinny-dipping?: Haha when I get my abs
49. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Thousands!
50. Do you have any piercings?: No!
51. What song are you listening to right now?: HAHA Hakuna Matata
52. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: Anywhere is fine.
53. What makes you happy?: Sleeping, Movies, Slacking, Singing
54. Do u wear contacts or glasses?: None
55. What's the best advice given to you?: I'm not too sure, unfortunately.
56. What are your future goals?: Either to practise Law, or to be a journalist
57. Do you like funny or scary movies better?: FUNNY, totally.
58. On the phone or in person?: In person
60. Do u have any enemies?: No, unless they see me as one.
61. What is your greatest fear?: Flying insects
62. Would you rather be rich or famous?: Rich
63. Have you ever been in love?: Yes. That lovely Honyi.
64. When was the last time you talked to the person that you like: Never? I don't speak to myself HAHA!
65. Are you an alcoholic?: Nope!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Candy Lo

Please, kids, listen to Candy Lo. She is great! Her songs are totally out of this world, yet they suck you in. Oh gosh.

Top 5 girls to listen to:
1. SAMMI CHENG because she is THE QUEEN
2. Candy Lo because of the very special, very original, very different type of music
3. HoCC because of her strong vocals, and pop rock, and her boyish style really
4. Faye Wong, because of her weird but appealing music
5. Karen Mok, because of her love songs

Ok 2-4 all have slightly weird songs that may be quite unacceptable to the common ear, but oh gosh you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE them.
Honestly, Sammi is on number 1, because she is Sammi, and I really really admire her determination and she is the inspiration to whatever I do. I like her songs cos they're my key and they're nice, but I don't really like totally LOVE her songs completely like 100% though they ARE good.

And of course, top 3 males.

1. NICHOLAS TSE becuase he is oh-so-tasty
2. Eason Chan (Great love songs)
3. Jay Chou (He's all right, I guess)

Ok I must admit I don't have many male singers I like, which is why there're only the three of them. But Nic Tse is OH MY GOODNESS! Yes, that pretty covers it. Not many talented males out there, aren't there?