Thursday, March 30, 2006

Yet another random post

I think my life is seriously quite boring cos I keep doing these random enteries for the sake of, well, doing them. For today it's

1. Why can't armpit hair grow as long as the hair that grows on your head?
2. If armpit hair can grow that long, do you think we can tie ribbons? Maybe a French Plait would be nice.
3. Do you think if Gucci released a head-skirt series, i.e. tying some sort of curtain around your head like a lampshade, it'll be The New Thing in town?
4. Don't you find it irritating if your close friends and etc call you by your real name? Like hello TingXuan! Or hello Shiqi! Hello JingYi! Hello Esther!!! Hello WanQi!! DAMN WEIRD!!!!! and anal.
5. Sorry about my obsession with hair but what's the purpose of toe hair. As in the bits near the nail that are slightly longer.
6. Why is the whole world so obsessed with sex?
7. Are there any parts of the body with the exception of your nails, hair and eyes that pimples can't grow on?
8. Do you think elephants can dive? If they leave their trunks out and immerse their heads.
9. If you add up all the footsteps one makes in a lifetime, is it enough to walk 10 times round Earth?
10. If all men could marry 5 women and women could marry 5 men and all people who don't want to be married are eliminated, can everyone in the world be linked by marriage?

Some of you probably have heard of my theories before, especially number 4 and 10. But it IS interesting to think about such things when you're in the shower and have run out of songs to torture your family and the dog next door with.

Sorry to those who actually have nothing better to do but to follow my blog, cos I've been such an arse when it comes to updating especially after Blocks because I'm too lazy too write essays. School has been quite a bore, as per normal, but I took mc on wed cos of my swollen lip. Took a real good break!!

Going to Elaine's FINALLY tom!!! Haven't seen the rest of F5 for over a month oh goodness!! I don't know what to say. Am I numb? They're always at the back of my mind, or heart, and I melt everytime I see them. I need to melt again!! Miss them loads :(

Have friends who're having relationship problems recently. A number of them actually, friendships and etc. To be honest asking me about r/ships is like asking Hitler about advice on kindness, but I'm always ready to lend a listening ear. Well, I won't name names, obviously, but to all those who are having problems in or out of school, and those who are not, do cherish those around you, and those who actually stick around during times of crises, because these are the people you'd want to grow old with. It's what I believe in, and no one to particular, but I guess it should apply to most.

Excuse my randomness I'm on the brink of semi-consciousness and I still have the dreaded NUS project to do.

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