Saturday, December 31, 2005
Last day of 2005
The year 2006. What an unfamiliar number! But I'm sure we'll all be used to it soon! I cannot believe that in an hour plus, I will be:
1. Associated to being 18 years old (I'll only be 18 in another month or so)
2. Associated to the most terrifiying examination in the country
3. Be used to being a "senior" in HC
4. Dead. With all my undone hw, it's no wonder.
This is like how exciting! And what greets us immediately (besides the sudden realisation that we are all going to be killed because we have not yet done our homework) is ORIENTATION!!! I'm not sure why, but I'm unusually excited about this year's O1! With Jamie in the lead along with the rest of the council, I'm very certain that this year's O1 will be tons better than our batch's! Don't be offended, dear seniors, but come take a look! O1 2006 will be an absolute BLAST! You're so lucky, juniors!!!
And yes, I did my Wishes and Thanks during Christmas, but I forgot about my resolutions, which have more to do with me actually than my wishes. Here they are:
1. To continue to work independently and not bother if people from you-know sleep/talk/play during class and not be disappointed that there is no one whom I can trust to take notes.
2. To stop missing/comparing B3 with you-know everyday.
3. To get my 2As,2Bs AT LEAST.
4. To work on my damnit math.
5. To keep in contact with the people I love.
6. To try and be nice to everyone.
7. To be myself in front of you-know and stop my mood from falling to the pits.
8. To lose weight so that I don't lose my $5 to Sue.
9. To be more patient and stop glaring at people who may not be very quick.
10. To stop trying to stop myself from widening my social circle.
Happy New Year everyone!
OH yes and HOPE HOPE HOPE I get my S paper!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Wishes for 2006:
1. World Peace. Sorry this is so typical, but it's very important.
2. No major disasters
3. For my family to be healthy and happy.
4. For my friends esp F5, IBF, SACO and WHYT! to be healthy and happy.
5. For my teachers esp Mrs. Nat Lim and kids Nat Naomi Dylan, Mrs. Goh and kids, Mama Bong and Isaac, Mrs Chen Teacher Chen etc to be healthy and happy.
6. My yearly wish: For Sammi to be healthy and happy.
7. Everyone to do darn well for A Levels
8. For all council events to go DARN smoothly.
9. For all (everyone's) friendships to last.
10. For everyone to make new friends and find new love!
Thanks(due to time constraints I'll just do those that are of UTMOST importance. pls DO NOT scold me if you're not here I will thank you some other time):
1. Family:
Don't think anyone in my family reads my blog but you should know it already, that I really love you all. Even that horrible bit of a brother, and I can't do without any of you!
2. F5. There can never be enough words of Thanks said to people you love, and F5 is definitely some of them. These people have grown to be another version family, people I can never see enough of, and people I feel comforted to see. I gotta admit I'm pretty shocked we're still so close after a year and phsyical distance, but it just proves that true friendship is always the victor.
F5 -Ass
I must say, Thank God for Ass' existence. I never find it difficult to talk to any member of F5 at anytime, and Ass is truly my best friend out of my best. You may not be the one who understands me the most (bea prob is the one), but I can definitely tell you anything and everything. Everytime I see this girl, a wave of relief sweeps over me, I don't know why. Although we don't meet up so much, I know we still have this deep connection. Thanks for your trust in me, and I guarantee you definitely have mine. Love you, girl!
F5- Bea
Bea, the one who knows me the best. I don't know how you do it but it seems you can see through what I am thinking every single time. It's so easy to speak to you and tell you everything, like the rest of F5, that I'm so grateful that you're part of us too. This is not a bad thing, but I feel you're like a mother to me. When I see you I don't look out anymore because I know you'll take care of me. Thanks for your care and concern, and although you don't show it so obviously, I know you do love me so much. And I love you too!
F5- Elaine
As you probably know already I am SO darn proud of having you as my friend. And it's comforting to see you too (as of any F5 member), because your effort to keep us strongly together is so eminent. It's nice in a way how you sometimes assume we will definitely be there to support you, it's like how we're already a family, and that many things don't have to be communicated. I also appreciate how you don't have qualms about telling us how you feel, which reminds me that yes, I don't have to feel wishy washy about telling F5 things. Love you girl, and I wish you success!!
F5- Nat
Hello you clown! Yes I always hate it that I don't see enough of this last member of F5. You know what dear? Although I don't seem like I do, I CAN trust you enough to tell you everything. And it's just great that you're in F5, because everyone just looks forward to seeing you!!! All your honface, hondudes, I dont know, but you just crack me up and we all just go crazy together!!!!! Thanks girl! For making life on earth so much easier!! Love you!!!
SACO, another huge part of my life. I can't write about everyone here now because it'd be so darn long, but without you all, Meat Karin Calvin Jierong Mindy Paul(ine) and most importantly my Other Half Shitty I think HC would be such a dread. Council has been great, great fun because of you all especially, and I'd never forget the moments we share/d! I'd devote like ten pages to you guys!!! But it's ok, you know I love you all very much!
4. WHYT!
My sort of "clique" in class including Huiyan Wankai and The Suan sorry if I never seem to be around since I'm always so pre-occupied with F5, SACO and council even, but I do appreciate you guys! As everyone knows I'm not like SUPER close to the rest of the class, so thanks for making life easier!
5. IBF
For all who don't know this guy it's Choong Xun Yu! Take note because he's my new best friend!!! Hahaha well I'm not THAT close to him we were playing with the BF and GF thing cos I'm his greatest friend yet I must admit but never mind we WILL be best friends soon!! With more communication and etc! Cos this is one great guy to talk to and share with, even till the wee hours in the morning! Yes see I wrote a paragraph about you come thank me when you buy your modem!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Happy Birthday Shitty Chair!!
WHOO! It was my "other half"'s birthday today! Happy birthday SHITTY!!!! This girl is darn cute WATCH OUT GUYS she's SEVENTEEN!!! AND ready for action baby!!!
Ok I felt really bad today cos I was late for her celebration, having forgotten my bloody black shirt and slippers (which are supposed to be sandals I MUST buy a pair). DARN! And I didn't even get her a gift, cos I really wanna get my Shitty comm something special. I'll go shopping soon and buy her something. I only drew this very ugly card and wrote her a poem HAHAHA. Well lit students have this advantage I must say! I wrote the poem in 10 mins but had to re-write it due to my distasteful handwriting!!
But yes SHITTY I know you're gonna read this:
HELLO! Love ya kiddy! Though you may not be as pretty, as intelligent, as talented or as high an achiever as I am, you're STILL my Shitty Chair after all! And while you turn 17 on the 22nd Dec, I'm turning 18 in one month or so HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Plus ok let's KEEP up the excellent work in our Self Amusing!!! I know for fact everyone in council loves us and their greatest desire is to be our friend, so we have to strive to show them some kindness by like smiling at those random councillors once in a while! Don't you forget!! Love ya kid! Hope you snag a bf soon but don't you dare neglect me after!!!!! And yes, hello to Mrs. Pauline Chen!!!
And yes, there goes my dear piece of shit. She may be 11 years old but she ain't at all dumb! (not very much la. give her a chance it's her birthday)
Ritey ho, enough writin for today. SACO ROCKS!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Would like to make a little summary of the artistes I have interviewed and seen so far, and what I think of them. To make this slightly more interesting I'd give them titles:
Seen The Most Number of Times: Kym Ng
OK this little lady who's really small and cute actually stands at 160 centimetres, so stop saying she's short!! I saw her a grand total of 7 times within 5 weeks, and we actually started making conversation from the 2nd or 3rd time onwards. The last time was pretty funny and it went like this (in mandarin though):
(We were talking about how some kids called her auntie, and she was quite 'frustrated' haha)
Me: Don't worry, some kid called me auntie too the other time!
Kym: Are you kidding??! How old are you only?!
Me: 17! So technically you're about 20 years older than I am!
Kym: ?!?!?!?! (looks embarrassed) No la no la, only um 15 la!
Me: Ok fine then, if you want to!
Kym: Eh wait, how old would that make me?
Me: Err...32?
Kym: No la actually, make that 10. Make it a whole number!
Me: Isn't 15 already a whole number?!!!
Me: Actually you're not as short as they say you are! 160 is not bad!
Kym: (Looks proud) Of course, of course! You're an honest child!
Me: And when my mom asked me who was the prettiest star of all, I said you!
Kym: (Looks delighted) WELL OF COURSE! What an honest child you are! Full of integrity! (We all laugh) So where are you studying now?? What do you study?
Me and Minsi: Hwa Chong! We do double lit, Higher Chinese and Eng Lit!
Me: Ya we are Language Elites (Shuang yu ren cai).
Kym: Aiyo!!! How can you call yourself the elite!!
Me: But I only tell the truth. Are you saying I always lie?? That all I said were lies??
Kym: OH of course not!! (Shakes head violently.)
And we all laugh. I love that woman she's friendly and answers questions candidly. She's brilliant though she may look easy to bully. Watch out people she's SO gonna make it back into Top 10 next year!!
Artiste I Used to Like but Stopped after Interviewing: Zoe Tay
I used to love this woman. Always felt she had style, so I was pretty excited when I met her and got to speak a little with her. But I must admit both interviews were pretty disappointing. Not that she wasn't friendly at all or anything, in fact she was very nice and receptive. But I just couldn't feel the sincerity. It's just a gut perhaps, but I don't really think sometimes that she really means what she says. Hope she's not like what I think she is.
Longest Silence in an Interview: Fann Wong
Now Fann Wong was the most beautiful and elegant lady (I felt) amongst all the artistes during the Star Awards. However I began to doubt her mental capacity when she started hemming and hawing throughout her interview with me and a Newpaper reporter. Perhaps it was because the question was regarding Chris Lee, but there was a really embarrassing lapse of silence for about 2 minutes or so when the Newpaper man posed a question to her. Well what can I say, kudos to our only representative in Hollywood!
Best Speaker Award: Quan Yi Feng
Best buddy of Kym Ng, I never ever feel bored when speaking to either of these two women. Quan Yi feng is basically a highly intelligent woman. Her reflexes are sharp and quick, she doesn't get upset and she doesn't scold you, but she's direct and frank. Straight to the point, most of what she says is normally quote-worthy, as is Kym Ng's. I've never seen anyone who deserves the Best Compere award any more than she does.
First Interview in Cantonese: Ah Sa Charlene Choi
This skinny and adorable little lady of 24 may appear to be a little withdrawn and fatigued, but she's actually just an introvert she says. Extremely friendly, the first real view I got of her was when she was chewing and munching on an especially juicy chicken wing, when she offers us (minsi and I) some too. We rejected her kind offer, and began the interview. But then I remembered Ah Sa, being a HKer, is not very profficient in her mandarin, and often gives wrong replies to questions posed in mandarin. So I asked her questions in cantonese, and she replied them fluently and accurately too! But yes I love the language, it's lovelier than mandarin! So my first interview in cantonese was given to ahsa of Twins! And I love the way she slurs her words around, how interesting! HKers who are not very fuent in their mandarin obviously feel better when interviewed in cantonese, they express their views a lot more clearly than what they would have been able to in Chinese. (Unfortuately since minsi couldn't understand canto, we had to switch back to mandarin eventually.) AhSa also told us that she was once an intern at a newspaper as well, and she even interviewed Wyman! Haha, a very adorable lady, this one. This girl may not be fabulous in terms of singing, and can still seek improvement in terms of acting, but she's truly the kind of girl all of us journalists love. Very interesting girl, would love to speak to her more if I ever have the chance to.
Oldest Celebrity Interviewed: "Auntie Hao" Sheet Kar Yeen
Technically she's not really the oldest I interviewed, but the other one Cui Ping is not really known anymore, so I shan't consider her as a celebrity. Kar Yeen- jeh was a also another bubbly character, receptive to all sorts of questions, even when I posed her a difficult one like "How much were you paid?" Her smile was never off her face, and her cheerfulness and vivacious laughter just spread across the room when she was delighted by any part of our conversation. I nearly went deaf but she was indeed a very bubbly character for someone over 50!
Best Vocalist: David Tao
I was so, so, so, so impressed just by watching his concert. He played around with the music and was so much in control that I was so, so taken in by everything, and the atmosphere of the concert. Definitely one of the best concerts I've attended!
Celebrity who Leaned the Closest: Andy Hui
Not that I'd be upset that Sammi's ex whispered into my ear when I interviewed him, but after he did so, I could fully tell he had just smoked. But anyhow, he was still very friendly, and even assured me that he would take care of my Queen. A nice man, definitely.
The 2nd Best Looking Man Award: Takeshi Kaneshiro
Didn't manage to interview this Japanese-Taiwanese heart-trob, but he did walk past me when I attended the Red Carpet event for the gala premiere of his show, "Perhaps. Love". He's extremely fair, and his short hair and suit just makes him look better. I guess his everyone's dream, but not really mine (and that's why he's in second place.) He's tall and quiet, almost like a royal. He's got eyes that makes a girl curious about him. What is he like? Where does he live? What kind of books does he read? What kind of woman would he fall for? Perhaps it's all these questions that make this big boy even more attractive!
The Best Looking Man Award: Nicholas Tse
Many might protest regarding my choice for this award, but I must say though in terms of features, Takeshi Kaneshiro beats him hands down, but in terms of overall attraction, Nic Tse is one great magnet. It's true that Nic Tse is only a mere 170 cm (disappointing for some, maybe, but it doesn't matter for me, does it? Haha!) but gosh one look into his eyes, everyone faints. When he removed his shades, everyone just screamed. What is more attractive about him is his personality. He doesn't speak much, but his sincerity can be felt, and when he says THANK YOU to the audience, and apologies to his fans for leaving, everyone in the audience knows he's meaning what he says. Good genes, baby, it's good genes. And personality. Absolutely delicious, this boy.
Other artistes I interviewed/saw/spoke to along the way: Basically almost everyone in Mediacorp including and especially Jacelyn Tay, Christoper Lee, Quan Yi Feng and etc, Alex To, Hacken Lee, S.H.E, Milk from Energy, Kang Kang, Jiao Jiao, Zhou Xun, Peter Ho and etc.
My favourites out of all the people I have interviewed, besides Kym Ng, are all the HKers: Nic Tse, Ah Sa, Andy and Kar Yeen-Jeh.
I don't know why, but I prefer to interview HK artistes. Somehow, there this unsaid bond I feel towards them. Maybe it's because I grew up surrounded by HK everything. They're just so much more than Singaporean and TWnese stars, because they have the STAR quality. Like how everyone just diverts their attention to the HK stars. Maybe they've been through some form of training. And of course, I can sense that they feel happier speaking to Singaporean press, because we're definitely not as unfair or barbaric compared to some mags I may mention.
But anyhow, this job has taught me a lot of things, and given me a clearer direction as to what I intend to do in future. Thanks SPH, and everyone at Shinmin Entertainment!!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Prom was great! Though I was at the reception like 4/5 of the time, I could tell that our seniors were enjoying themselves! We were all dead tired by the time we reached school though at 2am, and on our way back only Pauline and I were wide awake.
But after washing up, the 15 councillors or so were all pretty awake, and besides Mindy who snatched one of the couches in the SL and went into deep slumber and Siti and Steph who took 2 tables each and slept so soundly, the rest of the councillors including Meat Shitty Paul Sam etc all went to play some game. Mark and Runi stared at each other lovingly, as usual, and some of the more hardy guys chose to sleep in the council room instead. Since Choong Xun was hungry I accompanied him to a short trip to 7-11 next door, which was all right but we had to CLIMB the darn gate!!! I wouldn't describe how embarrassing it was cos I couldn't come down, and needed quite a bit of help but oh well. CX chose his pizza and I got some milk and half an hour later when we returned the new couple (Oh yes my friends, Shitty and Paul married at the Ritz Carlton on the 8/12/05, congratulations to the new couple!) were playing some game. Then we watched some lame videos on CX's laptop and though I've watched them all before it was rather interesting to watch the others' expressions.
Then it was sleeping time, which was quite a disaster. Sam had to lie across three stool things behind our couch, while Pauline and Meat had to roll themselves up into one small -thing- on the single couch, which must have been a horrible experience. Runi chose her position opp us and slept at the couch the same size as the one I was on, just that my couch had THREE people hers had one. Reason to why we didn't move over? SOMEONE was sleeping directly below her and SIGH, shan't elaborate. Mindy was fast asleep and everything, so we didn't wanna disturb her. So turns out that three of us (Shit, CX and I) have to share a darn couch, and we were literally sleeping upright. It was the worst for CX cos he slept in the middle and he couldn't lean anywhere, but Shit and I could lean to the left and right respectively. All three of us kept waking up throughout the night, looking at the people beside ourselves and then going back to bed. I offered CX a change in position when we woke up together at some point in time, but he refused it, but guess it wouldn't have helped much cos we all got muscle aches in the morning.
And there ended our senior's prom night. Hope it'll be as much fun for us next year!!!
On a random note, I really miss the people who I talk online and who are overseas now. It's so quiet it's driving me mad, and your images keep shooting randomly into my mind, especially those one or two people whom I'm used to 'wasting your life'. if you get what I mean. (If you don't, too bad) It's just one of those periods when I want to talk to someone and there's no one in sight. Sigh. But come back soon, ALL OF YOU!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
A good website I'd like to recommend:
Witty and interesting. Wish I could write as boldly as she does, but maybe not, since she uses a lot of explicits. One sentence I found unusually interesting was:
"You can be a better boyfriend, but it, like anything in life worth being, requires work. Until next time, clip your finger nails, make sure there's no dirt underneath them. And call your mom, you thoughtless asshole. Do you know she squeezed you OUT OF HER VAGINA?"
You know what, that's absolutely true, but I never noticed it was correct, especially the part about the vagina thing. Good point!
There was something else in the blog that I liked too. The blogger said something about how we should tell everyone that we loved how much we loved them! If everyone did so the world would be a better place. I agree fully. Perhaps it's because I haven't had the experience, but I really can't see why it's so difficult to stand up to someone and say, Hey I like you, can we be friends? I know it may come across as a little strong or even a little strange some times, but if we could tell all those we loved that we love them everyday, and give everyone a little hug or kiss daily, the world would be a friendlier place. Christmas is coming, perhaps we should pick up the habit.
But enough about the blog, go read it if you're interested! I'd like to speak about the widely debated topic of the 'elite' school issue.
Being from an 'elite' school myself, as most of my reads (aka my friends) are, I have to agree with Dr. Lee Wei Ling that we tend to be very sheltered most of the time. Though I would agree that my family is comfortable financially, we're not at the top of the rung when it comes to wealth (not even near, I'd say), but my family and other families from MGS still live very different lives from people who study from neighbourhood students.
I must confess I do not have a very deep understanding to the 'heartland' way of life, though admittedly I grew up in an HDB area, Bukit Batok, and I had a wonderful time there. Unfortunately my parents moved our family to a condominium at Hume Ave, where we now live, when we were 9, and hence I have little recollection of the 'heartland' way of life, having not really experienced it. I have attended 'elite' schools since young, beginning at Nanyang Primary School, proceeding to the the Independent Methodist Girls School as well as Hwa Chong Institution, which is also an Independent Institution.
In all my 11 years of education, I've never seen anyone needing to work and study at the same time. 99% of my friends' families own one car and above, and those whose familes don't own cars are definitely able to afford one. Most come from complete families, live comfortably in condominiums or better and can afford the bills from the occasional shopping trip at middle-income boutiques or higher, for example Topshop or Zara and etc. Our native language is English, and not mandarin which we are vaguely aware is our official mother tongue, nor, worse still, Singlish. I'm not saying all this to brag about our 'privileged' background, because I begin to realise, after meeting some new friends who may not be well-endowed financially as I assumed and imagined everyone was, that we're in fact so sheltered and naive.
We forget that there are actually students around us who need to juggle work and studies. We don't know what it is like to eat at coffee shops or food centres because of a tight budget. We need to realise that there are people who actually have difficulty keeping up during lessons, or who are unable to follow the pace at which subjects are being taught. This is what we all forget, being under shelter for so long.
Unlike Ms. Lee, I'm not going to admit that going to a neighbourhood school will solve all these problems. Although it may be the environment that nurtures a student's interests and thought processes, forcing bright students (we are now assuming that students with high scores are bright) to attend neighbourhood schools might have negative effects (though of course, Ms Lee did not suggest anything like this). Ultimately, he or she might be able to help his or her fellow school mates, and if the plan works out effectively, he or she will be able to work hard and still outdo his or her peers. If, unfortunately, the plan fails, the student may find him or herself losing the motivation and competitiveness that is inherent in every elite school student, and thus under-performing eventually.
It is important to highlight that elite schools aren't that sheltered after all as well. As Lindsay Lohan in her movie "Mean Girls" put it, the school is like a jungle, where you're either the prey or the predator. Instead of providing an insight to the different communities in society, another basic survival instinct is provoked- competition. Competition is highly intense in elite schools, and there are positive and negative traits to such an environment. It helps greatly if one is intelligent, but even more so if one has a never-say-die attitude to everything (I'd never suggest that someone attends an elite school unless he or she has an undying spirit, and/or is unusually bright). I am one who believes very strongly that one's determination is closely linked to one's ability to perform in one's studies, and it does help a great deal to have someone who's at the same capacity to pace and compete. Of course, others may have different opinions about the priorities in education. But for me, the harnassing of a strong is what I think I have gained most from studying in elite schools.
Indeed, everyone is made and brought up differently, and the decision lies, ultimately, on the individual to decide if he or she would perform better in an elite or neighbourhood school. While I imagine that I probably wouldn't do as well as I did or am doing in a less challenging school, some others may prefer to work without competition.
But, oh well, to each his own.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
You Are 4 Years Old |
![]() 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
All American Kid |
![]() You were well rounded and well liked in high school. |
I think so too. Hopefully hahaha.
You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor) |
![]() |
Seriously??? I was just thinking of giving up on law.
Your Animal Personality |
![]() Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal. |
OK, not bad.
What Your Underwear Says About You |
![]() You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone. |
I beg to disagree!!!!! My underwear is orange!!!
Your Seduction Style: Prized Object |
![]() You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't! You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for. |
Your Personality Profile |
![]() For you, comfort and calm are very important.You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong. |
Oh gosh, this is not bad. Quite true.
Your Hidden Talent |
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Seriously??! Don't think so...
You Are Internal - Realist - Empowered |
You feel your life is controlled internally.If you want something, you make it happen.You don't wait around for things to go your way.You value your independence and don't like others to have control. You are a realist when it comes to luck.You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...But you do your best to try to make your own luck. You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.You realize that working the system does get you further.You know who to defer to and who to control.When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly. |
Hmm hahaha, yes.
This is addictive.
Your Inner Child Is Angry |
![]() |
Your Birthdate: February 4 |
![]() Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness Your power color: Navy blue Your power symbol: Shield Your power month: April |
Gosh! This is quite true HAHHA.
Getting late, need to sleep!!!
How You Are In Love |
![]() You give completely and unconditionally in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
Not a good sign.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
It perhaps only hit me how much hurt a reporter can actually cause to so many people when I read the report on Sammi recently. For those who don't know, which I safely assume is everyone, reporters actually took photos of Sammi in her house. A photo of the figure of a naked female bathing, which Sammi denies is herself, was taken too. While that 'female figure' could have been her maid, her mother, her sister or herself, it's absolutely terrible of the press to actually print these photos and circulate them joyously. For God's sake, what on earth is wrong for anybody to bathe naked?! She was in her OWN house no matter who that lady was, and what is WRONG with these people that you have to film a photo like this and tell everyone delightedly LOOK I HAVE A NAKED PHOTO ON MY HANDS are these people PERVERTED?!?! Do these people have feelings?! How would they feel if their MOTHERS or WIVES were photographed naked? Do they have a conscience?! What BEASTS they are!! Besides the horrible naked photo, they took photos of Sammi's mom buying food, her sister going home from work, and Sammi staring at the mirror, and they make it out to be as if Sammi was suicidal!!! I WOULD be suicidal if I were her by now!!
As a fan, I feel terrible as it is seeing these reports. It hurts and pains me absolutely to see someone I care for being tortured like this. She is trying to take a break for God's sake, LEAVE HER ALONE!!! Not only is her family suffering for no reason, all of us fans feel absolutely terrible watching ahmi undergoing such torture for God knows why.
But ahmi does not fail us. Instead of losing her temper, she wrote a deeply moving article for MingPaoWeekly, which gained the attention of all including Sandra Ng who was so impressed and touched by it she actually teared and read it out over the radio. Instead of and shouting foul words at the press which is what many uncultured artistes do these days, Sammi prefers to leave messages to us fans, who care the most for her, to comfort us. It's no wonder I love this girl. Her strength and courage is most encouraging to us, she's an inspiration. I know she'll never chance upon this article, but I think I'll just wanna let her know, and everyone who has been affected by the papparazzi's underhand doings that, all of us are there for you.
And this is what our beautiful Queen tells us:
Ladies and Gentleman in here, why u guys so....'gig hey' (angry)??? hahahhaaa......i am get use to it!!!!!! No need to spend time on those magazines!!! I want u guys happy, peace, sharing happiness, supportive in here!!!! hehehehhee....all of u like little kids.....hehhehehhee........and i am happy to take care and love u guys!!! hold no need to influence by the magazines. ahhahahahahahaa..........Mi didn't treat u guys la....u guys can see i am chatting with u guys in my bedroom, on my working table. But one thing, the shadow ( they clam ' a naked body in bath", but i really don't know what is the shadow is???? maybe it's just a clothes hanging there...hahahahahahahahahaha) is not MI (me).......choy ! choy! choy won gor hui!!! hahahhahahhaahhaa.....................Come on....Mi is happy as usual!! I hope u guys, too!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad guy, don't angry, not good for your health! Mi only care peoples that i love!!!!
Isn't she the most wonderful woman on earth?
I'm interviewing her ex-boyfriend, Andy Hui on Sunday. For her sake I shall give him face and not ask embarrassing questions.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
David Tao
I met Wankai at around 2 plus, and she roamed around Bugis with me for about 2 hours plus before finally deserting me for her primary school friends. But I was very appreciative, cos it's quite tiring for her to rush from Boon Lay to meet me too!
Then I met up with Calvin at 6, and we spent some time in Kino. We tried looking for our new lit texts (William Blake, apparently), but to no avail, and we were talking about some lame books and all that. Then we met Huiyan, and the three of us left for Mos Burger for dinner, where Huiyan asked the two of us about who Kimberly Clark is (Guess who).
Then finally we made our way to the Indoor Stadium. I forgot to mention, my CT Ms. Li was there too! The ENTIRE day I had this STRONG feeling that she would meet me, and you know what, we really met!!! At bugis!!! So weird! But my sixth sense told me she'd see Calvin and I together and imagine things, but thank God no, she saw me alone. So ya apparently she's this 'ultimate fan' of his, which is cool, cos he's you know, amazing.
I never really liked David Tao, cos he can be quite an asshole when he's talking about other singers, especially those who can't really sing. While it's true most of the time, what he says, it's just annoying, you know. But when he appeared with his first song I just totally melted and forgot his asshole-ness. He has this wonderful, powerful voice that is SO amazing!!! He's a really blessed man, I must say! Calvin and I stood up and rocked to his music so many times (too bad to the people sitting next and behind us) I had so much fun!!!!
I'm not gonna write the full report here cos it's gonna be in Shinmin tomorrow. Please buy a copy!!!!But I did have fun with Huiyan and Cal!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Ice Skating!
We went to JE shopping centre, a place I normally avoid because I don't particularly subscribe to the crowd there, and went to the ice skating rink. I was quite apprehensive cos I don't know how to skate AT ALL and have no past experience in doing so. But THANK GOD for Lisa dear sweet Lisa who held on to me and taught me step by step. By the end of the 2-3 hours I was able to skate on my own! What a miracle hahaha. There were other people who taught me like Pauline who went to damn fast and told me to let go when I was falling so that he wouldn't fall along with me that moron but he also skated backwards and taught me how to skate, and Michelle Chew who was really sweet, Calvin who kept his grip on my hand so that I didn't fall when I went 1-2 rounds with him (but I think he gave up after that)! Besides Lisa Pauline MC and Cal, XiaoXiao, gum, yeowch, xun were there too!
And oh course since he reads my blog I must mention this THANK YOU CHOONG XUN YU FOR RESCUING ME TWICE. Ya and you know how he rescued me? He pushed me forwards and when I almost fell he'd pull me back. Yes twice. And you know what, my dad used to do that too! But anyway that was a horrible thing to do, but yes he insists that he 'rescued' me, but whatever. And of course midway Pauline and Xun were pushing me to and fro between them, catching me and throwing me forwards again and I couldn't stop. I think they only stopped doing that when xun couldn't take it anymore cos I totally just fell on him which sucked. That was the sucky part of the outing, cos I was being bullied (you two will get it from me) but well the rest of it was fun.
Then later was a darn fun part calvin had piano lessons and the rest all had stuff on so yeowch xiaoxiao pauline xun and I went to IMM for dinner. Ya though I was surrounded by guys it didn't feel so cos thank God Pauline was there hahahaha and he was really great company. Not very male and all you know. But the whole trip was so funny cos first Yeowch stood in the tent labelled GIANT for the trolleys which is like SO FUNNY and I likened it to the Night Safari where animals are kept in like open enclosures (contradictory, but yea) so it's like Tourists, please look right, you'll see the GIANT HAHAHAHAHHA. And while Pauline and I were laughing the entire night through dinner xun xiaoxiao and yeowch just looked puzzled most of the time which was even more hilarious cos some of what we were laughing at weren't even inside jokes and they didn't get it. Both of us left the foodcourt teary eyed and all of us were suffering from cramps after our meal. Pauline is just full of shit like how he offered a suggestion of how we could go home, to take the 'free shuttle bus to clementi' when NONE OF US LIVE REMOTELY NEAR THERE. And there you go, that's what you get with Pauline.
So then I sent xun to the busstop where we spoke a bit while Pauline went shopping and to take his 'free shuttle bus to clementi' but none of us could take then that was about it hahahahhaa.A great day!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
After weeks of struggling and wondering if I got my internship, YES I finally got it! For those who don't know I'm working at SPH now, for a period of 5 weeks, and I was posted to ShinMin, the Entertainment section. And I must say I'm having lots of fun there! The people there are great! The girl looking after me is Joyce, she's also an intern, but she's been there for a year and she knows how everything goes. She's sort of blur and cute, but she's really really nice and sweet. And we have Xue Mei- jie the supervisor who's really patient and nice and understanding. And we have Yun Hong, one of the senior reporters, who helped me and taught me and was really nice too. And one more Gui Er who has been on leave and I haven't spoken to her. They all call me Xiaomei hahaha!
I've been out to interview some people, including local stars like Kym Ng and Jacelyn Tay and QiYuWu and this old singer (can't quite remember her name), attended press conferences and saw like Nai-ge and all the Project Superhost people. I guess the best thing about being an Entertainment reporter is that your interviewees will always be nice and polite, whether they are sincere or not, because it's part of their job, and whatever we write will influence them in one way or another. So people like Kym Ng and all were really really polite and nice, and I'd say most of them were sincere in their replies.
Ok now about the concert. I think all those who attended our 05A12 If There Ain't Got Love concert would realise it was a smashing success on the whole, since there were no major screw-ups! We were SO worried during the rehearsals cos none of us really showed any real standard, but guess what, we did well. I think my item was quite bad but never mind, I had fun with Huiyan my darling hahaha!! lesbian friend yea!!! And my friends haha the MG batch and the council batch gosh you guys were the GREATEST thank you SO MUCH for every one of your screams and flowers!!!! I'm so grateful for whatever support you showed, and I'm truly truly touched! If we had the chance I'm sure we'll be willing to hold the concert again cos I believe we all had SO MUCH fun! And for once I think my costumes were all right, as in I didn't look very fat or at least I didn't look enormous! Good thing. But darn should have chosen an easier song hahahaha cos my solo was quite horrendous. But well done A12 it was GREAT to have done the concert with all of you, and as a program i/c!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Tribute to B3

It's been a year since I left B3, and it's really true how you can never ever really appreciate what you have until you lose it. I was looking back at all our photos, and it's no wonder how I keep talking and thinking about you guys that it's driving my friends and me insane!
I don't think I can ever experience being so comfortable with any group of people like this anymore. We were all so retarded, absolutely, absolutely terribly retarded, even Wanjin whose goal was to be a farmer in Mongolia and I'm not
sure whether she was kidding and Sam who has and had a whole farm of chinchillas and that was probably why we mixed so well. I remember the days we switched roles during one of our free periods, and I was the pai kia while Diane, Juang Penguin and Elaine were the nerds and good students, oh gosh that was the best free period ever, in penguin's words. The days when we took part in the Racial Harmony day thing and sang the HARMONY song with the huge green caterpillar and won first prize!! That was priceless I remember everything that happened. And our SAVE THE WATER dance!!! And our numerous Class Parties and outings!! B3 was the best, there was no doubt about it.
And it's doubly precious how we can love each other and be so close when I hear so many stories of how other people could not fit into their classes when they were in secondary school. It's just great that we were all so retarded and lame together.
Although there definitely were cliques, the Juang Clique, my F5, the Megan clique and whatever, we were totally interlinked, and when the class came together, we were ONE. Which is priceless, I feel. With experience I realise this doesn't come easily. It felt effortless to us, like it was natural, but it isn't. It was precious.
Well even though we have split to different JCs and polys and overseas after the dreaded O Levels, it's still touching that we all still make an effort to keep in contact, to remain great friends if not best friends throughout the rest of our years. I was especially touched when Thia and Dell agreed immediately to come watch my class concert, though they know only me there. It's really no wonder I love you all so much.
It's been one year, and I still miss each and every one of you, even Megan whom we only saw a few times a month HAHAHA.
Love you all, miss you all. Class party underway.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Sex Education
This time it was all about not having pre-marital sex, about keeping your virginity for your future spouse and all that jazz. And it was the usual scare, STDs, unwanted pregnancies and all that. It was actually quite an interesting (though not quite enlightening cos this is the thousandth time everyone has heard these things) cos the presenters wer fluent and engaging.
But there were some parts I couldn't agree with. The whole Anita Mui thing was totally NOT true I mean you can't just accuse someone of having HPVs and dying of cervical cancer JUST because she's had many boyfriends and 99.1% of women who get cervical cancer get it cos of HPV(some STD). For goodness' sake Mui-gu's sister and grandmother died of cervical cancer it was HEREDITARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop ruining people's reputations like that I hope they haven't told the whole world or whatever!!!
And there was the part about respect. FOR GOODNESS' sake being obedient to your parents and teachers does not mean you are being respectful!!! And OMG not talking back to teachers and parents also DOES NOT MAKE YOU respectful it just makes you stupid!!! Stop listening to them wholesale you HAVE to make your own decisions! What kind of values are you promoting!!!!
Some thing has just cropped up continue with this another time.
Monday, October 24, 2005
1. Passed! Passed all 4! CDEE but BBDD or BCDD in other schools' standards.
2. SCREAM!!! COME!!!
4. HAVE to organise B3 party!
5. Fac Outing this friday!
6. Mrs. Lim's house next week!
A bit lazy to write more. Might come back to edit this lousy entry HAHA!
Friday, October 07, 2005
1. Is it more painful to pluck a guy's leg hair or for a girl to pluck her eyebrows?
2. Is it more painful to be kicked in the groin for guys or for girls to go through labour without painkillers?
3. Is it more painful to be knocked over by a BMW or a Mercedes Benz?
4. Is it possible to come out alive after being swallowed whole by a whale?
5. If you put bird feed on your hands and head and stand in the open how long would it take for birds to fly over to peck all over you?
6. Which is the more desirable way to die, to stab yourself in the heart with a pencil or to drown yourself in the sink?
7. How long can one hold one's shit before leaking?
8. How long do you have to stare at the sun before you are blinded?
9. How long does it take for you to accumulate enough nosedirt to suffocate yourself?
10. What is the highest floor you can jump from and survive?
Top 5 inventions Honyi thinks the Science people should consider researching
1. The Menses Detector:
Never worry again when your favourite bloody (pun) auntie will drop in on you, like how mine did during the LEP exam.
2. The Automatic Face Cleaner (attached to the side of your face):
Wipes your face automatically every 30 minutes by swiping across your face, like how the petrol people clean your cars with that stick thing.
3. Fat Converter:
To be inserted into you abdomen to convert any ounce of unwanted fat into pure unadulterated muscle (not too ugly ones though)
4. The Fashion Alarm:
Tells you whenever your fashion sense is enough for you to be sent to prison. (There are certain people who may need to consider getting this when it is available)
5.The Automatic Water Dispenser (to be attached to your throat):
Dispenses water into your oesophagus (how to spell) to release specific amounts of water into your body so that you are forced to drink water (Suan this is for you.)
Any comments/suggestions are welcome!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Elizabeth Regina Louisa Jeanette Hon's Post Promo Party Plan:
1. Do my welfare updates
2. Settle internship thing with Mrs. Ang
3. Rush out LEP-NUS thing with Rachel (haha!) and fen mei mei
4. Finish TD stuff (evaluations etc) once and for all
5. Read Qing she and LEP-NUS books
1. Movie marathon with Huiyan wankai and the suan!
2. Friends! Hopefully with Wankai so I can find someone to laugh with!
3. F5!!!!!!! Oh goodness I miss them! At Mrs. Lim's house to visit Dylan and Nat and Naomi! Ya and their cat whatsis name! Starts with D...
4. Class party!!! WITH b3 I MUST organise something
5. Sit down somewhere, some day, and just read and sleep and watch Sammi
Hmm doesn't sound very interesting. I'm supposed to stop pigging out but don't think that's ever possible!!!
Think I'm a newly converted nerd. There should be a mugging religion. Just that in this religion we worship 20 hours a day and sometimes even worship when we sleep.
Random statement of the day: I'm in love with Robbie Williams.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I feel like
A chess piece,
Fooled and forced
By ruthless social demands.
No one is forcing me,
But everyone is.
There is everywhere
For me to run
But there is nowhere
For me to hide.
I can choose to let go
But I cannot let go.
I can choose to ignore
But I cannot ignore.
There is everywhere
For me to run
But there is nowhere
For me to hide.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Sure, I mean, I've always known what she is like. Under the concert-y, diva of a Sammi that all non-fans and even some fans assume she is. But true fans would know that deep down there is something special about her that makes her different from the everyday diva. That bit of eccentricity, the bit of uncertainity and growing confidence, that bit of playfulness and girliness, yet undying devotion and determination. That is Cheng Sau Man.
And that was the inside. Today, I saw the outside. Yes she was THAT close. She was SO CLOSE I could breathe. I could feel her heavenly presence. I was like 2 metres away from her, and so was Wankai!!! Her skin really redefines my definition of 'good skin'. It was flawless, you could see a light touch of redness through the translucent skin, and yet this is not the doing of make-up, but true, natural beauty. (I now believe in SK2).
The beginning was the most exciting. Everyone had their cameras facing the entrance where she was going to enter. I think we sat prepared at full-force for maybe 10-15 mins before she finally entered! Then came the BLAST of flashes and screams from the audience. Everyone's gaze was captured by the Heavenly Queen who just entered. No one noticed (at least I didn't) that Stanley Kwan was by her side. She took 100% of the attention, even though she was dressed down in a black jacket, jeans and brown furry boots. Being rather small I managed to squeeze my way here and there and FINALLY I WAS RIGHT IN FRONT!!! WITH WANKAI I couldn't believe my luck and I think we were TRULY only 2-3m away from her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the nearest I had ever been to her, and I began to absorb every single detail. Her skin is FLAWLESS, definitely, and there is absolutely NO SIGN OF BALDNESS (TAKE THAT HK PAPARAZZI!!!!). It is impossible to decide whether to take photos or to continue saving that precious memory into my mind, since photos are really a terrible representation of her beauty. It was breath-taking, that one hour was probably the most precious in my life. (I really don't know why something as trivial as this can mean something so great to me, but to me, she is my hero. Her determination and strength is such motivation to me that the fact that she is real just gives me energy and drive.)
I took photos ALL THE WAY. But seriously phototaking can hardly capture her beauty. I will post them up ASAP.
Still overwhelmed by her...And yes her Chinese is still quite shakey. The stuff she spoke about was quite like repeated, all stuff I have heard before, and Stanley was talking most of the time, so ya.
It is really interesting how someone can strengthen the passion for something, or someone in my case, whenever the reality of it/her is affirmed. It's alarming how I can be so rational ALL THE TIME and lose my head COMPLETELY when it comes to this 33 year old lady. But oh well, what is it to lose yourself when she is your source of motivation and determination? Fanship is just so curious. I doubt there'll ever be a day I'll forget Sammi and my passion for every little bit of Cheng Sau Man. It's just a special sort of (probably imaginary) bond between her and me and thousands of other fans.
By the way, SK2 really works. I am convinced.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. Will organise my thoughts once I calm down.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Honyi the Nerd and Mugger
Ya how did I find this out? I think the studying fever's so on these days I've become obsessive! How Gothic can this get man, all the excessiveness. Like today I went with the Suan, Wankai and Huiyan (SEE I MENTIONED YOU GUYS!) to Fareast for dinner in celebration of Pan Mei Mei's birthday. I was a bit apprehensive cos it's SUPER near Promo and I'm super, super unprepared, so ya I decided I'd go for a haircut there too since I'd be out for once. In retrospect, I think I've been a real mugger today.
I had 3 free periods today, and I spent the first 2 seeing Wang laoshi about my dead and dying LEP for gave me great advice. Then I went to see Ms. Tan my Lit teacher about my paper 8. She too gave me worthy advice, and I really don't mind giving up my breaks for work. So after that I read Hotel De Dream whenever I could, even when I was on the bus with Tingsuan etc. cos I got a bit bored when they were going through their blow-by-blow accounts of ah K, Boobs and Taggy (those who know who they are, know who they are), so ya I was reading. Then after dinner with them I went for my haircut at Supercuts and read Hotel De Dream throughout! In the end I managed to finish my last 60 plus pages and FINALLY for goodness' sake finished my lit text! So now I can go on to other books like Dracula and the anthology which looks rather exciting, though I have thousands other books to read including Hong Lou Meng, Cha Guan, Adrian Mole, She Diao (which I am reading for leisure). So I'm basically never seen without a book. Well it's my fault for taking double lit haha! Oh yes and plus after my haircut I left early and on my way home I did some econs on my tys. I think people were quite freaked out to see me frowning and drawing econs graphs in the air, but I don't care!!
Yesyes sadly I have to stop here to mug further for the Mr. Qiao test tom and do some math! I think I'm going mad. I can't stop studying, and I enjoy it! And that adrenaline that rushes through when I accomplish something is so addictive I can't stop it!!! Hope this will help me achieve my desired BBDD!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
To prevent Aedes...
I'm currently in the mugging mode, now that MAF and TD are over, both that went supremely well I must say (though this sounds quite thick-skinned). Yes so my schedule is as such: I wake up at 6, go to school, reach home at around 5, shower by 5,30, sleep and read adrian mole till 6.30, dinner till 7, cannot take it and go sleep till 8, then study till 2. Ya I think that's what most of us are doing is that not? Of course I slack a little in between, like what I am doing now.
So forgive me if all that I can talk about is work now. I tend to get a little obsessive when I am trying and attempting to go full force, which is currently not working. My worst subjects include math and econs, and I'm dedicating more study time to it, but I still want to focus on LEP as well, cos that is my best subject (I really wonder how). So I spend time studying math and econs at home, then I meet teachers about LEP and Lit. I haven't quite started on LEP but I will like now, after this, cos of the darn it Mr. Qiao the Factory Supervisor Starts Work test on Friday. I feel I don't have enough time to do all that I want, and I really don't want anotehr OODC for Promo (I'm aiming BBDD) this sucks!!!!!!!! OK I have been rambling on and I realise if you don't know what I have been doing etc you won't understand this passage. But I think I'm not spending enough time revising especially on math and econs crap I'm dead.
Interestingly I'm not really dreading this period of mugging like how I used to previously when I hated studying. Now I quite enjoy it and there's even a sadistic pleasure to see my work all done, but there's just not enough time for me to do all the preparation that I want to do. Having said this I think I should stop here and go back to mugging.
Special mention: Ass don't worry darling, you know and I know we will always be there for you.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
To make the ass happy...
Firstly, gotta clarify this F5, I've never forgotten you haha. No matter how busy I am, how caught up I am with work and new friends (like the aforementioned SACO), there are always more than a few moments when I think and dream of you guys. Guess I'll never get the old sentiments of being able to study and rely on each other wholly when it comes to school work again.
Maybe some of you think I have no life, cos council's like non-stop (haha that's our open house theme!) but just to let you guys know, those who are concerned, council is MY life now! Ok that sounds really no-lifish, but seriously school is SO DARN boring and mundane council puts the fun in.
So what have I been involved the past month? It's mostly the preparation for Teachers' Day, yup, which is like tomorrow!! TD means a lot to me, as I guess it is to most MG people, cos it's quite like the biggest event in school. So here, I just wanna make it like fun and happy, and so that it ends early and everyone can go back to the beloved alma maters. Unfortunately due to circumstances I probably can't leave till some time later, and since you guys won't be going back cos of your school's weird dates I guess I'll go back another time too then!
OK write until bored already will continue another time.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
but I think Pauline wanted to bang his head against the wall when he asked us to arrange it 19, 19 and we did 18 20!! And I think he wanted to swallow poison when he asked us to arrange 19, 19 and we said jokingly we'd arranged 17 21 and REALLY DID unintentionally!!!! SO DARN FUNNY I almost died laughing!!!
Was looking back and thinking about the beginning of our council term. From yesterday I realised Shitty actually bitched about me and my background when we were running for council, but I guess I can't (and won't) blame her, cos I really DO have a dao face. I still remember us running for ECACO together and not getting it, then going to Welco and accepting our posts together, and I think Shitty and I have come a rather long way during these few months.
A few others were telling me it's really good I found Shitty haha. I really don't think there's another person in council who can do rubbishy and shitty things together with me! I think council life wouldn't be as happy and fufiling if there wasn't SACO to make merry. I guess it'd just be mundane work, work and more work, if there wasn't SACO to entertain me and probably some of the other councillors.
I can't and don't know how to describe it, but I really hope SACO wouldn't be a one year thing, when we really amuse ourselves just to make the council term more colorful, but really an everlasting friendship between all of us SACO people!!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
MGS 118th Founder's Day
"And now we're proud to raise the SHOUT
And sing of MGS
Lift high her banner one and all
Her name we now profess"
Saturday, July 23, 2005
SACO updates!!!!!!!!!!
There have been MAJOR changes since the last SACO update I had on my blog, so here they are!!!!
SACO comm chairs: Honyi and Shitty
SAC-er: Michelle (Vacuum cleaner, helps clear rubbish)
SAC-ee: Karin (Treasurer)
SAC-money: Mindy (Terrorist, terrifies all who threatens comm chairs)
SAC-space: Jierong (Reacher, helps comm chairs reach for items on shelves etc)
SAC-up: Calvin (PRO)
Jierong is on probation, since the comm chairs have to observe that he can self entertain, before letting him join on a permanent basis.
Council Song
SACO Actions:
SACO GREETING(for comm chairs):
"Good morning Shitty! Good morning Honyi, Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!"
"Goodbye Shitty! Goodbye Honyi! Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!"
SACO GREETING (comm chairs to other people)
(lift leg and do handsign) "SACO!"
I say WE SAC
I say WE SAC
Monday, July 11, 2005
I was in high spirits since morning, cos I was gonna go down to ACJC FINALLY and OFFICIALLY to watch their 30th Students' Council Investiture! The whole ceremony was very solemn and MG-ish, we sang hymms and stuff, so I was reminded very much of Prefect's Installation in MG, very unlike Hwa Chong's less formal Investiture. But the best part was when Clare, Meixi and Nat brought me around the school on a school tour!!! Yea man 3 exco people showing me and me alone round the school haha what an honour (someone HAD to remind me it was an honour HAHA)!! It was SO FUN because Meixi was being crazy and moved around with her arm outstretched in front of her (well nat and I too, so there were 3 crazy nuts with their arms stretched straight and walking purposefully ahead throughout) and going AND THIS! IS THE SUPER GYM! IT'S SUPER AND A GYM! (The supergym, I have to admit, IS SUPER with airconditioning and even television like a professional gym) AND THIS! IS THE COUNCIL BOARD AND I AM IN CHARGE OF IT AND THIS! ARE THE PLANTS AND THIS! IS THE PILLAR AND THIS! IS THE TREE IN CAMELOT AND THIS! IS NO FOOD AND DRINKS haha nat and I played along while bea and clare tagged along behind pretending not to know us!!!! Oh gosh that WAS the BEST BEST BEST intro I ever had I really love you MEIXI and NAT (and bea and clare)!!!!!! Now I'll NEVER forget every part of AC you guys showed me including the red, yellow and blue bleeches at the swimming pool, which are the school colours of AC; the place for detention (which is air-conditioned and in the library); the friendly photo-copying lady and bookshop lady; your chicken rice; the place where the 'cool' people hang out (mainly megan and gang HAHA); your classmates including JOSHUA (I REMEMBER YOU); the NEW soda dispenser; the FREE STUFF corner (which are the postcards); the banners (I can even remember which string Nat tied); the $10 fine for walking across the field and the swimming pool area thing; the Arts chill-out room which has a NO FOOD AND DRINKS sign; the 2 madams including the ever-friendly arts head mrs. creffield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really love you guys. So much.
And of course as the day moved on and I finally went home, guess who has come back?? NONE OTHER THAN THE QUEEN HERSELF
QUEEN SAMMI CHENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks GREAT, better than ever I would say. I am SO HAPPY and she's wearing those wonderful shoes I HAVE to get something ike that to wear with my jeans (when my bleeding blisters that I got from following Meixi and Nat around so enthusiastically subside)!!!!!!!!!! All those rumours don't stand anymore because
SHE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
London Bombings
I must admit, I wasn't as rudely shocked by the bombings as I was by the 911 crash. I mean, come on, PLEASE, do something new! You wanna prove something, please don't do it by killing people, it won't help, all right? Only more people will start to hate you, and soon the whole world will REALLY gang up against you, and we'll see who lives then. You wanna say something, you wanna prove your injustice, PROVE it. SHOW it to us. THEN we'll listen. We'll see who listens to you NOW.
But I was really touched by the speech given by the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. The front bits didn't really matter, but it was the end that was good:
"In the days that follow look at our airports, look at our sea ports and look at our railway stations and, even after your cowardly attack, you will see that people from the rest of Britain, people from around the world will arrive in London to become Londoners and to fulfil their dreams and achieve their potential.
They choose to come to London, as so many have come before because they come to be free, they come to live the life they choose, they come to be able to be themselves. They flee you because you tell them how they should live. They don’t want that and nothing you do, however many of us you kill, will stop that flight to our city where freedom is strong and where people can live in harmony with one another. Whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail.” - Ken Livingstone
I am supremely impressed by Londoners. They have not failed us as one of the superpowers of the world. The Londoners have not been defeated by the cruel act of misdeed, but yet they are gathered together, and they are now stronger.
Yes, we mourn for those who have lost their lives for a cause so unworthy. But you have not died alone. Our hearts will always be with you, every man, every woman, every child whose life was lost on that day, for we will stand closer now, as the free world, the world against terrorism.
Mr. Livingstone is right. No matter how many of us you kill, you will fail.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
haha nothing better to do
1. Name: Honyi
2. Height: 146.5 (POINT 5!!!)
3. Hair: Black, short, destroyed by hairdresser and my undecisiveness
4. Siblings: One younger he-wart
5. Birthday: 4.2.88
6. Sign: Aquarius. The intelligent one.
7. Sex/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual, but asexual as yet
8. Righty or lefty: Righty
9. What do you want most in a relationship?: Companionship. And space.
10. Have you ever cheated on someone: No someone, hence no cheating.
11. Marital status: Single but not available, due to time constraints.
12. Movie: Needing You, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, Spiderman, all bimbotic, girl-power and Sammi Cheng movies
13. Song: Forever Beauty, Come back to Me by Sammi Cheng; Hao Xin Fen Shou and Lucy (318 000000 BC) by Candy Lo, Brothers by Hocc, Love by Karen Mok etc.
14. Actor: NICHOLAS TSE, Brad Pitt, any hot guy really, in the world today where guys are the new vases
15. Actress: SAMMI CHENG, Julia Roberts. Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff for their movies, but not them. There're more but I can't remember.
16. Food: No particular favourite, though I do love food
17. Number: 9
18. Comic: FOXTROT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My one and only.
19. Disney: The Lion King. The Incredibles (Though it was Pixel, I think). Shrek was good as well.
20. Colour: Red, Purple, Orange, White, Black
21. Do you plan on having children?: I'm fine with or without, but I may be happier without. Depends.
22. Do you want to get married?: Depends on the circumstances. I'm fine by myself, though.
23. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child?: At least 30.
24. How old do u wanna be when you're married?: 30
25. Would you have kids before marriage?: Preferably not. Bulges do not look appealing in gowns.
26. Do you have a boyfriend?: Nope, maybe fortunately.
27. Do you have a crush?: Nope.
28. Music/TV: TV. Movies, more like.
29. Guys/Girls: I prefer girls, but not sexually.
30. Green/Blue: Blue.
31. Pink/Purple: Purple
32. Summer/Winter: Winter
33. Night/Day: Night
34. What school do u go to? Hwa Chong Institution
35. Have you ever taken drugs?: Duh no
37. The person you know who is
Funniest: Natalie Lee
Happiest: Ng Meixi
Weirdest: My inner self
Most caring: Mama Bong
Tallest: Shortie (Jierong)
Smartest: Honyi. Though after reading Calvin Chiew's essays I have to admit he can share my throne. Nat (Lee) is smart too.
Prettiest: Honyi. But Alicia Yik can share my crown.
Most handsome: My daddy of course. It's in the genes.
38. What do you think of soul mates?: Coolio, but I don't need one I guess.
39. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: In jest, why not?
40. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: Hocc's prose written to Mui-gu
41. What's something about guys you don't get?: Their obsession with sex and their inability to think sometimes
42. And girls?: Their bitching about one another till they ultimately hurt each other. We would have ruled the Earth a long time ago if we didn't have this bad habit.
43. Are you happy? Yes, very much so.
44. Love or lust: Both, please.
45. Silver or gold: Silver
46. Diamond or pearl: I prefer diamonds, but I'm cool about such things
47. Sunrise or sunset: Sunset
48. How about skinny-dipping?: Haha when I get my abs
49. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Thousands!
50. Do you have any piercings?: No!
51. What song are you listening to right now?: HAHA Hakuna Matata
52. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: Anywhere is fine.
53. What makes you happy?: Sleeping, Movies, Slacking, Singing
54. Do u wear contacts or glasses?: None
55. What's the best advice given to you?: I'm not too sure, unfortunately.
56. What are your future goals?: Either to practise Law, or to be a journalist
57. Do you like funny or scary movies better?: FUNNY, totally.
58. On the phone or in person?: In person
60. Do u have any enemies?: No, unless they see me as one.
61. What is your greatest fear?: Flying insects
62. Would you rather be rich or famous?: Rich
63. Have you ever been in love?: Yes. That lovely Honyi.
64. When was the last time you talked to the person that you like: Never? I don't speak to myself HAHA!
65. Are you an alcoholic?: Nope!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Candy Lo
Top 5 girls to listen to:
1. SAMMI CHENG because she is THE QUEEN
2. Candy Lo because of the very special, very original, very different type of music
3. HoCC because of her strong vocals, and pop rock, and her boyish style really
4. Faye Wong, because of her weird but appealing music
5. Karen Mok, because of her love songs
Ok 2-4 all have slightly weird songs that may be quite unacceptable to the common ear, but oh gosh you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE them.
Honestly, Sammi is on number 1, because she is Sammi, and I really really admire her determination and she is the inspiration to whatever I do. I like her songs cos they're my key and they're nice, but I don't really like totally LOVE her songs completely like 100% though they ARE good.
And of course, top 3 males.
1. NICHOLAS TSE becuase he is oh-so-tasty
2. Eason Chan (Great love songs)
3. Jay Chou (He's all right, I guess)
Ok I must admit I don't have many male singers I like, which is why there're only the three of them. But Nic Tse is OH MY GOODNESS! Yes, that pretty covers it. Not many talented males out there, aren't there?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Signs of boredom and slackdom
![]() |
You scored as Lindsay Lohan. You are most like Lindsay Lohan... (some simliar feautures NOT IDENTICAL)
What Celebrity Could Be Your Twin!? (Awesome!!) created with |
Monday, June 27, 2005
an acute sign of boredom
Message: First, name 20 people you know.
1. Beatrice Lau
2. Ass ta (Esther)
3. Elaine
4. Nat
5. Ting Suan (Tingx)
6. Wankai (Wanqi)
7. Weiqi
8. Huiyan
9. Xun
10. Calvin
11. Bryan
12. Jierong
13. Pauline (Paul)
14. Wenxi
15. Mindy
16. Shitty (Shiqi)
17. Clare Poh
18. Meixi
19. Siti (Siqi)
20. Sexy (hon jingyi)
Then, fill this out according to the people you chose!!--------------------------------------------Is 9 a boy or a girl? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! A boy, yes.
Would 11 and 2 make a cute couple? Haha no, definitely not.
How about 18 and 4?: They don't know each other!! But I doubt it anyway.
When was the last time you talked to 12? During Mrs. Ang's RAM assessment
What is 6's favorite band? Not too sure, she listens to a lot of cool music though!
Does 1 have any siblings? Yes, a lovely sister.
Would you ever date 3? Not exactly!
Would you ever date 7? Oh please!! NO!
Is 16 single? HMMM hehhehheh ya la she is.
What's 15's last name?: Oh gosh, how could I forget!
What's 5's middle name? Ting. HAHA.
What's 10's hobby?: Haha I guess being flirtatious!
Would 14 and 19 make a good couple?: Haha they each have their own...
Tell me a random fact about 11: He still uses his pencil case from primary school!!!!
Have you ever had a crush on 8? GREAT GOD NO.
Where does 9 live?: 6th Avenue!
What's 4's favorite color?: Orange? Anything bright I guess?
Are 5 & 6 best friends?: One is willing, the other is not, HAHAHAHA
Does 7 like 20? Yes she loves her.
Does 8 like 19?: Don't know but she probably would.
How did u meet 15?: Through council, but apparently we knew each other when we were very small.
Does 10 have any pets?: I DON'T think so.
Is 12 older than you?: No I think he's younger!
Is 1 the sexiest person: Yes, darling, bootylicious!
Have you ever given 13 a hug? um no???!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Lazy People Have More Shit and Pee
The topic for today is 'Lazy People have more shit and pee'. I'm sure most of you have heard it, cos it's a Chinese phrase, and I must say after observing my actions for the past 2 weeks, IT'S NEVER MORE TRUE.
It's common knowledge I seldom visit the lavatory during school days. On a full day school day during school hours maybe once or at the most twice if my bladder is especially weak on that day. I'm quite a hygiene freak when it concerns the loo, so I try my VERY best not to have any contact at all with public lavatories, unless of course when your PUBLIC means the Ritz or whatever. So on a full day, if you're lucky, you'd catch me in the loo maybe 4-5 times.
HOWEVER! Whenever I need to study, or rather, 'mug', for a seemingly never-ending period of time, say for the O'Levels or the Block Tests, I seem to have an exceedingly large amount of pee or shit stored away. I can visit the loo to up to twice the number of times as compared to a normal day! And sometimes when I get a little tummyache I just go to the loo and sit there for 5 mins, before returning to my room, convinced it was just a false alarm. Most of the time those little loo-visits are mainly excuses for me to take a peek at my Harry Potter- The Order of The Phoenix (I'm revising before The Half Blood Prince is released.) It's a wonder how my procrastination and laziness can have such a huge effect on me, physically!!!
So it is then, definitely, true that lazy people have more shit and pee. It may not mean that I have more pee, but it just means that I have more excuses to want to skive. Oh well, what a lousy and shit-ty entry (haha, geddit, like SHIT-ty???). Back to BT studying now!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Come Home Soon
Sammi, Sweet Sammi,
Where,now, art thou?
To see them pains me,
Like the trodden udder of a cow
The reports of how unhealthy you may be,
How your countenance has been dull.
But surely, you're well?
Surely, there have been no accidents?.
We don't read the stories they sell,
To bad reports, we feign ignorance.
For we hope time does not dwell
Till the hour Queen Sammi returns.
Come home soon,
For waiting, are the suns and the moon.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I wanna be Mrs. Smith!
I mean, if you've watched this incredible show, you'd know what I'm saying. Come on, who's gonna reject Brad Pitt for a hubby (lookswise)! He's so way hot, no matter how old he is (I thinkhe's near my Dad's age) or how little hair he has in that show. Who can resist those eyes my goodness and his frame is so yummy!
But that, of course, is not the reason to why I want to be Mrs. Smith. Well it's not the MAIN reason. I wanna be Mrs. Smith because of her super gadget-hiding butt-kicking home (whatever is left of it)!
I've ALWAYS loved cool houses where whenever your press some obscure button, something cool and dangerous pops out. Check out their basement! It's FILLED with guns and bazookas and all that nonsense! And oh my goodness their kitchen...their OVEN! That was the BEST part I love her oven! Who would have taught something so harmless would be hold so many deadly weapons!
And it's always super cool how she kills those guys! The heels are what makes her cool. I mean if Brad Pitt did away with some moron, yea all right, big deal. But if Angelina Jolie does it, woah! It's always cool to watch someone sexy, hot and beautiful do some ass-kicking! And in heels! That's the best thing! I'm such a sucker for girl power movies, harhar.
Well not that I wouldn't say no to owning her annoyingly near-perfect bod, lustful eyes and silky hair! Everytime she flicks her hair every single person in the theatre melts. She's not pretty, definitely not, with that weird over-pouty lips, but her lovely locks just accentuates her curves and her very strong face. But besides her hot bod, I wouldn't say no to THAT INCREDIBLE BLACK COAT she wore when killing her that poor dude. No not that boob thing, I want the COAT! And her stunning handbag! I'm sorry I think I noticed all the wrong things. Maybe I was supposed to be concentrating on the plot, and yet i was looking at her costumes (but come on, give the costume guy some credit, her clothes are just amazing!), but oh well I can always do that when the DVD comes.
So yes. I'd love to be Mrs, Smith, thank you very much.
New title...again!
My new blog name is trash can! Simple reason. If you realised soon enough I refrain from tiresome ramblings about my mundane life, but I do record some observations of my own, or by others and add my own thoughts to it. Most of it's a whole load of trash, written purely for the enjoyment of myself and the silly people who actually drop by here.
So, yea, do have a great time here!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Bus rides!
Maybe it's because I haven't taken the public bus for some time. I mean, now that I'm in HC, I get two-way private transport almost daily, besides the days when I have council till past 6. And maybe cos it's been camps the past two weeks, CCA Leadership Camp at Pulau Ubin and LEP Camp at the Singapore Sport's School (which has an amazing dorm by the way). And of course, it's also because it's been a really, really long time since I've gone to somewhere that required nearly a one hour bus-ride (since it was just after office hours when I took the bus today). Anyway, something suddenly hit me.
No it wasn't someone else's handbag, don't be silly! It was a question! Well not a very great one, but just a question.
People have always written to the papers complaining about how Singaporeans don't really care about the elderly and the little ol' pregnant ladies. But today I realised, hey, sometimes, it's not really our fault!
I mean, duh, if you were totally reliant on a walking stick, or were 7-8 months heavily and obviously pregnant, I'd give my seat to you anytime! TAKE IT! I mean I don't need it! But if you think about it, what if. What if, you offered your seat to a guy who's just in his thirties but looks old. What if you offered your seat to a 'pregnant' lady who's actually just a little plump? I so think you're gonna get your ass kicked!
Look at Two Weeks' Notice! Notice what happened to Hugh Grant when he thought this plump lady was pregnant when actually she was just a big woman! I mean, something like this could always happen if you aren't careful.
But hey, don't get me wrong. I mean, I'm not giving excuses for OTHER people for not giving up their seats. I give my seat up all the time! It's just I was scrutinising these 2 ladies before me today, and I really couldn't decide whether to offer my seat to them. Sure, they were definitely in their forties and above (if they were regulars of SKII), and they probably would need my seat more than I do. But would they be insulted if I gave up my seat? Would my act of graciousness be mistaken as an insult?
So what I'm trying to say is, if you really ignore a 'needy' fellow (e.g. expectant mothers, the elderly etc) although it is PRETTY obvious they're gonna need your seat more than you do, just remember that YOU are gonna be old (or sometimes pregnant) soon. But hey, if you're one of them like me who can't decide where to put my bet on, maybe we should just remain standing in future!
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Comm chairs: Shitty(Shiqi) and Honyi(Jingyi)
SAC-er (Secretary): Michelle Low
SAC-ee (Treasurer): Karin
SAC-em (PRO): Calvin Chiew
I know, I know, all of you wanna join this comm! But to be allocated a position, you must have the following qualities:
1. Shitty, as in Shitty(Shiqi)
2. Horny, as in Honyi (Jingyi)
3. Sexy
4. Cute
5. Hot bod
6. Inexhaustible energy
7. Ability to self-amuse
Of course, SACO members already have most of these qualities. As comm chairs, Shitty and I already have all of the above, so come look for us if you want to set a standard or a goal in achieving these unique and special qualities of a SACO member!!
SACO membership is only by invitation!!
SACO members are required to know the following:
1. Our very own SACO cheer:
I say WE SAC
I say WE SAC
*SAC pronounced as SUCK
2. Our council MTV
(Check with us for further details)