Saturday, June 24, 2006


I've got quite a lot to say about my hols and my holiday to Hokkaido/Tokyo but due to time constraints I'll leave it to Week 2.

I remembered telling myself NOT to procrastinate and to start revision as early as possible but as usual that didn't happen. Now I have no choice but to cram what normal people should be cramming in 1 month or so in 1 week. I'm 36 hours away from the first exam and only halfway through. Only God can help me this time.

I'm sleepy, fed-up and I look like shit because of my eyebags and everything. I don't study the way I normally do and I'm just accepting whatever the notes and textbooks tell me. Not at all brilliant.

I will NOT put myself through the same torture for the prelims and duh the A Levels.

Can't help but keep hearing Paris Hilton sing her song in my ear everytime exams come near.

Oh heck, they are just Block Tests.

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