It's a tradition I try to keep every year during Christmas. I'd like to thank the people who have been very, very dear to me the past year.
1. My family:
Ok none of you read my blog, but really, you guys have been and will always be the closest people I have. Though I see my school washroom more than I see you guys, I know you'll always be there for me, and I just want you all to know that I've always known how much you love me.
2. F5
Ass: Hello ass I've known you for like 5 years!! How completely horrifying! And though we may not be as active in each other's lives as we were back then I can still proudly say that nothing is more comforting than seeing you. Looking at you grow prettier by the day makes me a bit jealous but I know I will always be that little bit smarter than you are HAHAHA!!!!
Bea: OK I've know you since I was a twerp in Secondary 1! And like I've always said you're the only person in the whole world who can see through me for who I really am. You're like my mirror of Erised if you read Harry Potter, the mirror which shows Harry's dead parents. Ok you don't reflect dead people or whatever but you know what I am deep down. I guess that's why you've always been like a mother to me, and I feel just so absolutely safe with you it's amazing.
Elaine: As I have said 1000 times it makes me super proud to be a friend of such an amazing dancer!!! You've always been a sweetheart to me, always listening to me nag about my plans for the future hahahah which is really not an easy thing to do I know. And just to let you know I LOVE the naan I had at your place on Christmas day!! Your appetite never ceases to amaze me though, I really wonder how you maintain those washboard abs when I have like flabboard abs.
Nat: Just the nut basically but I LURRVE you!! Maybe even as much as all those AC boys clamouring after you hotstuff but HEY in a different way! I never talk to you seriously like how I do to Bea and Ass and even E which I guess is what makes you fun!! Because even though you are about as blur as a tank of water a squid squirted ink in you're still witty and quick and that makes you an interesting conversationalist!!
3. Xun:
OK I don't think you know me very well but I know you pretty well cos I guess a lot of things have happened to you over a year but not much to me so you've basically been pouring a lot more to me than I have the other way. But anyhow you're still a pretty good friend to me (you're pretty and also a good friend) and I really enjoy talking to you! I'm gonna miss all those late night insane 5am conversations and us jet-lagging together though I have absolutely no reason to when you go to NS!! Buy me something from UK!
4. SACO:
Shit: Well obviously you scrolled down looking for you name as I predicted but HEY how can YOU not be here!!! You're really my favourite pile of Shit! It's only been about a year and a half and you're really already my Half, closer to me than I can imagine. You're so completely in your own world which must be slower than a snail doing moonwalk it makes you so adorable and loveable! I guess that's why Paul likes you too HEEHEE!! It's been absolutely wonderful doing all those crazy things together, like seriously SO many dumb things we've done over the past 2 years!! Life in HC would have been as dull as, well, your intellect, if you weren't around!! And I'm really glad I joined council and formed SACO with you because if not, I would not have met you.
CalCal: Haha I know you don't read my blog but hey! You're the very first person to join SACO, and subsequently one of the most loyal members!! You've turned up for almost every outing I can't believe it!! But really while you're always mysterious and in your own world you're really a special friend to me. It's difficult to imagine SACO with you, cos though you don't make as much noise as other people like Meat (HEE) do, it's nice to look back and discover hey! Calcal's still there. Sometimes I can't quite fathom what you're thinking, and yet sometimes I imagine there must be that soft spot in you that must be quite sensitive and protected. But well, since you're entering NS and I'll be going off to uni soon, I expect it'll be some time before we ever find out the real you!!
Jiadi: Add Brother!! You must be like the busiest person in SACO or what!!! But yes you're about as silly as Shit but you should really thank her because without her you would have been the butt of all our jokes!!! HAHAHA!! It's nice to know that we have someone so motherly and domesticated in SACO, but then again it lowers our cool factor!!! DAMN!!! We should re-consider putting you on probation!!
Meat: You piece of meat I think to date we've only had ONE pathetic meaningful conversation!! But anyhow I'm really really glad you're part of SACO because without you we would not have had as many hilarious moments!! Your crazy, hyena-like laughter may be quite scary to some but I think that's your best trait, because your laughter is just completely infectious!! Even people as depressed as Mindy (HAHA) would laugh!!!! And it's GREAT to have you because at least there's someone to suffer with when we're doing apps!
Mindy: Apparently I've known you the longest but I don't remember you at all so you can see how important you are to me. ANYWAY you're like the oldest oldest person I know but it's still quite fun to be with you even though we may not agree on,well, anything!! But I still pretty sad that you'll be leaving for Penn (as much as I am super excited for you) because I'll miss you so much!! WE HAVE TO email each other k!! And don't terrorize people there!! Americans aren't as accepting of old people as we are over here!!! Get a cute boyfriend!!
Pauline: My Quarter!! Well I have to admit like I did in the card I wrote to you that you ARE a pretty good match for my dear Half! So I think I WOULD like you to stay my Quarter for as long as possible!! It's so completely embarrassing how I actually have to ask you for advice on what to wear but it would be ok if you were Half's Half because then you know you are ownself-people (zi ji ren) so it doesn't matter!! And plus your good sense of direction and etc it'd be very useful to have you around!! So just to butter you up STEF SUN ROCKS!!!
RongRong: Hello you furry kiwi fruit how cool is it that we actually snagged the President in SACO!!! And what's even more cool is that you stick around!! I am a bit ashamed to say your English is tons better than mine but HEY I have faith that my English will one day be better than yours. Though you are somewhat of a philanderer (oops) which I must by the way mention I am quite insulted you have not tried to hit on me HAHAHA I do truly hope you will someday find The One oh goodness how corny is this and be content. If not I will pass you my card and please let me handle your divorce cases because I think it'll be quite lucrative. HEEHEE!!!
So that's about it for this year. My hands are aching from the effort, and I haven't even gotten to my apps which are obviously more important than this. But hey, since when have I been able to prioritise!!! love you all!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Writing Essays
Christmas IS my favourite holiday. Though I have no idea why.
I guess I'm not as funny as people imagined because my cards are absolutely boring. Like about as interesting as studying guwen. And it's ALREADY boxing day and I still have cards that're left unwritten!!! ARGH thank goodness writing is my forte or I would have died!! Christmas/US applications are NOT for F-math students.
As much as I recognise that there are some Ultramen who can do Math AND Phsyics AND Lit I am sure most of us are just either men or X-men(slightly mutated), I wonder if people applying to MIT have fewer essays to struggle with. Or for people intending to major in The Beauty of Mathematics or Why Physics Should Dominate the World. But one must remember both courses do not exist. For a reason, of course.
I watched Love, Actually yesterday. Well half of it. Except I've already watched it twice. But I will still bowled over by its bittersweetness. I think Richard Curtis deserves some attention here!! He's the genius who wrote Love Actually, MR. BEAN, Blackadder, Four Weddings and a Funeral, NOTTING HILL and the two Bridget Jones - the all-time favourites. I just watch whatever he writes/directs, really. Unless of course you're not a fan of British humour OR Rowan Atkinson. But how can that be possible!! I don't know a single poor unredeemed soul who doesn't like dear Mr. Bean.
But Christmas 2006 is over. I wonder how I'll spend Christmas in 2007. I wonder how WE'll spend Christmas in 2007.
I guess I'm not as funny as people imagined because my cards are absolutely boring. Like about as interesting as studying guwen. And it's ALREADY boxing day and I still have cards that're left unwritten!!! ARGH thank goodness writing is my forte or I would have died!! Christmas/US applications are NOT for F-math students.
As much as I recognise that there are some Ultramen who can do Math AND Phsyics AND Lit I am sure most of us are just either men or X-men(slightly mutated), I wonder if people applying to MIT have fewer essays to struggle with. Or for people intending to major in The Beauty of Mathematics or Why Physics Should Dominate the World. But one must remember both courses do not exist. For a reason, of course.
I watched Love, Actually yesterday. Well half of it. Except I've already watched it twice. But I will still bowled over by its bittersweetness. I think Richard Curtis deserves some attention here!! He's the genius who wrote Love Actually, MR. BEAN, Blackadder, Four Weddings and a Funeral, NOTTING HILL and the two Bridget Jones - the all-time favourites. I just watch whatever he writes/directs, really. Unless of course you're not a fan of British humour OR Rowan Atkinson. But how can that be possible!! I don't know a single poor unredeemed soul who doesn't like dear Mr. Bean.
But Christmas 2006 is over. I wonder how I'll spend Christmas in 2007. I wonder how WE'll spend Christmas in 2007.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My Guy
Nothing you could say could tear me away from my guy (my guy)
Nothing you could do, 'cause I'm stuck like glue to my guy (my guy)
I'm sticking to my guy like a stamp to a letter
Like birds of a feather, we stick together
I'm tellin' you from the start
I can't be torn apart from my guy
Nothing you could do could make me untrue to my guy (my guy)
Nothing you could buy could make me tell a lie to my guy (my guy)
I gave my guy my word of honour to be faithful, and I'm gonna
You best be believing I won't be deceiving my guy
As a matter of opinion I think he's tops
My opinion is he's the cream of the crop
As a matter of taste, to be exact
He's my ideal, as a matter of fact
No muscle bound man could take my hand from my guy (my guy)
No handsome face could ever take the place of my guy (my guy)
He may not be a movie star, but when it comes to bein' happy, we are
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
No muscle bound man could take my hand from my guy (my guy)
No handsome face could ever take the place of my guy (my guy)
He may not be a movie star, but when it comes to bein' happy, we are
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
(What you say ?)
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
(One more time)
There's not a man today who could take me away from my guy
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Since my darling half has asked me to update I will!!
Nothing much going on in my life now except I go through the same routine everyday. I wake up thinking ok yes today I will be a good girl and complete my apps but I don't. I have lunch/breakfast (or The Meal I Eat At Noon when I Wake Up) before retreating to my mom's to watch Miss Mo (super good HK serial) with my family. Then I'd take a nap or in today's case read a light chick lit before going back to bed heehee. After that wake up for dinner, more TV then my personal movie session. I'd pour a glass of vodka (only 6%) for myself and plonk myself on the sofa till 3 am or something. So far the best movie I've watched is Mona Lisa Smile which is really quite interesting because the reviewers weren't exactly too enthusiastic about it. But I think all feminists should watch it. Princess Diaries 2 is not bad either mainly because of Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway, two of my favouritest actresses as you can see from the list on my blog (though I think Julie Andrews isn't on it). In short I've been wasting my life away and you know what? I really really enjoy it!!!
Had a great time with Halfie on Friday. We met up to discuss some things but we ended early and ended up talking about all sorts of rubbish which frankly I can't quite remember now! But Halfie is always fun to be with :) Talked to Shit about some problems I've had lately. Problems were very minor but there were many sleepless nights cos of them. I never thought I was going to say anything for ever and ever and till the world ends but I guess since Shit's my Half it's ok hahaha. I'm glad I told her though!! Cos now I've solved the problem and sleeping better than ever!!!
Should do my essays now. More in future, when my life is more exciting!
Nothing much going on in my life now except I go through the same routine everyday. I wake up thinking ok yes today I will be a good girl and complete my apps but I don't. I have lunch/breakfast (or The Meal I Eat At Noon when I Wake Up) before retreating to my mom's to watch Miss Mo (super good HK serial) with my family. Then I'd take a nap or in today's case read a light chick lit before going back to bed heehee. After that wake up for dinner, more TV then my personal movie session. I'd pour a glass of vodka (only 6%) for myself and plonk myself on the sofa till 3 am or something. So far the best movie I've watched is Mona Lisa Smile which is really quite interesting because the reviewers weren't exactly too enthusiastic about it. But I think all feminists should watch it. Princess Diaries 2 is not bad either mainly because of Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway, two of my favouritest actresses as you can see from the list on my blog (though I think Julie Andrews isn't on it). In short I've been wasting my life away and you know what? I really really enjoy it!!!
Had a great time with Halfie on Friday. We met up to discuss some things but we ended early and ended up talking about all sorts of rubbish which frankly I can't quite remember now! But Halfie is always fun to be with :) Talked to Shit about some problems I've had lately. Problems were very minor but there were many sleepless nights cos of them. I never thought I was going to say anything for ever and ever and till the world ends but I guess since Shit's my Half it's ok hahaha. I'm glad I told her though!! Cos now I've solved the problem and sleeping better than ever!!!
Should do my essays now. More in future, when my life is more exciting!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Prom and SACO chalet!!
Prom was fun!! Everyone looked really different and we were all just basically photo-whoring HAHA but well it was a great experience!! Will let the photos say it all:
My Other Half and I decided to attend prom in slightly different outfits. So she being dark wore white and dressed as an Angel while I being fair wore black (to cover me fats) and went as the Devil!! And of course when Paul (who rightfully won Best Dressed!) Half and I emerged from the cab everyone was like OMG HAHA! Yea I think we had quite an elaborate entrance!! Our efforts won us Best Accessorized of the night!! So special mention to Mindy who created the trident and Shit's beautiful wand for us!! I love my Other Half! Only she would do something like that with me HEEHEE.
A slutty photo taken with Poochie hehheh because he said we should try to look slutty. Obviously being the cutesy innocent girl I am it's quite difficult to look slutty so our photo turned out like this. And Poochie instead of looking sexy looked sleepy instead -.-
Bobbert who turned up in beachwear and told all of us that was what he was wearing for the night and we actually trusted him!! Not because we are dumb (we're not) but because he is totally the sort who would do stupid things HAHAHA!! By the way bobs if you're here your $85 musical was totally amusing but THANK GOD I didn't join you guys!!!!
I really have no idea what is with the look of horror on Xun's face since he is flanked by the two most beautiful girls of the night!!!
Suan Huiyan and me! Well technically I was supposed to sit next to Huiyan for the night but obviously no one follows those mundane seating plans!! But managed to take photos with them nonetheless.
Street Urchin in his shirt(HAHA! inside joke) and me!! HAHA! Wanted to take more photos with him but I couldn't find him later. Too bad!
My favourite Mole darling ZEZE who had a sexy butterfly on her back!!!! We're supposed to meet up to watch Sound of Music for the 1000th time together!!
HAHA this photo cracks me up it's our photo with Colin!! Actually I don't know him but he's the Prom King AND the tallest guy in school plus he has 1000 girls after him so he's quite legendary!!! I HAD to take a photo with him before I left school! He's like literally half a metre taller than me and yet he still blushes when he sees people saying hi to him HAHA!!! How adorable!
Photo with classmates Minsi Huiyan and Weiqi who so predictably dressed as a Princess!!! Didn't manage to say more than 2 sentences to them though, unfortunately.
Darling Mindy!! My future neighbour whom I'm supposed to live next door if she doesn't marry before 40 HEEHEE!!! I love that woman but clearly she doesn't love me as much.
WELCO!!! Miss these people!!! But we'll be seeing them soon!! Especially the guys like xiaoxiao gum haining etc whom I really seldom see anymore. WELCO OUTING YAHOO!
SACO! My favourite people in the whole school!!! I think I'll weep when Pooch and RongRong (and oh yea, Paul) go to NS and when SACO splits to the rest of the world :( There's not one of these people I don't love with my greatest affections!
SACO Chalet (5/12-6/12)
OK admittedly it was a pretty bad idea to arrange for a SACO chalet immediately after prom BUT we had no choice because we all weren't free at all except for those 2 days!!! So anyhow we (except Jiadi and JR who came late) made our way to a dingy and slightly run-down chalet at East Coast. The first thing we did was to rush to the air-conditioned room to play Bridge HAHA!! But since Shit and I didn't know how to play Poochie taught us and we won like 6 games in a row!! So we got bored of winning and just all slept together on the bed even though Paul insisted we continue playing. Poochie Meat Mindy and I slept quite well but Paul and Shit actually went missing while we slept (the sneaky duo!!!).
At 5 plus we woke up to eat a scrumptious dinner of cup noodles and proceeded on to another game of cards :( POKER!! We decided to use our fingers as bets instead of money because you know when you bet everything it's called SHOW HAND HAHAHAHA!!! And we were doing silly things like imitating Bond while Meat imitated the Guy who Weeped Blood in Bond. I tried imitating Vesper but failed spectacularly HAHAHA! I was leading initially but was overtaken by Shit who had a record breaking number of 30++ fingers which she lost ALL at one go to Poochie who had wonderful cards!! HAHAHA!!! So she fell from Top Girl to like Mud or something and even went to Basement (which was what we called people who had negative fingers). We then tried to rescue Meat who had been in the Basement for a horribly long time and all cheered like crazy when she had a pair while Poochie tried to shout over the noise and cheering no to avail to alert us to his second pair HAHAHAHA defeating Meat and once again banishing her to the recesses of Hell. The scene was so hilarious I can't forget how Pooch was waving his hands wildly trying to attract our attention while Meat kept jumping on the bed and the rest of us kept shouting in joy, completely ignoring dear Pooch!!!!! But of course Pooch was on a winning streak because I was the banker HAHAHA!!!
At 12.01 exactly we made our move to Mac's which was like 100000 miles away from the chalet or something for supper!!! But by then RongRong was so tired he looked like a vampire so we moved back to the chalet after a short supper. We actually managed to sleep quite comfortably in the room!! There was a bed and 2 mattresses so RongRong Pooch Mindy and I shared the bed sleeping as straight as possible so as not to touch the other people while Jiadi and Meat slept on one mattress and Paul and Shit on the other. I slept quite well!! But I think Pooch didn't cos he woke up pretty early. Mindy too!! Like Mindy said I think we all have very funny sleeping habits but also not very nice to say here heehee.
SACO chalet was fun!! Though not completely exciting, I guess it's the company that counts. How saddening that in a month we'd have to say byebye to RongRong and Poochie :( :( :( But then we can have a SACO Girls' Night Out!! HEE!

SACO Chalet (5/12-6/12)
OK admittedly it was a pretty bad idea to arrange for a SACO chalet immediately after prom BUT we had no choice because we all weren't free at all except for those 2 days!!! So anyhow we (except Jiadi and JR who came late) made our way to a dingy and slightly run-down chalet at East Coast. The first thing we did was to rush to the air-conditioned room to play Bridge HAHA!! But since Shit and I didn't know how to play Poochie taught us and we won like 6 games in a row!! So we got bored of winning and just all slept together on the bed even though Paul insisted we continue playing. Poochie Meat Mindy and I slept quite well but Paul and Shit actually went missing while we slept (the sneaky duo!!!).
At 5 plus we woke up to eat a scrumptious dinner of cup noodles and proceeded on to another game of cards :( POKER!! We decided to use our fingers as bets instead of money because you know when you bet everything it's called SHOW HAND HAHAHAHA!!! And we were doing silly things like imitating Bond while Meat imitated the Guy who Weeped Blood in Bond. I tried imitating Vesper but failed spectacularly HAHAHA! I was leading initially but was overtaken by Shit who had a record breaking number of 30++ fingers which she lost ALL at one go to Poochie who had wonderful cards!! HAHAHA!!! So she fell from Top Girl to like Mud or something and even went to Basement (which was what we called people who had negative fingers). We then tried to rescue Meat who had been in the Basement for a horribly long time and all cheered like crazy when she had a pair while Poochie tried to shout over the noise and cheering no to avail to alert us to his second pair HAHAHAHA defeating Meat and once again banishing her to the recesses of Hell. The scene was so hilarious I can't forget how Pooch was waving his hands wildly trying to attract our attention while Meat kept jumping on the bed and the rest of us kept shouting in joy, completely ignoring dear Pooch!!!!! But of course Pooch was on a winning streak because I was the banker HAHAHA!!!
At 12.01 exactly we made our move to Mac's which was like 100000 miles away from the chalet or something for supper!!! But by then RongRong was so tired he looked like a vampire so we moved back to the chalet after a short supper. We actually managed to sleep quite comfortably in the room!! There was a bed and 2 mattresses so RongRong Pooch Mindy and I shared the bed sleeping as straight as possible so as not to touch the other people while Jiadi and Meat slept on one mattress and Paul and Shit on the other. I slept quite well!! But I think Pooch didn't cos he woke up pretty early. Mindy too!! Like Mindy said I think we all have very funny sleeping habits but also not very nice to say here heehee.
SACO chalet was fun!! Though not completely exciting, I guess it's the company that counts. How saddening that in a month we'd have to say byebye to RongRong and Poochie :( :( :( But then we can have a SACO Girls' Night Out!! HEE!
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