It's finally the second day of the June vacation, and though I've sworn on my weight that I'd begin on my revision (more like homework) immediately I think I've consciously conceded to the fact that I'd remain as a fat woman the rest of my life and lead a leisurely vacation. For now at least.
Right now there is a pile of work about one third the height of me standing threateningly on my table now, and another pile a quarter of my height on my swirly chair. Both piles stare at me as I sleep grudgingly as though I've neglected them, and they're just waiting to pounce on me when they get the chance. I haven't, it's just that I've left them to their own devices for the past month or so, and I'm just waiting for the auspicious hour to pack them. I do treat my items with respect.
My Pile-On-The-Table used to reside on my bed, but now that space has been taken over by my granny who has moved over for the time being. My granny is an interesting person. She doesn't like to sleep with her head at the side-where-heads-should-be, but rather at the side-where-feet-should-be. So when we sleep at night her feet are next to my face and vice versa. My grandmother is also extremely active on bed in that sometimes she likes to move a little and shift diagonally till she takes up 2/3 of the space on the bed. So, of course being the fillial grand-daughter I feel as if I'm forced to sleep like a straightened pretzel, considering my habits of sleeping without her. My mama sighed in my face when I informed her of my plight. She said I'd have to get used to sleeping with someone sooner or later (though she doubts anyone would like a girl who can't cook, wash and who trips over her own feet). And I said I doubt I'd have to sleep with someone who'd rather put his feet next to my face. But oh well life goes on and I'm still stuck with my granny anyway. And she's not all that bad because she loves me more than any of her other grandchildren, because I'm the only one who doesn't shout at her, ignore her or despise her. In fact I'm the only one who holds her hand when she walks, buys her stuff to eat now and then, listens to her stories, puts her stuff in my safe and etc. But it's nothing much as compared to how she used to clean my shit when I was small and ugly. And how she cooks for me now that I'm still small but pretty. It's not that I like her very much because some of her habits may be quite queer, but I admit I do love her for all that she has done for me, and for being my granny.
My pile of homework is now glaring at me. Perhaps I should give her (only women are capable of such ferocity) some attention now.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Photos :)
Busy weekend. Last cheering event for bball and Council dinner on Fri, Council CIP and M.A.D. on Sat. Was great spending time with everyone, though it was tiring and all, but I really enjoyed getting ourselves high on fatigue again! Cheering was good though some of us got scolded as usual. We should explain our stand to the students or they'll just keep scolding us. It's not like we don't want to prevent you from watching the match duh but hello we have our jobs to do also. Council dinner was great, and there was this prize presentation thing, and I got Best Moqi with Calvin!! Though I thought I have better moqi with Shit but they said it was Best Unexpected Moqi haha so ok! Shit got Most Self Delusional, which was a highly competitive award so she should be proud of it HEHHEH!! We went high shouting Jay's Huo Yuan Jia and eating and singing crazy song!!! I think we just went mad together. And Peish's house was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! Like HUGE bathrooms (5!!) and a lovely bedroom!! It was just breath-taking haha!! Had great fun with the peeps. CIP was hugely tiring and the pictures were quite ugly but we self-amused singing weird songs and everything, though some of us feel asleep while painting. I don't know whether we beautified the school or not but I hope we never do such CIP again!! I'm sure there are better things to do!! M.A.D. was great and special mention should be given to Paul who twisted to sexy salsa (or latin dance, whater, haha!) even though his ankle was injured!! Needless to say Huiyan was excellent and we were all suitably impressed. My eyes were on her during all her dance items!! Hee!! We (the CIP people) rushed for Dance night in the most unglam fashion and while everyone was dressed supremely well we looked like a bunch of hooligans in our smelly and paint-filled tees and fbts and slippers. And we sat at the stairs and cheered like crazy (occupation hazard) for Paul and Huiyan! A bit lazy to elaborate, so will let random photos from gloree mainly to do the job...
Copy Xun...thanks gloreeee
Best Moqi Award Winners!! Poochie(HA) and Myself!
SACO Buddies Shit and Me!! And Poochie at the back attracting attention. I think my hair sucks!
Copy Xun...thanks gloreeee

Thursday, May 18, 2006
16th May 2006
It's 18th May today, exactly one year since we were all invested as the official 32nd HC Students' Council. Stepping down was two days ago, but I was too bummed to write anything, so here I am today with the Stepping Down Entry.
I didn't cry like I thought I would. Instead I knew it was the beginning of the next phase of my life, of our lives. I guess it was very clear that even when I was on stage, and after JR's speech and even during the photo-taking, that although 16th May was the last day of Saigang, the last day of late nights together, the Last Day officially, but deep inside, I'm sure we all know this is not The End.
It was pretty evident when immediately the next day many of us were around in the Tian Tang (or Heaven) the very next day. I was the very first one to reach, and was quite disappointed when I didn't see anyone. But I was truly touched by literally ourseleves when I saw Mark, Peish, Mon and my Other Half Shit drag the sofa, the chair and even the CLOCK from the council room HAHA! And the many random people just started appearing, and it was just the warmth rushing in all over again. It was like the same thing, everyone gathering in the council room even when we have nothing to do, just that now it's a much smaller and a little more pathetic room. But of course we've started claiming pigeon holes, and Yeowch and the rest even scrubbed the floor, and I'm gonna bring food in and stuff, so it's going to be all homey and everything. And it was quite interesting today when I went in during my 1hr break in search of a quiet and private place to do my homework, but then within half an hour Mindy started coming in, followed by many random people like the 4 S70 councillors, Steph and gloree and Sam and all. So I guess it's like our new base to go when we need a "pit-stop" or just to escape the messiness and noisiness of the class bench area, which I am still totally unused to.
But I digressed. Invest was not only sweet but fun cos Shit and I really took many photos! I didn't have my camera so I used Shit's, so we're literally in every photo HAHA!! And we finally took our Exco photo!! The exco finally acknowledged us as part of the exco haha!! And we even took a "hot babes" photo with Mrs. Ang who was super high the entire day!! Then we took like our SACO photo, Welco photos and etc, which I will of course show my children and grandchildren and everything and let them know how chio I was/am HAHA!
But like Shit said the most touching moment was when Siti led us to the welfare room, and gave us each a piece of a puzzle which made up the words WELCO. She told us how she was very proud of us, and how she was very honoured indeed to be our comm chair, and while I agree with her (HA) I do acknowledge that she has been indeed been a wonderful leader and example to look up too. And like I said in the previous entry, I do love Welco.
It's been one year, and definitely one year in which I have learnt and grown a lot. For starters I have become physically much fitter. But more importantly, I've learnt a lot from my council friends and teachers. Not only to organise events and clean-up bits of rice in the middle of the central plaza quickly, but lessons that I would take with me for the rest of my life. How to accept failure and disappointment in your stride and make the best of it; how to listen to others, especially those who have more experience than you' how to take the initiative in everything; how to self amuse and keep your spirits high even when the going gets tough; how to do the right thing at the right time; how to anticipate what anything might happen anytime, and many, many others.
The 32nd has been a lot more to me than just fun and friends. They are my teachers in many ways, and I've learnt a lot from many of them, from really the wonderful councillors of the 32nd who are just so dynamic and people with such high potential and talent. It has truly been an honour to have been able to work with every single one of them, and it's definitely been the most rewarding year of my life.
And now it's time to embrace the next phase of our college life.
I didn't cry like I thought I would. Instead I knew it was the beginning of the next phase of my life, of our lives. I guess it was very clear that even when I was on stage, and after JR's speech and even during the photo-taking, that although 16th May was the last day of Saigang, the last day of late nights together, the Last Day officially, but deep inside, I'm sure we all know this is not The End.
It was pretty evident when immediately the next day many of us were around in the Tian Tang (or Heaven) the very next day. I was the very first one to reach, and was quite disappointed when I didn't see anyone. But I was truly touched by literally ourseleves when I saw Mark, Peish, Mon and my Other Half Shit drag the sofa, the chair and even the CLOCK from the council room HAHA! And the many random people just started appearing, and it was just the warmth rushing in all over again. It was like the same thing, everyone gathering in the council room even when we have nothing to do, just that now it's a much smaller and a little more pathetic room. But of course we've started claiming pigeon holes, and Yeowch and the rest even scrubbed the floor, and I'm gonna bring food in and stuff, so it's going to be all homey and everything. And it was quite interesting today when I went in during my 1hr break in search of a quiet and private place to do my homework, but then within half an hour Mindy started coming in, followed by many random people like the 4 S70 councillors, Steph and gloree and Sam and all. So I guess it's like our new base to go when we need a "pit-stop" or just to escape the messiness and noisiness of the class bench area, which I am still totally unused to.
But I digressed. Invest was not only sweet but fun cos Shit and I really took many photos! I didn't have my camera so I used Shit's, so we're literally in every photo HAHA!! And we finally took our Exco photo!! The exco finally acknowledged us as part of the exco haha!! And we even took a "hot babes" photo with Mrs. Ang who was super high the entire day!! Then we took like our SACO photo, Welco photos and etc, which I will of course show my children and grandchildren and everything and let them know how chio I was/am HAHA!
But like Shit said the most touching moment was when Siti led us to the welfare room, and gave us each a piece of a puzzle which made up the words WELCO. She told us how she was very proud of us, and how she was very honoured indeed to be our comm chair, and while I agree with her (HA) I do acknowledge that she has been indeed been a wonderful leader and example to look up too. And like I said in the previous entry, I do love Welco.
It's been one year, and definitely one year in which I have learnt and grown a lot. For starters I have become physically much fitter. But more importantly, I've learnt a lot from my council friends and teachers. Not only to organise events and clean-up bits of rice in the middle of the central plaza quickly, but lessons that I would take with me for the rest of my life. How to accept failure and disappointment in your stride and make the best of it; how to listen to others, especially those who have more experience than you' how to take the initiative in everything; how to self amuse and keep your spirits high even when the going gets tough; how to do the right thing at the right time; how to anticipate what anything might happen anytime, and many, many others.
The 32nd has been a lot more to me than just fun and friends. They are my teachers in many ways, and I've learnt a lot from many of them, from really the wonderful councillors of the 32nd who are just so dynamic and people with such high potential and talent. It has truly been an honour to have been able to work with every single one of them, and it's definitely been the most rewarding year of my life.
And now it's time to embrace the next phase of our college life.
But I know we will do it together.
I love 32.
I love 32.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Last GM
A worthy day to remember. After our last welco formal on Monday which began at 7.45pm and ended at 10.30 (SnR's ended at 1.10 a.m. MY GOODNESS), our very last GM took place today.
Our last welco formal was quite uneventful, as compared to our seniors, according to Ms Wang. There wasn't any crying or wailing or shouting of hoorays, but more like everyone, or at least for myself, was just keeping silent, trying to grab on to those last few minutes that welco has together: sitting together in a classroom with Ms Wang and Ms Tan in our usual formation, guys on one side and girls on the other haha (except Runi and Siqi who choose between the two), everyone reading their updates and stuff in order. But it was just us, the 32nd Welco, sitting together, knowing deep inside that it was the last, but it won't be.
A year ago I was quite apprehensive about my new post as the Wet Weather/First Aid/Restitution I/C in Welco. I knew I'm like a wingless bird with regards to logistics and service, seriously, and my interests and probably even talents lie in jobs to do with livening the school spirit, or you know, something to the extent. But a year later today, I really sincerely thank God (I'm agnostic) for putting me in Welco. Though it took some time adjusting to jobs that I may not be completely familiar in, or even remotely interested in, I think it really got me out of my comfort zone, to seriously accept that life is not all that smooth, and sometimes you really just have to make the best out of whatever God gives you. And of course if I were sent to some other committee, I wouldn't have been as close to my buddies now like Gum, Xiao, Jiadi, Meat, Mindy, Jierong, Siqi, Runi and of course SHIT! Shit's really my most valuable buddy in HC, and one of my best friends (along with F5 of course though they don't really know each other), someone whom I can really confide in, someone to trust, someone to lean on when the work really gets in the way, and seriously, just someone there whom you know will always be there for you when you need someone. I know we will probably keep in touch (besides the rest of the 32nd, SACO and welco, of course) till we're old and hardly mobile, and that we will be there for each other till our 4As come to us!! I'm really thankful, for Welco, for such good friends, and for SACO (which is virtually a division of welco except with Paul and Calvin).
And I know, even though we've only spent one year together, it's as if it's been for a decade. And I know no matter where we go, such ties will not be broken.
Anyhow, our last GM was also our longest ever. We started at 2.45 pm and ended at 9.30pm, which means we actually sat through a 6 hour long meeting at least!!!! But it was good. We began with the usual standing comm updates, which ended very quickly because there was really nothing much to update about. Following which we had a marathon of videos, including the O1 video, the MAF Speedy video (I couldn't spot myself but Shit was really cute!! And Siqi had short hair hee!), Mindy and Steph's videos!! Mindy and Steph's videos featured us (Shit and I) posing as usual, which must have been a lovely sight!! HEE! Then of course came our LONG-AWAITED COUNCIL VIDEO!!!!!! I think response was not bad!!! Considering people laughed so loudly they couldn't really hear what the actors were saying haha! But they should get their own copy eventually, so no worries about that! It was quite a hassle filming the council video, and like I said in the previous entry, it couldn't have been done without the full co-operation of the rest of the council, which we REALLY REALLY appreciate considering it's totally ad-hoc and unofficial. And of course my darling poochie CALVIN CHIEW JING YE who transformed the disgusting footage into a professionally done video! WELL DONE!!! LOVE YOU MORE AGAIN! Hee!!
After the hilarious and seriously heart-warming videos, we started on our evaluation. I guess we were supposed to provide constructive criticism but to be honest besides minor boo-boos there weren't any fatal errors made. And in terms of council or committee dynamics everyone basically loves everyone, so no problems there. And for the exco and Steph everyone loves and respects them, especially Steph, so nothing much either. Perhaps one of the more memorable moments were when Mrs. Ang stepped out and spoke to us. She highlighted mainly our boo-boos, some characteristics of the councillors, and reminded us of how much we have to appreciate the teachers and the non-standing exco, which we fully agree. Mrs. Ang may not be the most popular teacher in the world, but what she says is really always very wise and insightful, and though some may wave her comments off as old-fashioned, if you really listen and think about it, they really are valid, and there are learning points in almost everything she says. And there are always different things to learn from different circumstances and different people every single day, so we should keep an open mind. I was quite touched too when she said that feel free to ask any of the council teachers for references and advice, and that they will hold a special briefing for us with regards to scholarships and overseas (or local?) university applications. Though the scholarships won't be applicable to me, but I think it'll still be very beneficial to us all. I guess though sometimes they may not show it, the teachers really do care about our welfare!!
Stepping down's next tue, but we have council worksession (haha!) on sat and Big Walk on Sunday.
Guess goodbye won't be for good at all!!
I love 32!!
Our last welco formal was quite uneventful, as compared to our seniors, according to Ms Wang. There wasn't any crying or wailing or shouting of hoorays, but more like everyone, or at least for myself, was just keeping silent, trying to grab on to those last few minutes that welco has together: sitting together in a classroom with Ms Wang and Ms Tan in our usual formation, guys on one side and girls on the other haha (except Runi and Siqi who choose between the two), everyone reading their updates and stuff in order. But it was just us, the 32nd Welco, sitting together, knowing deep inside that it was the last, but it won't be.
A year ago I was quite apprehensive about my new post as the Wet Weather/First Aid/Restitution I/C in Welco. I knew I'm like a wingless bird with regards to logistics and service, seriously, and my interests and probably even talents lie in jobs to do with livening the school spirit, or you know, something to the extent. But a year later today, I really sincerely thank God (I'm agnostic) for putting me in Welco. Though it took some time adjusting to jobs that I may not be completely familiar in, or even remotely interested in, I think it really got me out of my comfort zone, to seriously accept that life is not all that smooth, and sometimes you really just have to make the best out of whatever God gives you. And of course if I were sent to some other committee, I wouldn't have been as close to my buddies now like Gum, Xiao, Jiadi, Meat, Mindy, Jierong, Siqi, Runi and of course SHIT! Shit's really my most valuable buddy in HC, and one of my best friends (along with F5 of course though they don't really know each other), someone whom I can really confide in, someone to trust, someone to lean on when the work really gets in the way, and seriously, just someone there whom you know will always be there for you when you need someone. I know we will probably keep in touch (besides the rest of the 32nd, SACO and welco, of course) till we're old and hardly mobile, and that we will be there for each other till our 4As come to us!! I'm really thankful, for Welco, for such good friends, and for SACO (which is virtually a division of welco except with Paul and Calvin).
And I know, even though we've only spent one year together, it's as if it's been for a decade. And I know no matter where we go, such ties will not be broken.
Anyhow, our last GM was also our longest ever. We started at 2.45 pm and ended at 9.30pm, which means we actually sat through a 6 hour long meeting at least!!!! But it was good. We began with the usual standing comm updates, which ended very quickly because there was really nothing much to update about. Following which we had a marathon of videos, including the O1 video, the MAF Speedy video (I couldn't spot myself but Shit was really cute!! And Siqi had short hair hee!), Mindy and Steph's videos!! Mindy and Steph's videos featured us (Shit and I) posing as usual, which must have been a lovely sight!! HEE! Then of course came our LONG-AWAITED COUNCIL VIDEO!!!!!! I think response was not bad!!! Considering people laughed so loudly they couldn't really hear what the actors were saying haha! But they should get their own copy eventually, so no worries about that! It was quite a hassle filming the council video, and like I said in the previous entry, it couldn't have been done without the full co-operation of the rest of the council, which we REALLY REALLY appreciate considering it's totally ad-hoc and unofficial. And of course my darling poochie CALVIN CHIEW JING YE who transformed the disgusting footage into a professionally done video! WELL DONE!!! LOVE YOU MORE AGAIN! Hee!!
After the hilarious and seriously heart-warming videos, we started on our evaluation. I guess we were supposed to provide constructive criticism but to be honest besides minor boo-boos there weren't any fatal errors made. And in terms of council or committee dynamics everyone basically loves everyone, so no problems there. And for the exco and Steph everyone loves and respects them, especially Steph, so nothing much either. Perhaps one of the more memorable moments were when Mrs. Ang stepped out and spoke to us. She highlighted mainly our boo-boos, some characteristics of the councillors, and reminded us of how much we have to appreciate the teachers and the non-standing exco, which we fully agree. Mrs. Ang may not be the most popular teacher in the world, but what she says is really always very wise and insightful, and though some may wave her comments off as old-fashioned, if you really listen and think about it, they really are valid, and there are learning points in almost everything she says. And there are always different things to learn from different circumstances and different people every single day, so we should keep an open mind. I was quite touched too when she said that feel free to ask any of the council teachers for references and advice, and that they will hold a special briefing for us with regards to scholarships and overseas (or local?) university applications. Though the scholarships won't be applicable to me, but I think it'll still be very beneficial to us all. I guess though sometimes they may not show it, the teachers really do care about our welfare!!
Stepping down's next tue, but we have council worksession (haha!) on sat and Big Walk on Sunday.
Guess goodbye won't be for good at all!!
I love 32!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Video editing!
Just returned from Calvin's about an hour and a half ago. Was filming the very last scenes and helping edit the council video. Really quite tired physically and mentally from doing the video for the 32nd!! And it's not even going to be shown on invest!! But to me and shit it's like our gift to our beloved 32nd, so it really doesn't matter no matter how much energy it's gonna sap and how much effort it's gonna take.
We began filming thinking that councillors would be irritating and everything, considering how this video is really for our own rememberance and amusement, and not official at all, so we can't force councillors to comply and come down. Besides, everyone's really jaded by the one million cheering events, formals, GMs and etc, so we were expecting a whiny crowd and all haha.
But we were really touched to find that most of them actually really co-operated with us! We were really, really moved when Shushu and Yanyan bought us food when they saw that we were really tired from Thursday's filming. And when MonMon was completely compliant when we told her to do stupid scenes. And how gum, xiaoxiao, yvonne, runi and karin really came all the way down just for one scene and a few seconds in the video. How yeowch actually planned and took the initiative to tell us his plans for his scene. And Steph for doing the stupidest things that she'd never have done in her life. How people like Bobbert had to bear the brunt of our bad moods. Like from both of us, poor soul! And how Paul, Alice, Gloree and Gloria had to come down on two days to do different things because we didn't like the initial idea. And like Xun for lending us his house. Calvin, my sweetie pie poochie poo goochie goo whom I know doesn't read my blog cos he spends all his time sleeping, for editing the video of course. And really, really everyone for all your encouragement. All your little jiayous, like from Kailing and Mon and everyone else really gives us the energy to go on, and the motivation to carry on on our little project. How everyone really contributed whatever ideas they had, and took our very SACO directing very seriously. It's really quite amusing to watch them listen to us with rapt attention, HAHA! It's really really a blessing to have the 32nd, really.
And oh yea, we really, really tried our hardest and best, but so sorry about the unequal parts!!! Especially those who couldn't fit into our schedule or those parts that had to be taken out. We're REALLY sorry!!!!
We really hope the 32nd would enjoy the final product. Although it may not be very professionally done, a little sub-standard in fact (we ARE amatuers after all), and a very low-budgeted production (we spent a grand total of $2.90), but it really represents the vitality and boundless energy of our council.
I know we rock.
We began filming thinking that councillors would be irritating and everything, considering how this video is really for our own rememberance and amusement, and not official at all, so we can't force councillors to comply and come down. Besides, everyone's really jaded by the one million cheering events, formals, GMs and etc, so we were expecting a whiny crowd and all haha.
But we were really touched to find that most of them actually really co-operated with us! We were really, really moved when Shushu and Yanyan bought us food when they saw that we were really tired from Thursday's filming. And when MonMon was completely compliant when we told her to do stupid scenes. And how gum, xiaoxiao, yvonne, runi and karin really came all the way down just for one scene and a few seconds in the video. How yeowch actually planned and took the initiative to tell us his plans for his scene. And Steph for doing the stupidest things that she'd never have done in her life. How people like Bobbert had to bear the brunt of our bad moods. Like from both of us, poor soul! And how Paul, Alice, Gloree and Gloria had to come down on two days to do different things because we didn't like the initial idea. And like Xun for lending us his house. Calvin, my sweetie pie poochie poo goochie goo whom I know doesn't read my blog cos he spends all his time sleeping, for editing the video of course. And really, really everyone for all your encouragement. All your little jiayous, like from Kailing and Mon and everyone else really gives us the energy to go on, and the motivation to carry on on our little project. How everyone really contributed whatever ideas they had, and took our very SACO directing very seriously. It's really quite amusing to watch them listen to us with rapt attention, HAHA! It's really really a blessing to have the 32nd, really.
And oh yea, we really, really tried our hardest and best, but so sorry about the unequal parts!!! Especially those who couldn't fit into our schedule or those parts that had to be taken out. We're REALLY sorry!!!!
We really hope the 32nd would enjoy the final product. Although it may not be very professionally done, a little sub-standard in fact (we ARE amatuers after all), and a very low-budgeted production (we spent a grand total of $2.90), but it really represents the vitality and boundless energy of our council.
I know we rock.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Council Outing!
First Term Comm Chair Treat today!!!!
Will elaborate tomorrow, when I get the photos from gloree~~
The beginning of many, many 32nd treats and gatherings etc!! Can't wait!!!
Will grow fat from now!!
Fatter, I mean.
Will elaborate tomorrow, when I get the photos from gloree~~
The beginning of many, many 32nd treats and gatherings etc!! Can't wait!!!
Will grow fat from now!!
Fatter, I mean.
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