Well it's cliched and boring, but HAPPY CNY everyone!
It's the Year of the Dog and according to those old men who do the funny calulations I'm supposed to have a great year this year (I'm a rabbit), contrary to in 2005, so whoo! Bring it on!
Firstly, thanks to all who have commended on my latest choice of skin. It's gonna stay for a while because I'm too lazy to dig for any new ones, so too bad if you find it ugly.
For those who don't know/didn't know I went to Malaysia yesterday afternoon and just returned today. It was a normal trip, quite boring and without the normal perks that others get during their CNY, financially especially, but it's ok. I'm not in terrible need of money anyway, and my relatives aren't really loaded so I'm glad that they bothered to give me anything when I can't remember their names and vice versa. I was wearing old clothes (to busy to go get any) and feigning that they were new so that my conservative relatives wouldn't make a hill and cry about it. But thank goodness my uncle lent us his mahjong set, so we just played and played and played. I was losing all the way last night and winning all the way today, so despite my skepitcism about the whole good year bad year thing, I guess it works it some ways. I rented three movies too from videoez opposite my place to keep myself occupied.
It's already past Sunday, and I have approximately one and a half days left of my CNY holiday. Call me a mugger but I am so gonna at least attempt to catch up with my work. As much as I am enormously and immensely glad that O1 and CNY rocked my work has been left in shambles that passers-by can only throw pitying glances at. The amount of work and books to read that I have is literally in piles all over my room and table. It almost resembles debris. The kind that people have to dig through when a building falls. Maybe I should get a dog to retrieve my homework whenever I need something. Easier that way.
I have tons of math. Tons and tons and tons and tons. Is there a God/Goddess of Math I can pray to?
Happy CNY.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
YAY! It was Chinese New Year celebs today, and I must say it went pretty well! I'm dead tired and dying to watch my new rented movies but I'll blog about the more interesting trivia before I do so or I'll never get on with it.
Shit Stayover
Shit stayed the night at my place last night because I live a lot nearer to school than she does. I thought we'd never go to bed because we'd be too busy doing silly things and self amusing, but we were really too fatigued to do anything dumb, so we jumped into bed after our very late dinner. I read her the opening chapter of the book I was reading (Undomesticated Goddess by Sophie Kinsella, a bimbotic book, but a book, nevertheless) and we went drifting off into slumberland. But I did manage to growl at her before she fell asleep, which was pretty amusing. We fell into unconsciousness soon after.
We woke up at around 5.30a.m., much earlier than my usual time, but we felt well-rested and more awake than we had ever been for the past weeks, having slept 6 hours this time!! We went to school and did out own work, Shit with her general decor and all. I helped a little with the centrepiece, then met up with Sweetie Pie and practised the script with him. We then split our ways and changed into our costumes (which were pretty damn ugly I'd say) and Moley did my hair for me, because like Mr. Rem said since I was going to do it might as well do it all the way. For those who aren't from HC or who are idiots (i.e. ponned CNY) I have photos of what I looked like, will post them soon.
CNY Emcee-ing
For those who don't know I was the emcee for CNY this year, together with my Sweetie Pie and Mustard Seed Calvin Chiew. It was -ok- I thought, crowd was not very responsive but we expected it anyway, so ya I'm satisfied so far. I actually spoke a little in mandarin which is totally absurd because my spoken chinese is really horrible and I even had a little bit of HK accent (from unknown reasons). But working with Sweetie Pie was really fun albeit the unfortunate lack of chemistry haha!
Mass and Fac Dances
I guess it's pretty depressing, because it was our last time dancing mass dance as councillors in front of the rest of the school. I really enjoy mass dance, because once you know the steps, it's just up to you to play and make it fun for yourself! All my partners especially my long-suffering dance partner Yvonne should know that! Fac Dance was really good today (WE TIED WITH APOLLO TO WIN FIRST!!!) and I only made ONE MISTAKE (forgot to turn once) which is remarkable I think considering the amount of effort I put in! Well done Huiyan and Sua I'm immensely proud of you! But YES ARES ROCKS and well done to our fac head Dada too I love you!
SACO outing
Wasn't a full attendance today cos it was informal outing, so JR Mindy Karin Shit and I changed into our beautiful and very much missed sec school uni and headed to Orchard for lunch together. I must say we all look especially good in our old unis, even poor old JR in his old shorts,but well in comparison to the dreaded HC uni, even a dead tramp by the road looks better. JR and Mindy went off home and to the dentist respectively after lunch, while Karin Shit and I chatted till 6.30pm, though we all claimed we were super tired. It's great talking to SACO members-any one of them. We're just a bunch of people with great fate to gather and form such an organised unorganised organisation!
Looking forward to our SACO outing next Saturday!
In the meantime, I'll be going to M'sia tom. Boohoo. But will be back on Sunday, Can't wait to meet F5 on tue!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shit Stayover
Shit stayed the night at my place last night because I live a lot nearer to school than she does. I thought we'd never go to bed because we'd be too busy doing silly things and self amusing, but we were really too fatigued to do anything dumb, so we jumped into bed after our very late dinner. I read her the opening chapter of the book I was reading (Undomesticated Goddess by Sophie Kinsella, a bimbotic book, but a book, nevertheless) and we went drifting off into slumberland. But I did manage to growl at her before she fell asleep, which was pretty amusing. We fell into unconsciousness soon after.
We woke up at around 5.30a.m., much earlier than my usual time, but we felt well-rested and more awake than we had ever been for the past weeks, having slept 6 hours this time!! We went to school and did out own work, Shit with her general decor and all. I helped a little with the centrepiece, then met up with Sweetie Pie and practised the script with him. We then split our ways and changed into our costumes (which were pretty damn ugly I'd say) and Moley did my hair for me, because like Mr. Rem said since I was going to do it might as well do it all the way. For those who aren't from HC or who are idiots (i.e. ponned CNY) I have photos of what I looked like, will post them soon.
CNY Emcee-ing
For those who don't know I was the emcee for CNY this year, together with my Sweetie Pie and Mustard Seed Calvin Chiew. It was -ok- I thought, crowd was not very responsive but we expected it anyway, so ya I'm satisfied so far. I actually spoke a little in mandarin which is totally absurd because my spoken chinese is really horrible and I even had a little bit of HK accent (from unknown reasons). But working with Sweetie Pie was really fun albeit the unfortunate lack of chemistry haha!
Mass and Fac Dances
I guess it's pretty depressing, because it was our last time dancing mass dance as councillors in front of the rest of the school. I really enjoy mass dance, because once you know the steps, it's just up to you to play and make it fun for yourself! All my partners especially my long-suffering dance partner Yvonne should know that! Fac Dance was really good today (WE TIED WITH APOLLO TO WIN FIRST!!!) and I only made ONE MISTAKE (forgot to turn once) which is remarkable I think considering the amount of effort I put in! Well done Huiyan and Sua I'm immensely proud of you! But YES ARES ROCKS and well done to our fac head Dada too I love you!
SACO outing
Wasn't a full attendance today cos it was informal outing, so JR Mindy Karin Shit and I changed into our beautiful and very much missed sec school uni and headed to Orchard for lunch together. I must say we all look especially good in our old unis, even poor old JR in his old shorts,but well in comparison to the dreaded HC uni, even a dead tramp by the road looks better. JR and Mindy went off home and to the dentist respectively after lunch, while Karin Shit and I chatted till 6.30pm, though we all claimed we were super tired. It's great talking to SACO members-any one of them. We're just a bunch of people with great fate to gather and form such an organised unorganised organisation!
Looking forward to our SACO outing next Saturday!
In the meantime, I'll be going to M'sia tom. Boohoo. But will be back on Sunday, Can't wait to meet F5 on tue!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I'm doing quite a few things at the same time again. Typing this useless entry, doing my GP, chatting with xun and wankai, smsing shitty and worrying about my work:math test on Thur, Trap Rule tutorial (lagging like crap), Teahouse (which lies unmolested on my aching table), Econs TYS (lagging, as usual).
Going on to something more irrelevant to what I have been saying and perhaps myself as a person. Maybe it's true how not everyone may be suited for leadership positions, however large or small. But it's definitely incorrect to say that you're useless, even if you're just the tiniest pawn, or just helping out in your own little way. The past 7 months have been excellent, and I'm sure none of us will ever say you're not needed within us, because as you know life would never have been the same without you. Perhaps you might be upset that you THINK you haven't been able to contribute, but it's ok, because as long as you've tried your best, it's truly ok. We love you!
I'm looking forward to CNY on friday, cos we're going for our long-awaited SACO outing right after! WHOO!!! I really hope I don't screw up my emceeing, but thank God there'll be my sweetie pie Calvin who'll be there with me! Good luck to all of us!
Going on to something more irrelevant to what I have been saying and perhaps myself as a person. Maybe it's true how not everyone may be suited for leadership positions, however large or small. But it's definitely incorrect to say that you're useless, even if you're just the tiniest pawn, or just helping out in your own little way. The past 7 months have been excellent, and I'm sure none of us will ever say you're not needed within us, because as you know life would never have been the same without you. Perhaps you might be upset that you THINK you haven't been able to contribute, but it's ok, because as long as you've tried your best, it's truly ok. We love you!
I'm looking forward to CNY on friday, cos we're going for our long-awaited SACO outing right after! WHOO!!! I really hope I don't screw up my emceeing, but thank God there'll be my sweetie pie Calvin who'll be there with me! Good luck to all of us!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Audrey Hepburn

Behold, this is one face everyone should remember.
Audrey Hepburn.
Female Lead of 1960s classics, including Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's and My Fair Lady.
UNICEF's Goodwill Ambassador.
Face of the Century.
Perhaps the reason to why she's so captivating is her ignorance of her own charm.
- Someone I can't remember
Who says I can't appreciate her beauty, 12 years after her death?
The epitome of beauty, Wankai says.
God's very own piece of art. I'll bet He's proud of her.
Always remembering the little traces she's left in us.
Very intriguiging. Very attractive.
Audrey Hepburn.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
New Layout
New layout! The ironic thing is I haven't actually watched Memoirs of Geisha. I just like the way Zhang Ziyi and Michelle Yeoh and Gong Li looked in the film.
But xun says it's hard to read. Is it hard to read? And is her face slightly scary? If more than 4 people agree I'll change it then hahaha please tag your comments thank you!
Back to math now tata!
But xun says it's hard to read. Is it hard to read? And is her face slightly scary? If more than 4 people agree I'll change it then hahaha please tag your comments thank you!
Back to math now tata!
Everlasting Regret
I have finally, finally, finally got my hands on a rented copy of "Everlasting Regret" (DVD version). It's shameful how I still call myself an avid fan of Sammi's when I didn't even manage to catch the film while it was still in the theatre! Well, four months after its release, I've finally taken some time off and watched it.
And of course all who know me should know I prefer chick flicks i.e. shows that don't require much thinking and move at ultrafast rates. But I am mildly impressed by myself since I wasn't distracted or anything throughout the 2 hour film, and only got up once to get a drink three quarters into the film.
I shan't go into the story and plot and anything cos it'll get too draggy, but I feel it's a JOB WELL DONE Sammi I'm always so proud of her! Although she was a real slut in the show (she slept with three men, if I haven't miscounted, and they keep getting younger, the last being her daughter's classmate's boyfriend, who actually addressed her as "Auntie Wang" before sleeping with her like OMG!), I could tell she really put in 100%. Her Chinese is far from being perfect, in fact it's heavy with a HK accent, but you can definitely tell she's trying really hard. So all those critics can be evil and slam her down because of her mandarin, but I think this is truly a piece of work that Sammi and all those who love her to be proud of.
On a completely different and irrelevant note I was pretty disgusted by a particular video shop assistant while I was shopping at Causeway point today. The only thing I did was ask for Anita Mui's music and they just shot me weird looks like hey she's dead, why are you listening to her. So I was quite pissed off but they didn't have anything to offer anyway.
Like wth is there some rule around that you can't appreciate artistes above 30 or who have passed away? I mean, I do like female artistes like Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff and JLo (as Wankai will know about my secret fetishes for them and my obsessive need to watch their every chick flick) on a superficial level, but on a deeper level, I prefer people like SAMMI cheng, Anita Mui and Audrey Hepburn, who are so much more than what artistes now are. They were/are the true stars, those unreachable and unattainable. That's what I like about them.
Yawn. Sleep. Math tom (if I can bring myself to do it.)
And of course all who know me should know I prefer chick flicks i.e. shows that don't require much thinking and move at ultrafast rates. But I am mildly impressed by myself since I wasn't distracted or anything throughout the 2 hour film, and only got up once to get a drink three quarters into the film.
I shan't go into the story and plot and anything cos it'll get too draggy, but I feel it's a JOB WELL DONE Sammi I'm always so proud of her! Although she was a real slut in the show (she slept with three men, if I haven't miscounted, and they keep getting younger, the last being her daughter's classmate's boyfriend, who actually addressed her as "Auntie Wang" before sleeping with her like OMG!), I could tell she really put in 100%. Her Chinese is far from being perfect, in fact it's heavy with a HK accent, but you can definitely tell she's trying really hard. So all those critics can be evil and slam her down because of her mandarin, but I think this is truly a piece of work that Sammi and all those who love her to be proud of.
On a completely different and irrelevant note I was pretty disgusted by a particular video shop assistant while I was shopping at Causeway point today. The only thing I did was ask for Anita Mui's music and they just shot me weird looks like hey she's dead, why are you listening to her. So I was quite pissed off but they didn't have anything to offer anyway.
Like wth is there some rule around that you can't appreciate artistes above 30 or who have passed away? I mean, I do like female artistes like Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff and JLo (as Wankai will know about my secret fetishes for them and my obsessive need to watch their every chick flick) on a superficial level, but on a deeper level, I prefer people like SAMMI cheng, Anita Mui and Audrey Hepburn, who are so much more than what artistes now are. They were/are the true stars, those unreachable and unattainable. That's what I like about them.
Yawn. Sleep. Math tom (if I can bring myself to do it.)
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Lots of Things
Lots of Things to Blog, but no time
I have so many things to say, but no time. I'll compile a list here to serve as a reminder.
- WONDERFUL time everyone was super high
- My "relief" dance partner
- Shitty and I zi4 highing
2. CNY emceeing
3. My pile of Homework
OK shall leave it here I'll come back another day to elaborate!
I have so many things to say, but no time. I'll compile a list here to serve as a reminder.
- WONDERFUL time everyone was super high
- My "relief" dance partner
- Shitty and I zi4 highing
2. CNY emceeing
3. My pile of Homework
OK shall leave it here I'll come back another day to elaborate!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Last Day of O1
Oh my goodness it's going to be the last day of O1 tomorrow. Time really, really flies.
Contrary to popular belief (actually the belief of a certain classmate who does not own a tagboard HAHA), though I AM doing my work now despite missing lessons, exams are seriously not on my mind now.
Because of
We've been in and out of the rain every single day. In and out, collecting water for the waterbombs. In and out, clearing the canteen benches and tables. In and out, setting up the huge slippery slope. In and out, carrying the tarp here and there.
But we will not fall ill.
Perhaps God is testing us.
He knows we can do it!
But I don't feel fatigued. All I can feel is energy charged all over me! Every single cell is screaming in excitement!
And love for my council mates whom I'm sure love me too.
I sincerely pray God will be kind and grant us a sunny day after days of rain tomorrow for War Games and campfire.
But even if things do not go our way. We will make sure everyone has the greatest time.
Because we are
The 32nd.
Contrary to popular belief (actually the belief of a certain classmate who does not own a tagboard HAHA), though I AM doing my work now despite missing lessons, exams are seriously not on my mind now.
Because of
We've been in and out of the rain every single day. In and out, collecting water for the waterbombs. In and out, clearing the canteen benches and tables. In and out, setting up the huge slippery slope. In and out, carrying the tarp here and there.
But we will not fall ill.
Perhaps God is testing us.
He knows we can do it!
But I don't feel fatigued. All I can feel is energy charged all over me! Every single cell is screaming in excitement!
And love for my council mates whom I'm sure love me too.
I sincerely pray God will be kind and grant us a sunny day after days of rain tomorrow for War Games and campfire.
But even if things do not go our way. We will make sure everyone has the greatest time.
Because we are
The 32nd.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Long Post
Long Post
Many things to blog about today, mainly:
1. O1!!!! Which is still going on!
2. My new Lit teacher
3. OG 16
4. Cabbage Captain's Ball
5. 06A12
6. Random Acts with Wankai
O1 2006- Let's Jam!
Although we've only had TWO formals before O1 (haha, Jamie), I must say O1 has been terribly successful so far! I've heard tons of comments about how good O1 is and how much the J1s are having fun already, and there have been many people asking how they can join council! That is like how cool, we're actually influencing people (HAHA!)! Ang definitely wasn't kidding about how tiring it would be, and it's visible how fatigued the whole council really is when you step into the council room and see everyone stoning and staring into space instead of making noise or chatting like they normally do. We go to school every single day, even on Sats and Suns (to practise fac dance and fill water bombs).
It's been a really stressful period, especially for Jamie, who has to take charge of the entire O1, and be under the pressure of a screaming Ang. But she's been really brave, optimistic and filled with positive energy, never scolding anyone or getting mad even if people keep asking the dumbest questions. I know most of us are really in awe of your ability to hype up the crowd, and to motivate every single person to have fun in O1 (your famous "it's ok to be hot but not hot-tempered!") and to make it a success! You have every single one of us behind you Jamie jiayou! O1 rocks!
My New Lit Teacher
I never imagined I would be reading my lit text during the period of O1, but by the looks of it, I'd have to...my new teacher is ANG!!!!!! ARGH! I've heard she's always picking councillors out! Cos she knows us! And it's ok if she loves you like how she loves Calvin, Steph, Mindy etc, but she DOESN'T LIKE ME! Not sure why too, but can see it when she looks at me with pitying disgust. No wonder Adhuranti Roy's "God of Small Things" is lying silently in my bagpack.
OG 16 (3/1-6/1 so far)
A quiet bunch comprising of mostly NY and HC students (surprise surprise), my OG was surprisingly unhigh despite their very enthusiastic OGL. Maybe it's my fault that I neglected them (I didn't do a contact list or whatever like other OGLS did, neither did I write individual notes. We didn't even have an OG outing!), but they were horribly quiet most of the time! They had no questions, stared at me blankly when I asked them stuff, and only smiled mildly when we were playing games. It's pretty sad I feel that MY OG turned out to be like that, unlike Glori's OG1 which was like how incredibly enthusiastic about every single game! Oh well, I still hope every single one of them would do well in their new classes.
Cabbage Captain's Ball (5/1)
Shitty was supposed to be in charge of this game with me, but her uncle passed away, so she couldn't come to school, so I had to do this game alone. It was terribly frustrating because it is EXTREMELY difficult to look out for the score, see if there're any idiots playing rough, to look out for casualties and also to check to see if there's any foul play. It is absolutely insane and I almost went mad when there was this mix-up in score cos I couldn't remember! I wanted to slap those boys who almost screamed into my face that they had like what, one point higher than what I remembered? So lame! Boys are bastards. And there were some who complained about foul play but there was NO way I could keep my eye on so many things!!! Was a terrible time alone, but thank God Charmaine came over to help. I got a TERRIBLE sunburn and probably ten people who think I'm stupid or useless now.
06A12 (6/1)
I'm class councillor of 06A12, which incidentally is my junior class! They're not a fully LEP class, which is good cos it removes my pressure to speak publicly in mandarin! Sadly the class comprises of only people from four different schools, 5 RV, 8 HC, 3 Dunman and the rest all NANYANG. On the whole I think they're a pretty nice bunch, especially the boys, and they were pretty co-operative during the icebreakers, albeit the lack of suitable enthusiasm, but it was ok. I hope they'd bond further and form a very, very loud and vivacious A12, but I doubt that'd happen because of the extremely Chinese nature of their schools. Somehow only people from English schools tend to be more lively, enthusiastic and outspoken in an unirritating way in nature. But it's good, at least they come from the same Chinese-y background, so they probably can communicate more! It helps a lot, cos I realise I stick to SC and RG girls very much more than NY. Personal experience. But YAY 06A12 you rock and thanks for looking happy when I ke bah bahed you all!!!
Random Acts with Wankai (6/1)
Was very, very weird today! After senior-meet-junior session, WK and I walked together to the busstop, but when her bus arrived, we just decided we'd go to KAP for a while. Then when we reached there we just decided on the spot that we'd have dinner together. Then after dinner at Mac's I didn't feel like going home cos it was only 5, so we went to Westmall to choose a movie! But thank goodness Wallace and Gromit: The Attack of the Were Rabbit was showing, so we just bought tickets and went in! It was so random! I very seldom do random things, since every single event is so carefully planned out, so it was terribly exciting and fun to be so spontaneous with Wankai! WAG:TAOFWR was so FUNNY OMG!!!!!!!!! But because there were only so few people in the audience I could hear our laughs (ok mainly mine since WK only does a light chuckle) reverberate in the theatre!!!! But well done it was SUCH a marvellous show!!!!!!! Super lame and random too to suit the mood! YAY I love WANKAI! We should do this more often!
And ok this has been a very long entry about what has happened the past week! And I've got to run off to school now! Tata!
Many things to blog about today, mainly:
1. O1!!!! Which is still going on!
2. My new Lit teacher
3. OG 16
4. Cabbage Captain's Ball
5. 06A12
6. Random Acts with Wankai
O1 2006- Let's Jam!
Although we've only had TWO formals before O1 (haha, Jamie), I must say O1 has been terribly successful so far! I've heard tons of comments about how good O1 is and how much the J1s are having fun already, and there have been many people asking how they can join council! That is like how cool, we're actually influencing people (HAHA!)! Ang definitely wasn't kidding about how tiring it would be, and it's visible how fatigued the whole council really is when you step into the council room and see everyone stoning and staring into space instead of making noise or chatting like they normally do. We go to school every single day, even on Sats and Suns (to practise fac dance and fill water bombs).
It's been a really stressful period, especially for Jamie, who has to take charge of the entire O1, and be under the pressure of a screaming Ang. But she's been really brave, optimistic and filled with positive energy, never scolding anyone or getting mad even if people keep asking the dumbest questions. I know most of us are really in awe of your ability to hype up the crowd, and to motivate every single person to have fun in O1 (your famous "it's ok to be hot but not hot-tempered!") and to make it a success! You have every single one of us behind you Jamie jiayou! O1 rocks!
My New Lit Teacher
I never imagined I would be reading my lit text during the period of O1, but by the looks of it, I'd have to...my new teacher is ANG!!!!!! ARGH! I've heard she's always picking councillors out! Cos she knows us! And it's ok if she loves you like how she loves Calvin, Steph, Mindy etc, but she DOESN'T LIKE ME! Not sure why too, but can see it when she looks at me with pitying disgust. No wonder Adhuranti Roy's "God of Small Things" is lying silently in my bagpack.
OG 16 (3/1-6/1 so far)
A quiet bunch comprising of mostly NY and HC students (surprise surprise), my OG was surprisingly unhigh despite their very enthusiastic OGL. Maybe it's my fault that I neglected them (I didn't do a contact list or whatever like other OGLS did, neither did I write individual notes. We didn't even have an OG outing!), but they were horribly quiet most of the time! They had no questions, stared at me blankly when I asked them stuff, and only smiled mildly when we were playing games. It's pretty sad I feel that MY OG turned out to be like that, unlike Glori's OG1 which was like how incredibly enthusiastic about every single game! Oh well, I still hope every single one of them would do well in their new classes.
Cabbage Captain's Ball (5/1)
Shitty was supposed to be in charge of this game with me, but her uncle passed away, so she couldn't come to school, so I had to do this game alone. It was terribly frustrating because it is EXTREMELY difficult to look out for the score, see if there're any idiots playing rough, to look out for casualties and also to check to see if there's any foul play. It is absolutely insane and I almost went mad when there was this mix-up in score cos I couldn't remember! I wanted to slap those boys who almost screamed into my face that they had like what, one point higher than what I remembered? So lame! Boys are bastards. And there were some who complained about foul play but there was NO way I could keep my eye on so many things!!! Was a terrible time alone, but thank God Charmaine came over to help. I got a TERRIBLE sunburn and probably ten people who think I'm stupid or useless now.
06A12 (6/1)
I'm class councillor of 06A12, which incidentally is my junior class! They're not a fully LEP class, which is good cos it removes my pressure to speak publicly in mandarin! Sadly the class comprises of only people from four different schools, 5 RV, 8 HC, 3 Dunman and the rest all NANYANG. On the whole I think they're a pretty nice bunch, especially the boys, and they were pretty co-operative during the icebreakers, albeit the lack of suitable enthusiasm, but it was ok. I hope they'd bond further and form a very, very loud and vivacious A12, but I doubt that'd happen because of the extremely Chinese nature of their schools. Somehow only people from English schools tend to be more lively, enthusiastic and outspoken in an unirritating way in nature. But it's good, at least they come from the same Chinese-y background, so they probably can communicate more! It helps a lot, cos I realise I stick to SC and RG girls very much more than NY. Personal experience. But YAY 06A12 you rock and thanks for looking happy when I ke bah bahed you all!!!
Random Acts with Wankai (6/1)
Was very, very weird today! After senior-meet-junior session, WK and I walked together to the busstop, but when her bus arrived, we just decided we'd go to KAP for a while. Then when we reached there we just decided on the spot that we'd have dinner together. Then after dinner at Mac's I didn't feel like going home cos it was only 5, so we went to Westmall to choose a movie! But thank goodness Wallace and Gromit: The Attack of the Were Rabbit was showing, so we just bought tickets and went in! It was so random! I very seldom do random things, since every single event is so carefully planned out, so it was terribly exciting and fun to be so spontaneous with Wankai! WAG:TAOFWR was so FUNNY OMG!!!!!!!!! But because there were only so few people in the audience I could hear our laughs (ok mainly mine since WK only does a light chuckle) reverberate in the theatre!!!! But well done it was SUCH a marvellous show!!!!!!! Super lame and random too to suit the mood! YAY I love WANKAI! We should do this more often!
And ok this has been a very long entry about what has happened the past week! And I've got to run off to school now! Tata!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
First Day of 2006
32nd HCSC
OK I realised the whole of the last entry sounds so negative, and reading Shitty's entry made me feel worse! Yes indeed I'm a pretty optimistic person, and I don't know what happened to the entry yesterday!
It's true that there's a lot in this world I have to be thankful for, as everyone should know, the people I treasure, F5, IBF (yes see you again), SACO and all. But I realised, after reading Shit's entry, I've forgotten to thank the 32nd HCSC!
HCSC. The best thing that has happened to me this year!! This is the first of the many years that I'm expecting to spend with the 32nd HCSC. How can I forget these other 43 people who have made my life in HC worthwhile and something to look forward to? Though WS may be so shitty (sorry shiqi) sometimes, so horribly tiring and mundane even, but I'm so glad that the 32nd is such a happy and optimistic bunch of people that I look forward to seeing the councillors every single day! Suddenly going to school is a happy thing, and I'm even willing to come back on Sats just to help out!
I'm sure most of us were very concerned when we saw how split and unhappy some of the 31st councillors were. They didn't hate each other or anything, but there was a little bit of animosity actually. But I'm proud to say that the 32nd is a very, very well-bonded council. While there may be some people here and there that you may not be able to love with your heart and soul, it is true that we are at least talking, and are casual friends at the very least.
We have 5 months or so before the end of the term, and though it's still some time before that day where we step down and hand our duties to the 33rd HCSC, I must say I'll miss every single one of you. I don't know how we're all going to have to adapt after stepping down, like to stop visiting the council room whenever we are free, to spend more time with our class rather than council, to see each other only on an irregular basis. This sounds terrible! And I hope the time never comes!
I'd like to thank all of you, who have made my days in HC so memorable and worthwhile, who have made my decision to stay in HC seem to me like the correct one now. I sincerely thank God for every single one of you, especially my
1.Other Half Shit -my new very close friend, whom I absolutely trust in. Thanks for telling me you love me too, and listening to me when I have things to confide in. And also for trusting me with your secrets!
2.Other Half's wife Paul(ine) -Thanks for being so supportive and witty, for being the only person who can catch up in terms of teasing people!
3. Sweetie Pie Calvin -For helping me with my lit and PW, and just for being part of SACO and entertaining me
4.IBF Xun -for allowing me to confide in you, for telling me about yourself and for listening to me, for being my FIRST male bo...BEST friend HAHAHA and for entertaining my nonsense
5.MOLEY Zeying -For being my ever faithful horse whom I can have fun with and who just brightens up my day by laughing at my jokes!!!and for being the best going-home partner!!!
6. Sac$ Mindy-for trusting me, and helping me in math! and confiding in me!
7.SacDarling Jierong -for being a very good friend, and someone whom is willing to help me as and when
and MANY more!
I still remember the time when I ran for Song I/C and didn't get it, and was put in Welco instead. I was pretty upset for several hours I think, but now that we're all in Welco together, I know that Welco is MY comm, and no one can take us out of it! It's where I belong, absolutely, where I can still make a contribution, and where everyone loves everyone without having to say it out loud.
Maybe it's true that God has His plans for us, because when people ask why I chose to stay on in HC, being so unhappy and all during the first three months, I really cannot answer. But what I CAN say is, thank thank thank THANK GOD I stayed.
I've made so many friends in the 32nd whom I know will walk with me till beyond my school years. These are people whom I know I can trust, and are people I can speak to comfortably.
I'm sure even as we step down in 5 months, and we stop going for work sessions, stop meeting each other more than we see our family, stop laughing together, the 32nd will always be one great big family.
I Love you all 32nd! Thank you so, so, so much!
OK I realised the whole of the last entry sounds so negative, and reading Shitty's entry made me feel worse! Yes indeed I'm a pretty optimistic person, and I don't know what happened to the entry yesterday!
It's true that there's a lot in this world I have to be thankful for, as everyone should know, the people I treasure, F5, IBF (yes see you again), SACO and all. But I realised, after reading Shit's entry, I've forgotten to thank the 32nd HCSC!
HCSC. The best thing that has happened to me this year!! This is the first of the many years that I'm expecting to spend with the 32nd HCSC. How can I forget these other 43 people who have made my life in HC worthwhile and something to look forward to? Though WS may be so shitty (sorry shiqi) sometimes, so horribly tiring and mundane even, but I'm so glad that the 32nd is such a happy and optimistic bunch of people that I look forward to seeing the councillors every single day! Suddenly going to school is a happy thing, and I'm even willing to come back on Sats just to help out!
I'm sure most of us were very concerned when we saw how split and unhappy some of the 31st councillors were. They didn't hate each other or anything, but there was a little bit of animosity actually. But I'm proud to say that the 32nd is a very, very well-bonded council. While there may be some people here and there that you may not be able to love with your heart and soul, it is true that we are at least talking, and are casual friends at the very least.
We have 5 months or so before the end of the term, and though it's still some time before that day where we step down and hand our duties to the 33rd HCSC, I must say I'll miss every single one of you. I don't know how we're all going to have to adapt after stepping down, like to stop visiting the council room whenever we are free, to spend more time with our class rather than council, to see each other only on an irregular basis. This sounds terrible! And I hope the time never comes!
I'd like to thank all of you, who have made my days in HC so memorable and worthwhile, who have made my decision to stay in HC seem to me like the correct one now. I sincerely thank God for every single one of you, especially my
1.Other Half Shit -my new very close friend, whom I absolutely trust in. Thanks for telling me you love me too, and listening to me when I have things to confide in. And also for trusting me with your secrets!
2.Other Half's wife Paul(ine) -Thanks for being so supportive and witty, for being the only person who can catch up in terms of teasing people!
3. Sweetie Pie Calvin -For helping me with my lit and PW, and just for being part of SACO and entertaining me
4.IBF Xun -for allowing me to confide in you, for telling me about yourself and for listening to me, for being my FIRST male bo...BEST friend HAHAHA and for entertaining my nonsense
5.MOLEY Zeying -For being my ever faithful horse whom I can have fun with and who just brightens up my day by laughing at my jokes!!!and for being the best going-home partner!!!
6. Sac$ Mindy-for trusting me, and helping me in math! and confiding in me!
7.SacDarling Jierong -for being a very good friend, and someone whom is willing to help me as and when
and MANY more!
I still remember the time when I ran for Song I/C and didn't get it, and was put in Welco instead. I was pretty upset for several hours I think, but now that we're all in Welco together, I know that Welco is MY comm, and no one can take us out of it! It's where I belong, absolutely, where I can still make a contribution, and where everyone loves everyone without having to say it out loud.
Maybe it's true that God has His plans for us, because when people ask why I chose to stay on in HC, being so unhappy and all during the first three months, I really cannot answer. But what I CAN say is, thank thank thank THANK GOD I stayed.
I've made so many friends in the 32nd whom I know will walk with me till beyond my school years. These are people whom I know I can trust, and are people I can speak to comfortably.
I'm sure even as we step down in 5 months, and we stop going for work sessions, stop meeting each other more than we see our family, stop laughing together, the 32nd will always be one great big family.
I Love you all 32nd! Thank you so, so, so much!
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