Monday, June 26, 2006


Sometimes I truly wonder if really can't do math or if it's because I keep telling myself I can't.

And how I'm developing selective photographic memory (or plainly speaking selective memory hehheh). I never used to have good memory, but it seems I've found my forte in JC. I can read LEP or Lit notes once and convert everything into memory. And even have my own points and understanding. (This may be due to the fact that I don't have to regurgitate everything word for word, so there's less pressure there remembering stuff.)

BUT!!! The big but comes: when I look at the math formulae, no matter how many times I recite it to myself and try to remember it, the words and numbers just vanish in minutes.

Maybe it's because I keep telling myself I can't do it?

And just why on earth would anyone see anything remotely amusing about manipulating a few numbers here and there. I'd seriously rather do 10 essays than do math, plainly because it makes me feel so stupid and inadequate. But whenever I get stuck doing a simple arithmatic problem, I just remind myself that multiple intelligence exists!

Math to me is but a filler subject. Like ok, LIT (impt), LEP (semi-impt) and econs (uhm), what else is there.

And I'm SO going to get that A.

Perhaps math is just not for the couch potato.

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