Sunday, August 13, 2006


It's two weeks to the preliminary examinations and I'm getting a little anxious. Not like leg-hair-tugging, wrinkle-creating kinda anxious, but more like sitting-on-bed-and-thinking-I-should-not-be-here kinda anxious. Studying has never been congruent with my way of life and I guess it will never be. But anyhow, such incongruency will have to be dragged and left outside my doorstep and ignored no matter how he rings the bell.

Perhaps one of my greatest weaknesses is the bed. I can sleep any number of hours a day, and all I need is my boudoir, my big Queen's size bed (clearly named after myself), my bolster for assurance and my big froggy for companionship in absence of desired flesh and blood. Air conditioning would be a blessing of course and I constantly shower myself with blessings daily. But in view of the upcoming Prelims perhaps I should throw Sleep out as well, and try to ignore his very sultry stares shot from my doorstep.

Now that Sleep and my Incongruency with Studying is well out of the way, I should embark on my glorious journey to education and learning. Maybe Dilligence would turn out as a hunk and get me hooked on mugging.

Dream on.

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