Wednesday, July 05, 2006


OK I know Germany didn't win but although they didn't get into finals they didn't lose either! Because they will always be my heroes!!!!!
You just wait.

Went to watch Superman Returns with Shitty today. I thought the show was quite good despite quite a lot of negative comments. I mean c'mon, give the dude a chance!!! If you don't expect anything I guess it's pretty good in fact, quite on par with Spiderman even, except maybe the baddie. The superman baddie's quite lame I think. There were some lame jerks in the cinema who were shouting at the top of their voices and one piece of shit even ran across the screen it was SO frustrating like HELLO!!!!!!!! GET A LIFE YOU LOSERS!

Pfft. Thank goodness Superman was cute. But I think the little boy Jason was cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can seriously fight for attention even next to Brandon Routh who is honesly quite good looking. The mr. nice guy kind. Very suitable for Superman!

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