It's been a year since I left B3, and it's really true how you can never ever really appreciate what you have until you lose it. I was looking back at all our photos, and it's no wonder how I keep talking and thinking about you guys that it's driving my friends and me insane!
I don't think I can ever experience being so comfortable with any group of people like this anymore. We were all so retarded, absolutely, absolutely terribly retarded, even Wanjin whose goal was to be a farmer in Mongolia and I'm not
sure whether she was kidding and Sam who has and had a whole farm of chinchillas and that was probably why we mixed so well. I remember the days we switched roles during one of our free periods, and I was the pai kia while Diane, Juang Penguin and Elaine were the nerds and good students, oh gosh that was the best free period ever, in penguin's words. The days when we took part in the Racial Harmony day thing and sang the HARMONY song with the huge green caterpillar and won first prize!! That was priceless I remember everything that happened. And our SAVE THE WATER dance!!! And our numerous Class Parties and outings!! B3 was the best, there was no doubt about it.
And it's doubly precious how we can love each other and be so close when I hear so many stories of how other people could not fit into their classes when they were in secondary school. It's just great that we were all so retarded and lame together.
Although there definitely were cliques, the Juang Clique, my F5, the Megan clique and whatever, we were totally interlinked, and when the class came together, we were ONE. Which is priceless, I feel. With experience I realise this doesn't come easily. It felt effortless to us, like it was natural, but it isn't. It was precious.
Well even though we have split to different JCs and polys and overseas after the dreaded O Levels, it's still touching that we all still make an effort to keep in contact, to remain great friends if not best friends throughout the rest of our years. I was especially touched when Thia and Dell agreed immediately to come watch my class concert, though they know only me there. It's really no wonder I love you all so much.
It's been one year, and I still miss each and every one of you, even Megan whom we only saw a few times a month HAHAHA.
Love you all, miss you all. Class party underway.
hahahha! nice pic! xP rather envious of yr klaz! tink mi sec4 class was qt horrific.we were such different ppl who cudn't mix.an e title is a little UMM.. tributes r for e dead rt xD newaez e caterpillar an save e water dance an such sound rly u hahas!! can totalli picture yu doing dem mans.oh an pity u didn't come for welco outin! cud haf spiced tings up a bit xD but yeah it was fun x) jiayou for yr class concert!!
hey my dear honyi!
i really miss our class too! we'll meet up as f5 soon and as a class when pet and michelle come back alright? i've just told es the days i could make it next week, like my schedule and all so please go check her tagboard.
missing you!
your wonderful f5 member!
your picture frightens me.
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