Thursday, March 16, 2006


I'm WAY WAY WAY behind time for terms studying, because I keep wanting to do everything well and thorough but this means I can't finish the other sections! I've only just begun on math today, integration, and since I heard it's gonna be a killer, I won't be too surprised with an O. But I'd be pretty upset if I got an E and below for my econs!!! Anyhow, studying in school has somehow hyped my mood up, so I'm actually looking forward to studying now, albeit the snail-like speed.

I've been studying with Xun and Shitty(sometimes) these few days, and it's been real fun! Especially our lunch breaks haha!!! Shit already mentioned what happened yesterday in her blog. Basically we went to Curry Wok for lunch, and ate a lot more than we could, so we were SO FULL, except for xun who actually asked for EXTRA rice that stupid 26-inch-waist boy. Then after lunch he was like "Eh, I want an ice-cream" and we were like WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY we're so darn full! And he was like but you can never be too full for dessert!!! And both of us were like are you crazy we're so full!!! What flavour do you want? HAHAHA OK like Shit said, inside joke. But basically we ate ice-cream anyway. And there was the bowing to look at the flavours available and it looked like the three of us were bowing to the ice cream uncle, and we laughed at the same joke like 6 times. Xun looked exasperated but I know deep down there he really had fun with the SACO chairs HEE! I mean, it's really hard to find anyone who doesn't have fun with us. Do these people exist? I mean they won't be considered as "people" right? Weirdos more like -.-

We had a guest with us at lunch today, Xun's friend, so we had to behave! Or people will think we're weird which we are so totally not you know. We went all the way to Serene Centre's Mac's for lunch before proceeding to this ice-cream place (some Cream place) for a slice of some mudpie or something which tasted EXCELLENT! And it was Xun's treat (for absolutely no reason) so we had even more fun eating it and fighting over the tasty bits. Thanks XUN! Studying is definitely more fun with Xun and Shit around!

I just popped by Shit's blog and I realise she pasted our very entertaining conversation on her blog. I think we're really made for each other in the non lesbian sense. Because without her I have no one to be self amusing with and it'll be really lonely and without me I don't think her self amusing side will emerge. And goodness God knows what council will do without us. Up till now we've already influenced yanyan zeying xingyan and etc etc to speak and talk like us! Like gosh, everyone's trying to be Goddess-like like us eh? TEEHEE!

I look at my plan and I know I'm overtly ambitious. I probably will finish whatever I need to do, but just the bare minimum. Perhaps I'll be able to scrape a CCDE? Hopefully. GOSH how does one do well in MATH?!?!?!?


I'm trying to transfer mindy and xiaoxiao's math brains over via msn. ---ohm---

This might work better than doing the tutorials.

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