Tuesday, January 09, 2007

10 things

10 things you need to lug around everywhere you go as a "news correspondent"
1. At least 1 working pen
2. A "reporter's shorthand notebook" (specifically)
3. A UV-Ray blocking and Rain-Shielding i.e. Multi-purpose Umbrella (V. V. Important!!)
4. Cellphone (duh)
5. An ez-link card with a lot of money
6. Tissue for wiping sweat and rain
7. A working camera (because photogs can't always follow you around)
8. A jacket (V. V. Important for hiding in the freezing office, rainy days and for shielding camera if from tabloid)
9. Work Pass, for DEE-ing in and out of every single freaking door in the centre (which is acty damn fun to do HAHA!).
10. Extra socks especially when it's raining because you might have to trek around in water-logged areas and mud.

NOW you know why I had to buy the huge Warehouse bag and lug it everywhere!!

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