I've just got home from my first concert this year - S.H.E Perfect 3 World Tour!!!!!!
I got the tickets from mediacorp haha! I just emailed them on Meat (who was eager to watch Wu Zun from Farenheit)'s request and actually got the tickets HAHA!!
Though we sat like 100000 miles away from the stage and each performer was like the size of my last finger nail, it was still really really good. Meat and I were like so high throughout the entire show!! And because they were smart/nice enough to put the lyrics on the screens we could actually sing along!!!!
There's really nothing much to pick about the 3 girls. They were friendly and adorable, and you could tell they have put in tons of effort for this concert. Almost every song was like a dance song, so there were like 94793824 dance steps they had to memorise, and I don't remember any mistakes from any of them. Really impressive!! Their singing is not impeccable, but their vocals were strong and powerful. They're very, very good singers I'd say!! And they sound fabulous together!!!
Response was superb too!! Especially in the $148 region, everyone was standing from the first song to the last!! And even in the $98 region (ours) people like us were bouncing and screaming (ok only us, but still!) so it was totally high HIGH HIGH!!!!! They didn't have to try very hard to get us high though, the occassional burst of fireworks or just their appearance was good enough to get us screaming.
The highest point for me was when Stef Sun appeared. I think I just went into a frenzy and Meat and I just screamed through all of her 3 songs HAHA so embarrassing!! Her voice sounded a bit odd though, not Stef Sun-ish!! But it was ok, because she was so hot everyone was literally shouting along so couldn't really hear her HAHA!!
Farenheit was, well, ok. Hmm. I mean they're more known for their good looks than anything, but I was sitting too far away. But Wu Zun is definitely HOT among the girls!! Even I screamed when he came out HAHAHA!! How degrading!!
I wouldn't admit this, but I'm like a converted S.H.E fan now!! At least a fan enough to get me screaming S.H.E!!!!! S.H.E!!!!! at their encore which is something I refuse to do unless it's Sammi then obviously, different story. They're a really GREAT TEAM though I still think it's a pity they don't have better songs. But I guess those weird electronic songs like Superstar REALLY come to great use during concerts, because even though I think it's a pretty dumb song I totally lost my head and shouted along during the encore HAHA! Ni Shi Dian, Ni Shi Guang, Ni Shi Wei Yi De Shen Hua, Wo Zhi Ai Ni, YOU ARE MY SUPERSTAR!!! Like uhm, eww. But it was great!!
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